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I've read a good portion of the Irritable Male Syndrome and have found it to be informative and friendly towards men. The basic idea he is trying to get across is that a man's depression and way of coping is less recognized by the public and by mental health professionals and is often hidden under a mask of irritability. A portion of the book tries to teach women how to listen to their men and be compassionate to his different mode of emoting through looking beyond the surface mask and honoring the man's nature and having compassion for him. He hits on issues such as domestic violence and states the feminist model is "misguided and making the problems worse." He goes on to talk about violent women and the work of Straus Gelles and Steinmetz. MANN folk would approve.
I'm not sure where Joe Manthey got his ideas about this book, sounds like an article that Diamond wrote where their politics differed. It's not a bad book and sure seems "male-friendly" to me so far.
Do we have True Equality?
by Anonymous User on 09:04 PM December 15th, 2004 EST (#2)
Thank you for this input. I haven't read the book, but I recall that when I read about "Irritable Male Syndrome" a few years ago it didn't come off as negative to me, but I also thought it could certainly be distorted and abused in that direction. I appreciated your thoughts on this.
My guess is the reason for the title is to sell to women. As you likely know, women buy the lions share of books and a book's success is dependent on marketing to them.
The "irritable" part is framed in a way to start women thinking of watching not the man's irritability but to notice the emotion that is being simultaneously expressed. He notes that all too often the wife or SO will focus on the negative aspect of the irritability and will completely miss the emotional message that the man is openly conveying. It's a handbook for women to start to see men in a different light and to reframe some of their judgements about men. Every woman should read this book. I have seen repeatedly the sad destruction of a relationship due to the woman's complete ignorance of the man's way of emoting and healing. Often times even men are unaware of this. We have tried to landlock our men into acting like women in relationship and it is having disastrous results.
Jed Diamond is a freind to men from all that I have seen.
Do we have True Equality?
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