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"We overlook AIDS in women at our own peril"
posted by Matt on 09:24 PM March 4th, 2005
The Media Linucs writes "Are you asking "could it ever get worse?" Sure: just read this. But I'm pretty sure UNAIDS welcomes "funding" from male taxpayers too..."

Man Learns Penalty for Wanting to Stay In for the Evening | Federal Class Action Lawsuit for Equal Parenting  >

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I wanna puke (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 10:47 PM March 4th, 2005 EST (#1)
One of the main messages of this tour is that we want to help women — we need to go beyond these use abstinence, condoms, be-faithful messages — we have to get to things that really make a difference for women like reducing violence against women, which will increase their courage and give them negotiating room to get their partners to use condoms.

AIDS is now being used as an excuse to prop up the domestic violence industry that is collapsing on its own lies and hateful ideology. There's no excuse for this abuse of men.

Re:I wanna puke... there's more story here... (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 12:57 PM March 5th, 2005 EST (#2)
The article cites statistics showing HIV infection rates as high as 60% (of those infected) are women in areas like sub-Saharan Africa; with similar rates in the Caribbean and some Latin American nations.

Two decades ago, the World Health Organization was trying to make sense of AIDs vectors (social distribution of the spread of the disease) in Brazil.

W.H.O. could not figure out why so many heterosexual women were being infected.

Turns out that Brazilian men who defined themselves as "heterosexual" were also engaging in what we would describe as homosexual behaviors with high risk for HIV.

Then, they would infect their female sexual partners.

The UNAIDs campaign of course knows that this syndrome is far more responsible for the spread of HIV among women than is domestic violence.

So it's puzzling why they are concealing this issue while promoting the DV Industry.

Re:I wanna puke... there's more story here... (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 02:57 PM March 5th, 2005 EST (#3)
The leaders of this campaign had two basic choices:

1. Recognize the truth about the transmission of AIDS. Recognize that men who are not sexually satisfied sometimes engage in behaviour that puts them and their sexual intimates at risk for AIDS. Respond by encouraging women to keep their husbands and intimate boyfriends sexually satisfied.

2. Seek maximum funding and public attention. Blow out nonsense and lies about gender empowerment, domestic violence, etc. Have no effect whatsoever on the problem of AIDS. Feel smugly self-righteous about your enlightened views.

Does any have any doubt that the average feminist would choose option 2? That's what's happened.

Feminist male-hating kills. Speak out for men's lives.

Re:I wanna puke... but I'm confused.... (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 09:47 PM March 5th, 2005 EST (#4)
So, the commentator just above is suggesting that the cure for AIDs is for women to satisfy their bi-sexually inclined male partners?

That men engaging in faux-bi-homosexuality are driven to it by lack of female availability?

That the unsatisfactory access to heterosexual practices is causing AIDS??!!!

What #*%^ing logic!

There's one in every crowd....

Re:I wanna puke (Score:2)
by Raymond Cuttill on 11:46 PM March 5th, 2005 EST (#5)
And in the United States, AIDS is now the leading cause of death among African-American women ages 25 to 34
I like to see the statistics on that. What happened to road accidents? Illness? Not to mention DV murders? Correct me if I’m wrong but I don’t think the ABC message has been pushed at all, either in Africa or the USA or Europe. The notion of Abstain or Be faithful or use a Condom originated in Uganda and I believe it’s still the only country to reduce HIV infection rates. Indeed the Catholic Church supports ideas like that, but the PC brigade does not want abstinence or faithful wives or girlfriends and simply condemn the idea out of hand, calling it impractical. It seems to suit them to have promiscuous women who don’t form attachments to any man regardless of the risk of STD or HIV or unwanted pregnancies. I think they don’t really care about the women. I still their real purpose is to promote the hatred of men.
by Anonymous User on 10:43 AM March 6th, 2005 EST (#6)
Bias, bias BIAS!!!!
It just makes me want to blow my brains out!

  "Hoka hey!"
Re:AAARRRRGGGHHH!!!! (Score:2)
by Raymond Cuttill on 02:40 PM March 6th, 2005 EST (#7)
Don't give up in any way. It's goijng to be a long haul but the more thay lie now, the less they'll be believed when the truth starts to come out, as it is to some extent already.
Re:AAARRRRGGGHHH!!!! (Score:1)
by canaryguy (nospam.canaryguy@nospam.stealthfool.com) on 09:48 PM March 6th, 2005 EST (#8)
Bias, bias BIAS!!!!
It just makes me want to blow my brains out!

That is what feminists want all men to do! That is if we're not enslaved to the advancement of women... Or is it womyn? :-(*)

If you're a man -- Live long and piss off feminists. Eat right, exercize and don't forget to have an annual physical!

Re:AAARRRRGGGHHH!!!! (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 02:30 PM March 7th, 2005 EST (#11)
I didn't mean it literaly.
But I guess I could learn to articulate my frustrations with better wording.

  "Hoka hey!"
Re:AAARRRRGGGHHH!!!! (Score:2)
by Raymond Cuttill on 04:04 PM March 7th, 2005 EST (#12)
I meant don't get so frustated that you give up and stop being an activist. Some men give up and leave the battlefield, as it were. I think it's going to be the long game were the advances are slow and there will be setbacks. It's unlikely to be a quick dash for the finish line. So hang on for the long haul. There'll be more stories like this before we're done, but the more there are the more difficult it is to claim it's equality and more men won't believe them.
Re: The Primary Directive of Feminism (Score:2)
by Roy on 05:18 PM March 7th, 2005 EST (#13)
Everyone here already knows this, but sometimes it's worth re-stating the obvious --- because, like oxygen --- the obvious becomes invisible and then becomes "natural" -- the "ways things are."

Feminist "analysis" of social problems always, always, refuses to acknowledge that women make choices.

Of course, the Myth of the Evil Patriarchy provides a 24 x 7 alibi that women cannot in fact ever make truly "free" choices.

So, thinking logically (another male curse), one cannot escape the conclusion that feminism itself -- not patriarchy -- is the main social virus that proposes that women are infants.

Why are women not massively, vocally INSULTED by this?

"It's a terrible thing ... living in fear." - Roy: hunted replicant, Blade Runner
Re: The Primary Directive of Feminism (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 10:56 AM March 8th, 2005 EST (#15)
I don't know why women are not insulted at the fact that they are treated like infants. You'd think ANYONE would be, but they are not. I think women like Trudy Schuett, Cathy Young, Christina Hoff Summers and others may be exeptions to the rule, but by and large I know of NO women that take offence to this. It's just weird. Maybe women over look the fact they are treated as helpless babies because of all the perks that come with it. My guess is that is what it is.

Raymond- Don't worry. I will never give up in this fight.

  "Hoka hey!"
We travel farther down the turnpike bizzarro (Score:1)
by ArtflDgr on 09:23 AM March 7th, 2005 EST (#9)
Sometimes things can get real bizarre!

    "a disproportionate number of women and young girls are feeling the impact of AIDS these days"

This is interesting since she implies there is a proportionate number that would be acceptable. Then one must also ask what could be the reasons for a disproportionate number. Well, as us guys know the only way to get this is by having a bunch of women only wanting the one cute/rich guy (he becomes a vector ¡V remember the number was disproportionate, so someone has to be having things. He also tends to become representative of the male population to the women, since they spend a disproportionate time with his ilk), the other way is that there is a lesbian vector, the third reason would be that the disease is easier to catch by women and harder for men to acquire (the info on this is mixed, though generally more men get it than women). I will leave out the small group that are routinely groped by alien visitors. ƒº

And if that isn't bizarre enough...

"it is disturbing that the main prevention messages that everyone is promoting are not relevant to the realities of women's lives"

Of course when you put it THAT way¡K you wonder what awful things they are suggesting.. the article tells you that there are three basic themes.

1. abstinence

2. be faithful

3. use condoms

Yes these things would cramp your style if you wanted to have lots of sex with many partners unprotected without thinking as to the consequences¡K that must be the lifestyle they are promoting. No?

"the problem is that none of those three things are relevant to most women and girls in developing countries"

"for women in the United States, you see some of the same issues, such as women not being able to ask their sexual partners to use condoms because of the fear of violence or a sexual partner not being faithful to them"

So what she is saying here is that to be faithful to your life partner is not practical anywhere (from developing countries to the US). and the way the quote is worded I am not sure if they are not asking their partners to use condoms because they are not faithful.. not to mention that a man beating up a woman for asking him to use a condom is not normal generally accepted behavior for the majority of people, and to mention that this is the reason so many women are getting AIDs is ridiculous.

The reason that women are gaining is that the gay men have either died off, or are wiser than the general heterosexual population. So the numbers of people in this category is no longer skewing the numbers towards men.

By far the main way a woman or a man gets aids is in a NORMAL loving relationship. To paint an image that it isn't is to do a disservice to all those people out there that will sit and equate that since their relationship isn't that way they have nothing to fear.

It is appalling though to then end off the article with information such as¡K

"seems like there's not enough information about what is needed to protect one's self"

This is patently untrue, as the three things up above are things one needs to do to protect oneself!!!

"They should absolutely take it seriously, and they should understand the way they can become exposed and take the necessary actions to protect themselves."

Which I totally agree to.. but they haven¡¦t told us what to use other than the three mentioned before that she says doesn't fit womens lifestyles..

Lets face it, pandemics are not convenient, this person sounds like they should be, or at least amenable to change so that they would be more comfortable for women. I am starting to believe the conspiracy nuts about the LSD in the drinking water!

"You can't start at too early an age talking about this epidemic"

She is right! so I have made these anti-AIDs message tapes for women to play to their children in utero! this should help!

Do you ever feel that once inside a quiet room and the door closed you might have finally stepped outside the asylum?

Sensible, Sensible, Blather, Hate, Hate, Hate... (Score:1)
by The_Beedle on 12:31 PM March 7th, 2005 EST (#10)
''But the problem is that none of those three things are relevant to most women and girls in developing countries. … And for women in the United States, you see some of the same issues, such as women not being able to ask their sexual partners to use condoms because of the fear of violence or a sexual partner not being faithful to them.

I can't find the footnote. Obviously there must be a footnote here acknowledging that women are as violent as men, cheat as often as men, and have the same responsibilities for STDs as men.

misandry (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 11:04 PM March 7th, 2005 EST (#14)
It is futile being outraged by this sort of man-hatred without doing something about it.

This movement needs political organisation and leadership of a kind to forcibly make these misandrists give account of thier sins against mankind.
Double Standards (Score:1)
by LSBeene on 01:28 PM March 8th, 2005 EST (#16)
Notice before when a disproportionate amount of gay men (it was always described as just MEN though) had AIDS that AIDS was a problem "created" by men.

Now that the gay population is acting smarter and the #'s of women is, proportionally, rising ...it's STILL "MEN" who are the problem.

We catch the disease ... it's OUR fault.

WOMEN catch the disease ... it's MEN's fault.

Seeing a pattern here?

Guerrilla Gender Warfare is just Hate Speech in polite text
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