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Alberta Council of Women's Shelters ad campaign
posted by Adam on 04:33 PM November 17th, 2004
Domestic Violence Kavius writes "I heard a radio ad this morning sponsored by the Alberta Council of Women's Shelters (http://www.acws.ca). The ad features a 911 call of a little girl crying asking for help while her parent fight in the background. Right at the end of the ad, the little girls screams "DON'T HIT MY MOMMY!". In my opinon, this was reasonable (difficult to listen too, but reasonable), until the little girl screamed those words. Unless the ACWS has the intention of running similar ads where the father is the victim (which would not make sense since they are a Women's group) these ads are damaging. I have written a letter to both Country 105 (who played the advertisement: http://www.country105.com), and the Alberta Council of Women's Shelters, indicating that I consider the ad to be inflamitory and damaging to men's reputations who may be the victims of domestic violence. I was not impressed the response from the radio station and am still waiting on a response from the ACWS. I'll post that as a comment."

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the situation on PEI (Score:1)
by MAUS on 04:42 PM November 17th, 2004 EST (#1)
(User #1582 Info)
The DV industry came within a wisker of establishing a separate court for DV cases. There ha also been a campaign of propaganda in the schools. This is not my are of expertise so I am not going to take them on. I have taken the attitude "the enemy is the best recruiter". I am going to let them screw enough men to form an army.
Respectfully disagree w/MAUS (Score:1)
by LSBeene on 05:35 PM November 17th, 2004 EST (#2)
(User #1387 Info)

I would, respectfully, disagree. The indoctrination these boys will get (I'll get to the girls in a bit) will convince them that the abuse they suffer is "different" or (in effect) they "asked for it". Such conditioning is not conducive to our young, our movement, nor to stopping DV. And, I say this very gently to you, it smacks of how some "rape advocates" seem to WANT more women to be raped or "interpret" consensual sex as rape to swell their ranks.

Sure, your idea WILL WORK, but the same reason I am here (nonequity in society due to my own experience) I don't wish on some innocent guy so we can swell our ranks. Again, not a dig on you, but just taking the "long view".

My primary mission as an MRA is to STOP stuff like this. Sure, DV aint my "cup of tea" per se, but I try to help. We should be doing our level best to stop DV regardless of who is the victim.

Now, onto the girls: I think the "that's different" message they'll get is DANGEROUS. The self-justifying, mitigating, and "you'll be judged differently" message they get will cause more DV against men.

Many women already subscribe to the "Princess when I want it, equality when I demand it, and an expectation of mental telepathy to know WHEN I am in WHAT mood" attitude.

These kinds of programs, being unbalanced, are sure to reinforce that same attitude.

I hope I have added to the discussion.

Guerilla Gender Warfare is just Hate Speech in polite text
I doubt that was a paid Ad (Score:1)
by this is not equality on 08:08 PM November 18th, 2004 EST (#3)
(User #315 Info)
...more than likely, it was a PSA...which, in my mind, makes the radio station much more responsible for the hate and propoganda that is spread on their airwaves.

I got into a debate with a relatively open-minded DJ from a station in Savannah, GA years ago when they broadcast a PSA for a local shelter sponsoring a "female only" self defense class. The DJ was being quite honest with me (so I thought) and indicated that nobody ever got him to think about that PSA or similar PSAs in a different light.

As far as I could tell, no change was made in the station policy...at least they never updated me...but, as I mentioned, he was open to a different point of view and we conversed on the subject for quite some time. He did mention that he would bring up the "other side of the story" at future station mgmt meetings.

Jeff / This is not Equality
"All human laws which contradict God's laws, we are bound in conscience to disobey." George Mason
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