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Women Lie !@@!?
posted by Adam on 09:38 AM December 11th, 2004
News frank h writes "I realize this article is nothing more than restating the obvious, but there you go..."

CBS 60 Minutes: 5,500 MEN have deserted the U. S. | 9news.com (Denver): Women "inappropriately" arrested  >

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Pregnancy fraud up 18% (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 08:30 PM December 11th, 2004 EST (#1)
The survey found that forty-two percent of women would lie about contraception in order to get pregnant, no matter the wishes of their partner.

That's up from twenty four percent in 2001, for a net gain of eighteen percent in three years.

Unfortunately, it seems to be getting worse.

Half of the women said that if they became pregnant by another man but wanted to stay with their partner, they would lie about the baby’s real father. That's paternity fraud.

Kingsley G. Morse Jr.
Reproductive Rights Chairman
National Center for Men

                          Protect Voluntary Fatherhood

Re:Pregnancy fraud up 18% (Score:1)
by Kyo on 02:24 AM December 12th, 2004 EST (#2)
(User #1837 Info)
Kingsley, that's 18 percentage points, but a 75% increase overall. (42 women out of 100 is 75% more than 24 women out of 100)

Fortunately such increases can only go on a few more years before every woman in the world is willing to commit fraud.

Seriously, though, I do hope this year's figures are an aberration. Stricter paternity fraud laws would do a world of good in this area -- I'd bet a lot of women don't even see this as a crime.

Re:Pregnancy fraud up 18% (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 11:33 AM December 13th, 2004 EST (#5)
Women CAN'T commit crimes.
They're GODESSES, remember?

Re:Pregnancy fraud up 18% (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 06:28 PM December 13th, 2004 EST (#11)
Was the original statistic from the British Isles like this survey, or from America?
      In any case, we should be wary of magazine statistics. Remember Ms. Magazine's "1 in 4"?

Isn't lying in the best interest of women the law? (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 10:00 AM December 12th, 2004 EST (#3)
"Eighty-three per cent owned up to telling "big, life-changing lies", with 13 per cent saying they did so frequently."

This statement certainly explains the insanity surrounding domestic violence law, and the domestic violence advocates who lie and teach women to lie to get more money to frame more men.

Domestic Violence Advocates Fabricate Fiction

Falsely Accusing Abuse is Domestic Violence
================================================== =====================================
"Half said that if they became pregnant by another man but wanted to stay with their partner, they would lie about the baby’s real father."

That's the lie known as paternity fraud, and subsequent to that lie, we are told that when women lie about paternity, "it's all in the best interest of the child." Shockingly, that subsequent lie is told to us by our elected representatives,

Mommy Lies So Wrong Dad Pays and Pays

How Is Having A Mom Who Lies (commits fraud) In the Best Interest of the Child
================================================== =====================================
"Forty-two per cent would lie about contraception in order to get pregnant, no matter the wishes of their partner."

Isn’t this at the very least a kind of paternity fraud? Personally, I think it's worse than that. If a man were to force a woman to have a child (married or not) they’d call it rape so why isn't this called rape too? Shouldn’t both people be included in the decision to bring a life into the world? According to the laws of the great misandrist hate state of America, "Women have all the reproductive choices and men have all the responsibilities."

Paternity Fraud - Don’t Support the Lie
================================================== =====================================
"And an alarming 31 per cent said they would not tell a future partner if they had a sexual disease: this rises to 65 per cent among single women."

If this isn’t domestic partner violence, then what is? I’ll bet little if any of this makes it into the domestic violence statistics. You certainly never see this perspective in the mainstream media.

What more can I say, but the truth, Feminist Lies Make Bad Laws

Sincerely, Ray

...and it all begins in man-hating, taxpayer funded, women’s studies programs on college campuses.

Women’s Studies Teaches Feminist Lies

Please do not scroll up the page of the linked item(s). All the info I’m trying to convey is as the page initially comes up.

Im Shocked (Score:1)
by Cain on 11:36 AM December 12th, 2004 EST (#4)
(User #1580 Info)
If this survey shows that only 96% of women lie frequently, then at least 4% of those asked, lied on this survey.
Re:Im Shocked (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 11:44 AM December 13th, 2004 EST (#6)
That last lie on the list...; ""I love you""

Kinda makes you wonder, huh?
Back when I still bothered, I was seeing a girl who told me; "I love you". the following week, she left me for another guy. Why? Because he had a nicer car...,
That is only ONE amoung MANY "Thundercloud-gets- dumped" stories. But in every one of them it was for similar "reasons" as the above example.
But, thankfuly I saw the light one day. And decided to not only never marry, but to never even DATE again. (I stopped drinking at about the same time.)
Yay, Me...!

  "Hoka hey!"
Re:Im Shocked (Score:1)
by Cain on 02:47 PM December 13th, 2004 EST (#8)
(User #1580 Info)
There is no need to date. As feminism continues to convince women to behave more like men, more women become as free and easy with their sexuality as us. Which means the bars are full of whores, so no reason to date. I knew feminism had to have at least one upside to it.
Re:Im Shocked (Score:1)
by The_Beedle on 02:00 PM December 13th, 2004 EST (#7)
(User #1529 Info)
"However, 61 per cent of women would want their partners to be "brutally honest" if they asked them "do I look fat?" or "do you think my best friend’s attractive?""

Looks to me like 61% of women lied on this survey.
sources? (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 02:58 PM December 13th, 2004 EST (#9)
If you look at the source of these facts, it's a poll conducted with 5000 women, average age of 38, over Ireland, England and Wales. This is NOT representative of ALL women EVERYWHERE. Further more, it doesn't state what kind of poll this was- something posted on a website that women came across? Something at certain jobs? Random calls? All of these would get a different target audience. These surveys don't even put the points of posiblity of error. Also, men lie too. Please, if this site is supposed to raise-awareness about male-bashing in the media then how can you gleefully participate in women-bashing and making generalizations about women based on your own life experiences? People, in general, lie. Get that straight.
Re:sources? (Score:1)
by Cain on 04:50 PM December 13th, 2004 EST (#10)
(User #1580 Info)
One of the greatest crimes of feminism has been the influence of the female "mind" on debate and standards of reason. And we find precisely that reflected in your post. As a result of the influence of the female mind on social debate, holding individuals or groups accountable for their behavior, is now simply dismissed as "bashing" or as hate speech.

It is of course neither. Holding individuals or groups accountable for their collective behavior is criticism. And its a form of criticism desperatley needed. Not only to challenge the actions themselves but to contradict the value of a logic that would seek to dismiss the criticisms, simply for being criticisms.

Feminism as a whole is based on a lie. The female politicians that fuel the lie by adding more lies, to exploit the power thats been built apon these lies, are the walking talking ebodiment of a lie and very little else. Then we have the spin sisters, who have erected a media sttructure dedicated to the feeding of lies to women the world over. And now we have the women themselves stepping forward and openly admitting to the value they place on lies as a strategy.

  Yet according to you, these are things that must not be pointed to because, again according to you, they are "generalizations". And since the female mind has defined "generalizations" as always wrong they must not be used. Since you desperately need to "get straight" what a generalization actually is, im just gonna cut and paste an answer ive given elsewhere.

  One of the many pervasive misunderstandings society has inherited from feminism is the current popular definition of "generalizations" as incorrect in themselves. We have gotten to the point were the only thing neccassary to dismiss a generalization is to describe it as one. It is no longer neccassary to present a counter argument since its not the actual argument thats being dismissed but its structure. The "politically correct" and their word speak minions have managed to convince whole societies to accept their definition of generalization's as "logically incorrect" and thereby hamstring debate the world over.
To say "women behave as women and not as men" is a generalization, it is also true. The usual approach taken to dismiss statements such as the example, is to point to the existance of a single female or group of females that do not fit the description. This approach simply illustrates that there was no understanding of what a generalization was to begin with, since what is being applied to dismiss the general argument is in fact the defininition of an absolute one. General arguments by definition include the presence of their own contradiction, that is why they are framed "generally". Absolute statements on the other hand are easily
discredited simply because they are inflexible and a single example of a contradiction is enough to challenge it. In order to discredit a general statement it must be shown that the size of the sample is too small to support the conclusion. So the above generalization "that women behave as women" continues to be true until it can be shown that a larger percentage of women behave as men and not as women.

  The above generalization also continues to remain valuable, as do all generalizations, since they are the root of understanding and the very definition of inductive reason. We move from specific detailed observation to general principals so that we can see how much of an effect the detailed observations have on the specific group. Specific female behavior's are not only seen to be present in the vast majority of the female population but to dominate that population, this move from the specific behavior in an individual to the general behavior in a population helps us as humans to understand the nature of what it means to be female, just as the move from the specific to the general helps us as humans understand the nature of all things. Since all things outside of ourselves exist as a general experience all things outside of ourselves can only be understood and described in general terms, as there are very few absolutes.

  General criticisms directed at women are made generally because they reflect general behavior, and they remain true and valuable even though some women through their behavior contradict these statements. These general statements only become untrue when they no longer reflect the general behavior.

  How can we in the mens movement do anything to change society when we cant even talk about it in general terms because we have hamstrung ourselves by accepting and enacting definitions supplied by the very movement we seek to change.

Re:sources? (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 06:36 PM December 13th, 2004 EST (#12)
I agree that you can make generalizations if you have representative sample. However, a magazine survey is unscientific and represents only those who subscribe to the magazinee or stumble on the survey and decide to do it.

Re:sources? (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 06:42 PM December 13th, 2004 EST (#14)
I should amend my last statement. I realize that not all "magazine surveys" are surveys published by a magazine, filled out, and sent back to the publisher. But like the person who started this thread said, we don't know how the survey was conducted. Like I said earlier, Remember Ms. Magazine's "1 in 4."
Re:sources? (Score:1)
by Cain on 09:00 PM December 13th, 2004 EST (#15)
(User #1580 Info)
This survey isnt being presented for peer review, and doesnt have to live up to anyones definition of scientific in order to have value. What it does do is underline information and experiance from other sources all of which leads to a definition of group behavior, in this case a group defined by gender. And most importantly its information that comes from the group themselves. This is why it has value.

I came across a study a few years back that showed women to have an instinctual aversion to taking responsibilty for anything, regardless of how serious or trivial the infraction. I didnt make note of the study and cant provide links, but it was done by a women fairly well known in behavioral studies, and is usually the one interviewed for such shows a "sex files" on discovery channel. Ive seen her a number of times discussing behavior and gender but i can never remember her name, if anyone knows it or can provide additional info i would appreciate it.
One example (Score:1)
by Tirryb on 06:42 PM December 13th, 2004 EST (#13)
(User #1971 Info)
This isn't really surprising, though I'll admit men lie too. But from a singler persons perspective, I've been shocked by just how easily and often my wife will lie to me.

Over the course of 12 years of marriage she's lied about smoking (hid it for two whole years), borrowing money, unpaid bills, seeing old boyfriends, who she was out with, relationships with her family, damage to the car and uncountable other things. She's lied about things my family have said to her and caused massive damage to my relationship with them (owning up only when caught out later on).

None of these are as critical as having an affair or fathering another mans child, but it shocked me each time I found out a lie how easily she had spun it, and how casual and unrepentant she was when she was found out.

Several years ago we ended up very briefly in councilling, and I brought that up as a major issue for me, I hate being lied to. I explained how she would lie to cover up anything she thought I'd get angry about or dislike, from the smallest things to the largest.

She simply said that if she told the truth I'd get angry, so she was protecting me. The (female) councillor said that honesty was best, but then really dropped the issue like it was unimportant.

Sure, I've lied to, but it's the small stuff - and I'm as transparent as hell, I get caught out.

I'm not generalising, just adding my own experience.
Nature, nurture? (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 03:05 AM December 14th, 2004 EST (#16)
If it is indeed true that women lie more easily and frequently than men, which is quite possible, then I wonder if it is an inherent trait or if it is a reaction to society.
      My guess is that it is an early developmental thing. From my limited observation it appears that parents are entirely too protective of their daughters, both emotionally and physically. If they can never do wrong, they will never be responsible.

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