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by Anonymous User on 08:30 PM January 11th, 2005 EST (#1)
There's a lot of controversy in the prostate cancer field right now, especially as to detection and treatment options.
The bloodtest-based diagnoses have very high rates of false-positives, leading many men to undergo needless and debilitating, often impotence-inducing treatments.
For older, or even middle-aged men, no treatment may in fact be the right course of action, because the cancer is so slow growing that it's likely a man will die from some other aging-related cause well before the prostate cancer would kill him.
Of course, it would be nice if this men's disease received something more than the current 12% of the funding that goes towards breast cancer, which kills far fewer human beings.
"Of course, it would be nice if this men's disease received something more than the current 12% of the funding that goes towards breast cancer, which kills far fewer human beings."
Hah . . . this is perhaps the real reason women live longer than men . . . their healthcare is better funded !
by Anonymous User on 06:21 PM January 12th, 2005 EST (#3)
B-17 vitamin - best cure against cancer.
Simple, effective, natural and cheap.
Do a yahoo or google search and read some about it.
Big buisnesses and governments are not serving the people by a long shot. These are self-serving "organisms" that have just one mission, to grow. Feeding of the people by robbing them blind, enforcing ever increasing taxes, killing common sense with useless laws and dumbing down the population in our so-called schools, just to name few of their tactics. Do not blindly trust the doctors or the parmaceuticals industry as they are self-serving in most cases. Double check everything they say, look for information on-line for example.
p.s. will sign up a.s.a.p.
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