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Murder Your Son and then Say "Oh Well"
posted by Matt on 06:15 PM June 12th, 2005
Domestic Violence Miletus Prime writes "This story was posted on the yahoo home page under the "In the News" section. The title was "Mother Explains Fatal Pit Bull Mauling". Notice the reporter simply accepts what the Mother says as the "Explantion" Imagine what would happen if a father locked his 12 year daughter in the basement with a hostile male pit bull and a female pit bull in heat. Imagine that the father then propped the door shut with a shovel. Imagine that the father left the house to run some errands. The mother simply writes off the incident by saying that it was just her son's time to go. The reprter apparently buys it."

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Single Mom Abuse Syndrome (Score:2)
by Luek on 08:44 PM June 12th, 2005 EST (#1)
I am assuming by the way this article is written that this is a single mother household. The statistics prove that one of the most dangerous places for underage children to be, especially boys is in a single mom household.

The callousness of this woman over her son's brutal death is unbelievable! Just locking a child in a basement alone so you can run errands is cruel and inhuman. Why didn't she lock the damn dogs in the basement?

The cops shot the wrong bitch!
Re:Single Mom Abuse Syndrome (Score:1)
by SacredNaCl on 02:52 AM June 13th, 2005 EST (#3)
I have a hard time buying her story as well, and even if its true - its pretty worrisome to be using a shovel to imprison your child in a basement. I really hope the police and prosecutors are looking into this more closely, if not, they sure need to.

Freedom Is Merely Privilege Extended Unless Enjoyed By One & All.
Teaser Needs Editing (Score:1)
by Acksiom on 12:47 AM June 13th, 2005 EST (#2)
Please correct the errors.
Re:Teaser Needs Editing (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 04:17 PM June 13th, 2005 EST (#7)
The story does not say the child was not locked in the basement with the pit bulls but then again he may not have been locked in the basement at all. The mother's word that she put the child in the basement and blocked it with a shovel (to protect him)is all we have to go by and that apparently is enough for everyone. Raise your hand if you think that would be enough if a father did anything remotetly similar to his daughter. For all we know the mother did lock her son in the basement with the pitbulls and blocked the door with a shovel. The kid could have forced his way out after he recieved the fatal wounds and expired in one of the bedrooms were his body was found. That seems to be a more plausable explanation as to why the kid did not stay in the basement. Notice the mother's comments about her dead son not staying in the basement as she told him to "Typical Nicky, he wouldn't listen to me" Sounds like she really misses her son doesn't it?

Even if she didn't lock her son in the basement with the pit bulls isn't she still responsible? If an employer did not ensure that his employees were in a safe environment wouldn't that employer be found liable for the deaths of his employees?

I was told of a news show that a friend of mine saw where a man who owned several large dogs and kept them at his girlfriends house was put in jail after his girlfriend's daughter and another girl was mauled to death by those dogs. The girlfriend who was taking care of the dogs left the two children alone in the home and when she returned found them dead. The boyfriend was held responsible.

Who is holding this woman responsible? She obviously feels no connection to responsibility. She blames her son and she blames her dog and the story says "she felt compelled to call the Chronicle Saturday to defend herself against widespread public outrage directed at families with children who own pit bulls." Note that the "widespread public outrage" is not towrds her, it is towards "families with children who own pit bulls."

Holes in her story (Score:2)
by HombreVIII on 09:27 AM June 13th, 2005 EST (#4)
These should be pretty obvious, but...

1. If she knew the pit bulls were a serious threat ahead of time, why didn't she get rid of them?
2. As others have mentioned, why would she lock the boy up instead of the dogs?
3. Why didn't she take action to sufficiently stop the boy from leaving the basement? Apparently she knew he would try, that's why should propped the door with a shovel, but what 12 year old isn't going to be able to figure out how to open the door anyway?

Re:Holes in her story (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 11:39 AM June 13th, 2005 EST (#5)
Hmm.. I had assumed that she had put him in the basement with the female dog and left the male upstairs.

But even that...

Not sure why they think the male dog did it either. And if he did, why did they kill they destroy the female dog, and not the male.

Real Deal (Score:1)
by Hunchback on 12:26 PM June 13th, 2005 EST (#6)
The story is riddled with holes:

First, it makes one wonder what kind of "errands" she had to run that were so private that she couldn't take her 12-year-old son along. Afternoon booty call? Drug deal? Definitely something illegal or illicit. After all, I'm sure her son could keep up with her.

Second, as has been said before, why not the dogs in the cellar? If the bitch (canine) was in heat, I'm sure neither dog would try to escape. She was obviously trying to imprison the boy, probably to avoid being followed.

Last, she didn't seem especially upset about the whole incident. Most mothers would have been hysterical—or at least tried to fake it. A dollar gets you ten that in week, two tops, she'll have some bad boy shacking up with her.

Man, if the cops let this slide, I just don't know.

Blame... (Score:1)
by scarbo3 on 05:04 PM June 13th, 2005 EST (#8)
You all missed this one:

"Typical Nicky, he wouldn't listen to me."

She can't even accept responsibility, she tried to pin the blame on the poor little kid.
Re:Blame... (Score:1)
by khankrumthebulgar on 03:26 PM June 20th, 2005 EST (#9)
Feed this Beotch to the Crocs. Time to thin the Herd. This passes for a Mother. Just like the psycho Beotch in Plano that cut off the arms of her 8 month old baby girl. Honest to God I don't know how Police do it. I would summarily excute the witch on the spot. Why do we continue to tolerate Monsters like this Woman? When did it become okay to feed our children to animals and tolerate Scum like this Woman? Our culture is so debased that we have become Ancient Rome only the Woman instead of the Men are in charge.
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