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MSN Columnist: Wife cheating-- what did YOU do wrong?
posted by Matt on 11:18 AM March 11th, 2005
The Media Anonymous User writes " Advice columnist gives sh*tty advice to men regarding how to deal with infidelity.

I have a hard time imagining her advising a woman "I am not blaming the victim here — fidelity is a choice — but there probably are things you can do to lessen the chance your [husband] will cheat again."... and then run on into a litany of potentially wifely obligations that she ought to entertain (doing dishes, shining his shoes).

Email the old hag at inquiries-at-drgailsaltz.com"

Ed. note: You can also submit a comment directly using the comment box at the bottom of the story's web page.

Woman Superior Cited In Police Harassment Suit | Desperate to be "housewives"  >

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I sent her this.... (Score:1)
by ArtflDgr on 12:05 PM March 11th, 2005 EST (#1)
Do me a favor, replace he with she, reread your article and let me know if you would send it out as advice to your sister or best friend....
  if not, then you really did a disservice here by making this poor man seem responsible for his wifes straying (despite saying your not - its kind of saying that what i am going to do will look like i slapped you and it will feel like i slapped you, but in truth its something totally different).

you just ammoed him and dozens of others to justify THEIR straying with the same 'reasons'.
if your point is that people in a committed relationship shouldnt be straying, then stick to it, otherwise you are implying that there are reasons that make it ok to devastate your mate, and thats ok, as they should help you through your sexual quandry and ignore the rot you generated inside them in which you said they will never be 100 percent again.

as an advice columnist, you suck.

then again, you are popular because you are cow towing to only the women...
life in a bottle is no life at all...

yeah its not my best work, but i was annoyed, and didnt have the time... at least she is getting some feedback...

My retort (Score:2)
by Clancy (long_ponytail@yahoo.com) on 03:46 PM March 11th, 2005 EST (#2)
I just left my comment in the little window at the bottom of the *cough* advice column.

The only possible reason I could conceive that you would write such "advice" is so that you can assuage the guilt that you feel from having your own affair. The next time I think that my wife isn't paying me enough attention, or giving me the sex I think I deserve, I will have a fling with the nearest willing participant and say with authority that I was under Doctor's orders.

how odd... (Score:1)
by bukowski on 10:35 AM March 12th, 2005 EST (#3)
"This is not to say you should become hyper-vigilant, constantly blaming and smothering her. If you torture your wife with constant reminders of her guilt, this, too, will erode the marriage."

wtf....This paragraph is right after she was blaming the husband for the wife cheating. Up until this point where would he ever get the idea that she was saying to constantly torture her with blame and reminding her of her guilt? It was all things he did wrong up to this point.
How odd.

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