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'Tis the season for false accusers....
posted by Adam on 09:06 AM December 22nd, 2004
False Accusations AngryMan writes "A civil servant has been acquitted of rape after a 14-month ordeal. The accuser said she was too ill to continue the trial. One thing to notice about the case is the lack of anonymity for the accused man - his name, photograph and place of work are openly published, but his accuser is described as 'a woman'. This anonymity gives shelter to serial false accusers. Story here. Check out the 'See also' links on the right for the history of the case."

Luek writes " The Innocense Project has used DNA to vindicate another innocent man accused of rape. He had served 17 wasted years of a 75 year sentence. The article states that whe *MAY* be eligible to receive a measley $25,000 from the state for each year he was incarcerated. It is time to review the rape laws in this country and impliment effective safeguards that will prevent state atrocities like this one happening again! No more of this "he said, she said" and her word rules garbage."

Washington Post Launches Pro-VAWA Campaign - Tuesday | Father charged with abducting his own children  >

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Veterans Benefits (Score:1)
by The_Beedle on 01:52 PM December 28th, 2004 EST (#1)
We should consider extending Veteran's benefits to anyone who is proven to have been wrongfully incarcerated in this country.
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