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NH child support study and more information...
posted by Matt on 12:24 PM January 18th, 2005
Inequality Posted on behalf of Marc S....

Here is a list of the pending bills associated with the prospective implementation of the report's recommendations and the appropriation for appointment of an economist to develop guidelines. [Ed.: See this MANN item.] Please try to get the word out on these bills which bills need grassroots support. Thanks for your work there, and many thanks to Rep. David Bickford and the other courageous individuals who contributed to the pursuit of this issue in New Hampshire.

If we can all get together and work behind the New Hamsphire effort to rectify the ugly reality of child support laws/guidelines endured by so many of us then perhaps we can save the next generations of would-be alienated and disenfranchised single parents (sadly, too often Fathers) from the same overwhelming grief. This is truly a major step (potentially) toward the reestablishment of marriage and the family as a viable and worthy American institution.


Click "Read more..." for details.

(CHILDREN AND FAMILY LAW COMMITTEE and extending the family law taskforce)

9:30 a.m. HB 61, extending the family law task force.
HB61 extending the family law task force. Sponsors: (Prime) Carolyn M Gargasz
David A Bickford
Peter E Franklin
Sheila Roberge

Link to committee page; click 'Show Bills Currently in Committee', then click 'HB61'.


2005-H-0586-R extending the commission to study child support and related child custody issues and relative to hiring an economist to assist in revising the child support guidelines and making an appropriation therefor. Sponsors: (Prime) David A Bickford


2005-H-0905-R relative to the child support guidelines and establishing a committee to study further revisions to the guidelines. Sponsors: (Prime) David A Bickford


2005-H-0524-R separating child support and child custody laws from the chapter governing divorce and legal separation, implementing parenting plans, and changing terminology based on the recommendations of the task force on family law. Sponsors: (Prime) David A Bickford


2005-H-0110-R establishing a presumption in favor of shared parental rights and responsibilities. Sponsors: (Prime) David A Bickford


2005-H-0889-R relative to the periodic review of child support guidelines. Sponsors: (Prime) David A Bickford

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