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Mom forces 12 yo son to rake leaves in the nude
posted by Adam on 12:21 PM November 26th, 2004
Inequality bro writes "Here is the article. I wonder if this would have gone the same way if it was a father forcing a 12 yo girl to do this? It just goes to show how biased the judicial system is when a woman can do this to her son and only walk away with a possible slap on the wrist?"

The father they never had | A man shortage in London?  >

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Yes, "much better"... (Score:1)
by DeepThought (deep.42.thought@gmailEARTH.com) on 07:48 PM November 26th, 2004 EST (#1)
(User #1487 Info)
"The boy was never removed from the mother's custody, and Haney said both are now doing much better."

Now she only emotionally humiliates and abuses him *indoors*... thank god she didn't get an appropriate charge for the crime, which we all know only applies to MEN.

This isn't just a case of courtroom hypocrisy, this is child abuse and a break in the myth of women being infallibly the best child-rearers.

-DeepThought --- Erase the EARTH to gmail me.
Re:Yes, "much better"... (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 08:42 PM November 26th, 2004 EST (#2)
I am thinking she is a pedophile. God knows what she is doing to that boy inside the house.
what's the name of that judge? (Score:1)
by bigbadwolf3210 on 10:31 PM November 26th, 2004 EST (#3)
(User #1956 Info)
that woman should be in jail...period.. better than that she should be shot! if a man did that to his daughter he would be and rightfully so!

she sure earned a fellony mark on her record. she also has earned the right to not have her children in her presence unless it's supervised.

i would love to get a few kind emails to that courthouse! i'm going to forward this to the local news station in the memphis area to see if they can pick it up.

Re:Yes, "much better"... (Score:1)
by bigbadwolf3210 on 10:38 PM November 26th, 2004 EST (#4)
(User #1956 Info)
ok, i do know the name of the jusge...it's in the artical even...lol. good, that makes it easier.
Excusing violent females ruins males (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 09:36 AM November 27th, 2004 EST (#5)
"The boy was never removed from the mother's custody..."

It appears that the usual misandrist court arrangements are in effect or about to go in effect. Dad is denied custody so he's reduced to mostly being a wallet. The boy should have been removed from the Mother's custody in this case and allowed to be with his Father if that was a possibility. Fatherlessness is the #1 predictor of delinquency in children, but the Mother will still be allowed to keep her power and control of the abusive situation she weilds over her sons life. It appears we see another broken male life in the making at the hands of our misandrist legal system.

"A woman who forced her son to rake leaves in the nude as punishment for misbehaving..."

Typical feminist shame and blame mentality is working for her to strip a male naked and send him into public, but where is the shame and blame for this child abusive woman? Whatever happened to an eye for an eye, equal justice, or in this case, public humiliation for the child abuser as well as jail time and registry on a sex offender list?

"Defense attorney Beverly Haney said the woman has no criminal record and does not deserve a felony conviction." "The woman is not being named to protect the boy's privacy."

I suspect everyone in the boys life already knows the story so that appears to be just an excuse to go light on a person (the Mother). What a sham of justice. This is just one more example of how our corrupt judicial system is soft on female crime.

"Under an agreement worked out by the prosecution and defense, Fredericksburg Circuit Court Judge John W. Scott Jr. on Monday deferred the case...

From the way that things are progressing I have my doubts that justice will be served, and that the best interests of the Mother will determine the final decison.

My reasons are as follows:
#1 Judicial Chivalry ,
#2 Feminist Trained Judges Are Blinded ,

#3 Man Hating Judges Have No Place In Our Courts

Sincerely, Ray

Please do not scroll up the page of the linked item(s). All the info I'm trying to convey is as the page initially comes up.
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