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Update on the Cornell Sun
posted by Thomas on 06:02 PM October 13th, 2004
News Just to allay any doubts that may have existed, the femboy, Alex Linhardt, is still Associate Arts & Entertainment Editor at the Cornell Daily Sun.

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Who Stole Cornell (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 07:57 PM October 13th, 2004 EST (#1)
Christina Hoff-Sommers talks about Cornell in her book, Who Stole Feminism. From the way she describes the place I'd rather try to eradicate communism in Cuba, than marxist-leninist feminism at Cornell, but then what's really the difference?

Re:Who Stole Cornell (Score:2)
by Thomas on 11:26 PM October 13th, 2004 EST (#2)
(User #280 Info)
I'd rather try to eradicate communism in Cuba, than marxist-leninist feminism at Cornell, but then what's really the difference?

With all due respect to Chief Joseph:

We will fight this war forever.

-- Creating hostile environments for feminazis since the 1970s.

Re:Who Stole Cornell (Score:1)
by Gregory on 11:54 PM October 13th, 2004 EST (#3)
(User #1218 Info)
It's difficult for me to take many of these student newspapers seriously or have much respect for their editors. As someone pointed out, they're often characterized by lies and sloppy journalism. And so are some of the other campus publications. The lies are repeated continuously and the bias comes through loud and clear.
Re:Who Stole Cornell (Score:1)
by MAUS on 01:07 PM October 14th, 2004 EST (#6)
(User #1582 Info)
Actually Ray, That is not all that apt an analogy. Canadians have not participated in the embargo against Cuba and do quite a bit of business with them. It is generally conceeded by all concerned that the Castro regime would have collapsed long ago if the United States had not insisted on perpetuating the Cold War with them forever. It will certainly not persist after Castro dies of old age. Even the Cubans who call themselves Communists are really mostly concerned with the Mafia not retaking power there. But then perhaps your analogy is not that far off in one way. It is an isolated bastion clinging to old grudges that have no contemporary relavence.I'm probably going to spend a week of winter vacation in Cuba, if not this year then perhaps next. It is by far the best bang for the Canadian buck to be had in the tourism market, and if you are Canadian, it is actually less security hassle to go there now than it is to go to Florida, and once you are there the odds of being a target of Al Queda are virtually nil unless a couple of them happen to escape from Guantanimo Bay. As for Cornell, if there was a staff shuffle over our encounter with them at their student newspaper you can bet that feminist power there ain't what it used to be. I can clearly remember a time when any and all of what we wrote to them would have simply been ignored and not even acknowledged.
I wrote them a FIFTH time., ...sigh..., (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 02:15 PM October 14th, 2004 EST (#8)
I just basicaly told ol' Alex that I wasn't suprised to see he was still with the Cornell sun. And that evidently CERTAIN forms of sexism (against men) and racism (against Ameican-Indians) is still tolerated by some. (I.E. the Cornell sun)
I asked him why he seemed so sad about Derrida's death. Seeing that Derrida was a MAN and all. I told him I thought he would be HAPPY that another man was dead. I also couldn't help taunting him a bit, by telling him it's a shame Derrida wasn't an Indian as well as a man, because that would have been icing on the cake, seeing that Indians are on his "to hate" list, too.
Steve- I read your latest post there, as well. Good job, my bro.

  "Hoka hey!"
Re:I wrote them a FIFTH time., ...sigh..., (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 11:46 AM October 16th, 2004 EST (#9)
It would seem that the Cornell sun didn't take kindly to my "oppinions" so they deleted my response.

  "Hoka hey!"
Here is what I left for our buddy Alex (Score:1)
by LSBeene on 12:58 AM October 14th, 2004 EST (#4)
(User #1387 Info)
I see this:
"by Alex Linhardt
Sun Associate Arts & Entertainment Editor"

Alex, I thought you were "let go" or "resigned" after you had thrown your temper tantrum in public. You were cheering on the misandric writing of a woman who called for the enslavement of men, who demonized a whole gender, and then when men AND women complained about it, you resorted to insults and childish comments.

The Nazi-esque tone of Anna Weiss' article, and your endorsement of it have not been forgotten.

And, as I said before, long after I have forgotten you, those articles and their blatant bigotry will be stapled to every resume you hand out for the next decade.

Give it some thought.


I doubt he's gonna care, up until he goes for a real job someday. Or even if he gets one it'll be at a place that condones that type of writing. Then ... and I say this with no malice or joy, one day it's inevitable that he'll "cross" the wrong highly empowered female coworker, and in that situation he can only lose.

And no, I don't smirk at that. Being young and ignorant is something we've all done. But, as my Dad said: "Son, stupid is supposed to hurt, otherwise you don't learn."

What sux for him is that when he wises up, it'll be because he lost big time. And, on this I know personally, reconstructing your life after some feminazi has taken a buzz saw to it is a decade long process.

Guerilla Gender Warfare is just Hate Speech in polite text
Re:Here is what I left for our buddy Alex (Score:1)
by kavius on 10:14 AM October 14th, 2004 EST (#5)
(User #1673 Info) http://www.vius.ca
You have a good point. In that light, it's really to bad that he wasn't forced to resign. It would hurt, and he would learn. As it stands now, with no reprocutions for his actions he will likely continue in his ways and build up an even worse rep than he already has.

Would be much better, for him, if he were punished early. Before the damage becomes too great.
Re:Here is what I left for our buddy Alex (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 01:53 PM October 14th, 2004 EST (#7)
Hey, whatever happens to him, (and it will eventually happen) he has it COMEING.
We are all paid the wages of our works. If those works are good, your rewards will be good. If those works are evil..., well you get the idea.

In the Cherokee beliefs we acknowlege the law of reciprocity. What you put out, is exactly what you will eventually recieve.
This is not some kind of Indian "superstition", it is FACT. I have seen it in action COUNTLESS times. It happened to me, before. I assure any and all that Alex (and company) will get what's comeing to him. His kind ALWAYS DOES.
This goes for the feminists, as well.
In fact, I think we are seeing the early evidence of this, right now.

  "Hoka hey!"
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