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MSN on Men, Women, Love, and Depression
posted by Matt on 05:39 PM February 19th, 2005
The Media MSN has come out with this story. You know, I can't keep up with them. Today women are just fine without love, the next day, without love they are miserable (and the blame is usually placed on men).

Sadly I am quite sure there are people out there who actually take MSN's babblings seriously.

Heart Disease Research Short-Changing Men | Dead? That's no excuse not to pay child support.  >

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Not Sure (Score:1)
by Tumescent on 09:17 PM February 19th, 2005 EST (#1)
I'm not sure what to make of this particular story, but I agree with your general assesment of MSN. I didn't think this article or the study put the blame on men for its reasoning behind womens depression, but I realize you said that they *usually* place blame on men for a lot of women's problems and I completely agree with that assesment.

Re: Not Sure... please translate (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 02:27 PM February 20th, 2005 EST (#2)
I only hold one Ph.D., and it's not in the field of human health; however, I became mildly depressed myself finding that I could not make sense of these two seemingly opposing
"conclusions" from the study --

(1)"In this large sample, we could find no relationship in men between their levels of social support and their risk for depression. These findings suggest that men may be more 'immune' or less sensitive to aspects of their social environment with respect to their risk for depression."

(2) "That doesn't mean men are always happy on their own, however. While the impact of low social support on risk for major depression appears to be less pronounced in men than in women, males may be more sensitive to the adverse health effects of social isolation than are females."

I'm sure the researchers also concluded that "further research is recommended..."

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