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USA Today Says Boys are Behind in Education
posted by Matt on 04:11 PM May 18th, 2005
Boys/Young Men Anonymous User writes "It is refreshing to see this story. Too bad the rest of the media are dragging their heels."

Schiavo Redux? | Youngster Made Up Rape Story  >

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Copy this (Score:1)
by Gang-banged on 08:14 PM May 18th, 2005 EST (#1)
(User #1714 Info)
Over the last year, I have personally donated Free copies of varied books (including The War Against Boys, by Christina Hoff Sommers) to countless journalist, TV presenters and many a Law College . . . sadly, the spin-off may be a long time coming - but a start has to be made somewhere !
the year 2018 (Score:1)
by cmdr iceman on 06:35 AM May 19th, 2005 EST (#2)
Yeah but in my opinion that was a half-ass written article because while they acknowleged that boys are being neglected in the classrooms they pirouetted around the real reasons why this is happening (feminists dominate the educational system and their teaching methods favor the female)and what the long term implications are for society (women will be forced to run things because they hold the majority of the degrees).

I cannot wait until the year 2018 because that's when all that neglect is going to catch up with the feminists educators who discriminated against boys in their classrooms. Their precious little girls by then will be ready drop out of the workforce to settle down and start a family. The problem is women still expect and desire men to be the primary breadwinners but there will only be a scant few men in which to choose from in that stratum. They will either have to "slum it" (as i have heard it refered to) and marry a man who doesnt earn as much thereby foregoing the luxury of dropping out of the workforce or become an ignominious "baby mamma" or tacitly share a husband or goto a sperm bank.

Cmdr Iceman
"The only truth in this world...is that there is no truth, only perception and that which one can manipulate."
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