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Husbands are jerks
posted by Adam on 09:32 AM November 28th, 2004
The Media chicago joe writes "An article appearing in the Chicago Tribune today explored the controversy surrounding the use of a testosterone skin patch to treat female sexual dysfunction. In the article, Amy Allina, the Program and Policy Director for the National Women's Health Network based in Washington D.C. states that a lack of sexual desire in a woman can be related to one thing; "Maybe the real problem is their husband is a jerk." Here is a woman that is a program and policy director for a national organization and she finds comfort and confidence using ugly gender stereotypes and degrading language to analyze and procure policy in Washington D.C.. Anybody else find this disturbing? I'm going to drop them a few words explaining how disgusted I am with their imature "Sex and the City" approach to serious healthcare issues. If anyone cares to join me, their contact info is: nwhn@nwhn.org. Maybe they need to find a real woman to do Mrs. Allina's job because this teenage approach isn't working."

The Ultimate Female Blame Shift Gambit! | 9news.com (Denver): Women "inappriopriately" arrested  >

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