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British Govt still promoting DV myths
posted by Adam on 12:35 PM November 21st, 2004
Domestic Violence AngryMan writes "The UK govt announces additional funding to deal with DV against ethnic minority women. "We are targeting domestic violence in general and that includes all women." Story here"

Another Male denigrating TV commercial | Kobe's Story to be made into a film in India  >

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discovery not quite completely (Score:1)
by n.j. on 04:50 PM November 21st, 2004 EST (#1)
(User #1759 Info)
"One of the things we have discovered is that domestic violence is no respecter of race, ethnicity, religion or economic group."
They forgot "gender", didn't they. Somebody should let them know.

There is a nice story about how women's shelters here target foreign women for indoctrination. It tells a story about a women who threatened her husband with a knife repeatedly, only to move to such a shelter later and.. well, you can probably guess what happened. Fortunately, he found out the address and managed to talk the whole thing out of her.
Interestingly, the page is no longer reachable but remains in the Web Archive at archive.org:
http://web.archive.org/web/20040203224644/www.frau enhausluege.de/meinfall.htm

The page was called Frauenhauslüge, Women's Shelters' Lie. Requires German language skills, if there's enough demand, I might translate it.

Re:discovery not quite completE (Score:1)
by n.j. on 04:52 PM November 21st, 2004 EST (#2)
(User #1759 Info)
Hm, it should be possible to edit posts.. the headline should read "complete".

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