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Female crime and punishment (?)
posted by Matt on 06:51 PM March 23rd, 2005
Inequality Linucs writes "From the BBC: "As the prison population rises, more and more women are being locked up. Critics, however, believe women offenders should be treated differently from men and now the government has outlined plans to build female rehabilitation centres as an alternative to jail."

Get this one:

"For instance, they claim that half of women prisoners - far more than men - have suffered physical, sexual or mental abuse."

I guess that men who suffered physical, sexual or mental abuse as kids should just rot in jail, right?"

Men's Rights March in Mexico | The Latest on "The Rantings"  >

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More "poor dearism" in action (Score:1)
by mcc99 on 06:58 PM March 23rd, 2005 EST (#1)
"The first of its kind in the UK when set up last year, it advises offenders on housing, childcare, benefits, drug use, interpersonal communications and self-esteem. The women are usually convicted of non-violent crimes, but some have attempted murder under provocation."

Unbelievable. Women commit crimes and get advice on *benefits*??!!! Meanwhile, men get gang-raped both in jail and by "the system".
Re:More "poor dearism" in action (Score:1)
by bukowski on 08:30 PM March 23rd, 2005 EST (#2)
"but some have attempted murder under provocation"

A guy could never get away with saying he hit a woman "under provocation".

From what I've been told the common man's life who is in, or has been to prison, hasbeen a trajectory of abuse and hardship.

It is a funny thing, the left I mean. They say oppressed peoples actions aren't put into "Context" by those who have more power. Without this context they are seen as sex crazed, lazy, crazy, stupid, evil and on and on.

Women's actions are not only put into some sort of context by those in power, but that they will go far out of rational bounds to put any and all women's actions into a context of victimhood.

If women are oppressed by the patriarchy, then why is it, that the patriarchy doesn't want women to be locked up in prisons? Why are almost all of their actions put into some sort of context to keep them from punishment, often by blaming men, and even the patriarchy?

No other ruling class has ever acted in this way toward their subjects. It is an odd "oppression" that women face.

Re:More "poor dearism" in action (Score:1)
by scudsucker on 09:45 PM March 24th, 2005 EST (#12)
It is a funny thing, the left I mean. They say oppressed peoples actions aren't put into "Context" by those who have more power.

Yeah? Like who, and in what "context" are you talking about.

I should write a liberal-complaint generator. All you have to do is put in your cause, whatever economic/social issue/tropical storm of your choice, insert the name of a random politician, bitching about how liberal they are, and you're set. You can have your bitching and give up all pretenses of rational or independant thought.

"...show young men an ideal of manhood that respects women and rejects violence" George W. Bush - Republican 2005

Re:More "poor dearism" in action (Score:1)
by bukowski on 11:36 PM March 24th, 2005 EST (#14)
"Yeah? Like who, and in what "context" are you talking about.

I should write a liberal-complaint generator."

You don't even know who or what I am, politically speaking. Or what I am for and against, economically speaking.

" All you have to do is put in your cause, whatever economic/social issue/tropical storm of your choice, insert the name of a random politician, bitching about how liberal they are, and you're set. You can have your bitching and give up all pretenses of rational or independant thought."

Considering that you just gave me an ignorant rant you are the one who gave "up all pretenses of rational or independnet thought".

The "context" would be the circumstances which helped create the choices some people make whether they be good or bad. This is would be the "environment", politically, socially, and most especially economically.

Let me see if I can break this down for you.

I said, "From what I've been told the common man's life who is in, or has been to prison, hasbeen a trajectory of abuse and hardship."

In a very simple way I have brought in the conext of MEN's lives that are in, or have been to prison, and what led up to that. Which is usually hardships and abuse. Abuse as children and hardships from their economic status growing up.

Then I said, "It is a funny thing, the left I mean. They say oppressed peoples actions aren't put into "Context" by those who have more power. Without this context they are seen as sex crazed, lazy, crazy, stupid, evil and on and on."

The left, which usually sees the world through feminist lenses these days, puts women's actions into some sort of societal/economic context, but not for men.

This is shown by the fact that even though men make up more than 90% of those in prison, it is women who get the attention, and it is women who are given conext to their anti-social actions. This keeps women out of prison, especially, since chivalry already does this for women.

Since people concentrate on the social/economic conext for the very small minority in prison, women, it is denying any social context for the men. As if men are just brute jerks who commit crimes because of their genes or from some other innate reason of benig male.

Men are inherently guilty because men don't have any context for their, preceived, or real, anti-social actions.

And because of this it is politically correct to think of men as brutes, thugs, rapists, killers, untrustworthy, sex crazed, deadbeats, etc.

Women's actions are almost ALWAYS given some sort of context for their actions. Even to the point of bending rationality to never let it admitted that women have a dark side just as men do.

I am not talking about just Liberals. But all of the left in general. I am not a part of the right either.

In this thread I have specifically targeted the left because they are being HYPOCRITES in not giving men conext for their actions, and bending over backwards for women. Even when it is an area where men are way more disadvantaged such as prison sentencing.

"You can have your bitching and give up all pretenses of rational or independant thought."

Who's the one "bitching" here exactly?

Do you understand the left's emphasis on oppression and the environment>?

The environment, they say, we are basically products of.

They say much of people's--what some may call--- "anti-social" actions are caused by the environment they live in.

The oppressed, they say, are not given the "Context" to their "anti-social" actions. Which would be the social and economic environment.

Since they are not given such "context" they can then be blamed for all the bad things they may do, or perceived, to do.

Women are given context. Men aren't.

I never attacked or said one thing about liberals, any politician, or you. I was using the left's own arguments and analysis and applying it to men and showing how they don't do so. So what I was saying wasn't even an argument, or attack against the leftist ideology.
Just showing how men are not treated egalitarian by those who claim to be egalitarians.

Re:More "poor dearism" in action (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 09:35 AM March 25th, 2005 EST (#15)
"Women are given context. Men aren't."
            Physical, mental, or verbal assault can ALWAYS be justified if the victim is male and the perpetrator is female, irrespective of the circumstances of the assault.
              Physical, mental or verbal assault can NEVER be justified if the victim is female and the perpetrator is male, irrespective of the circumstances of the assault.
              This is one of most important principles in any feminazified society and this principle now over-rides any former concepts of equality.
The Numbers Racket (again) (Score:1)
by Uberganger on 09:40 AM March 24th, 2005 EST (#3)
Gee, half of women suffer abuse in prison - a higher rate than men. They must have it really bad. But hang on just a cotton-pickin' minute. In the UK there are some 4,600 women in prison, and about 70,000 men. So, if half of the women prisoners are having a bad time, that's 2,300. Now, if just 5% of male prisoners were being abused that'd be about 3,500. You see how much fun you can have by using percentages rather than absolute numbers?

If you don't believe me, check out this article http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/health/405259.stm. The first paragraph reads:

"Two fifths of women prisoners and a fifth of male prisoners in England and Wales have attempted suicide, according to official statistics."

Gosh, those women have it bad, don't they? But remember those stats? 4,600 women in prison, 70,000 men. Two thirds of 4,600 is about 3,000 but one third of 70,000 is about 23,000. So in truth (some of you older folks will remember what that was), there were nearly eight times as many men trying to kill themselves in prison as there were women doing so. Golly!

Just to fininsh on a complete tangent I'd like to say something. I used to be a regular reader and poster to this site, but I haven't been around for a while (I wasn't in prison, by the way). Coming back to this site after about a year away from it, it seems to me that everyone's understanding of things has gone up a notch (or maybe several notches). I've been quite impressed by some of the intelligent things people are saying. It's progress, and it's good.
Re:The Numbers Racket (again) (Score:1)
by Uberganger on 09:46 AM March 24th, 2005 EST (#4)
Hands up anyone who doesn't know his fifths from his thirds? Uberganger, why isn't your hand up?! Well anyway, you know what I mean. Two fifths of 4,600 is 1,840 and one fifth of 70,000 is 14,000. The latter is still nearly eight times the former. Honestly, I'm so bad with figures I could pass as a feminist!
Re:The Numbers Racket (again) (Score:2)
by AngryMan (end_misandryNOSPAM@yahoo.co.uk) on 10:58 AM March 24th, 2005 EST (#7)
In the UK there are some 4,600 women in prison, and about 70,000 men

Yes, but the difference is that the men deserve to be in prison, whereas the women don't!

Feminism will continue as long as there is money to be made from hating men.
Re:The Numbers Racket (again) (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 11:56 AM March 24th, 2005 EST (#8)
"Gee, half of women suffer abuse in prison - a higher rate than men."
            But, of course, abuse as it applies to women is very different from abuse as it applies to men. Thus,eg, if she has to make do with an ordinary TV instead of a plasma TV in her "cell", she is actually suffering horrendous abuse. Indeed, the feminists would probably classify it as some form of rape."Two fifths of women prisoners and a fifth of male prisoners in England and Wales have attempted suicide, according to official statistics."

Re:The Numbers Racket (again) (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 12:04 PM March 24th, 2005 EST (#9)
."Two fifths of women prisoners and a fifth of
male prisoners in England and Wales have attempted suicide, according to official statistics."
                But we must remember that if a woman takes 2 paracetamol tablets, this is classified as a suicide attempt.
(as you see, I accidentally pushed submit post during previous post)

Re:The Numbers Racket (again) (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 03:12 PM March 25th, 2005 EST (#16)
I was about to make a similar point. In the general population, women attempt suicide at a rate four times higher than men. However, men succeed at suicide at a rate four times that of women. That is to say that a woman's suicide attempt is far far more likely to be an attention-seeking strategy than a man's.

Wonder what this would look like if they showed the rates of completed suicides rather than attempted.

Victimology gone wild (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 09:54 AM March 24th, 2005 EST (#5)
Today women get lesser sentences than men do for every type of crime. It is easily been proven by any statistic on this matter, yet the ACLU and other "watchdog" org's do not care...

You see, feminism states that each and every man despite his circumstances is a member of a privileaged class, and if he does a crime it is because he is innately evil. If a woman does a crime she is of a victim class by birth-right and any crime is because some patriarchal environment forced her to do so.

The feminist hate policies are spreading across the world as the feminist socialist propaganda machine gets enforcement from governments seeking to corrupt individual/civil rights.

Control all men via feminist hate policies, and governments end up with more power.
Wheeeeeeee Haaaaaaaaa!!!!! (Score:2)
by ArtflDgr on 10:46 AM March 24th, 2005 EST (#6)
this will save so much money!!! by making prisons obsolete for women as well as cut back on police costs in going after perpetrators... do you really think the police will persue a woman if the sentence is shit? they will get demoralized... of course...

this is great news!!!! I am all for it...

i figure since its all going to shit might as well enjoy the ride....

weeeee haaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Strange lot these women (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 12:44 PM March 24th, 2005 EST (#10)
Can't fight on the frontline. Need special rights ie shortlists to become MPs and when they get to parliament they can't handle the hours. Need special needs and affirmative action to get into the boardroom. Need their crimes to be rewarded by being pampered to death.

And claim they are not being treated equally. At least they got one thing right!
Re:Strange lot these women (Score:2)
by Raymond Cuttill on 08:02 PM March 25th, 2005 EST (#17)
Perhaps one day the men's movement will give them the one thing they don't want. Equality.
Bah! (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 01:50 PM March 24th, 2005 EST (#11)

Fairweather feminists!

This once again proves my thesis; feminism is not principally a movement towards equality, but principally a movement to enshrine traditional and sexist notions of chivalry into law.

Down with chivalry, I say. Lock them 'em up & take their kids away & give them to their daddies.
unbelievable (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 09:55 PM March 24th, 2005 EST (#13)
The scope of feminist propoganda is unbelievable. What a brainwashing effort. This propoganda should serve as a wake-up call for anyone who doesn't understand that the femifascists are about contempt for men and legal privilege for womyn.

Anyone see last night's "20/20"? (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 08:27 PM March 25th, 2005 EST (#18)
It was about women in prison, and as usual it was the typical, media 'boo-hoo-fest' about how (appearantly) no women belong in prison.
They went on and on about how hard these women's lives were before and now after incarciration. They were very fond of pointing out that many of the women were mentaly ill and "Should be in mental institutions not prison..."
They OF COURSE FAIL to mention that there are scores of MEN in prisons under the same circumstances. But of course according to the media (in this case ABC) any man who is in prison DESERVES to be in prison. whether he is mentaly ill, or had a hard life or not.
Funny when the subject is "MEN IN PRISON" the "system" works just fine. But when it is WOMEN IN PRISON, the ""system" is broken, and needs fixing..."
This media of ours has GOT to go. PIRIOD!

  "Hoka hey!"
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