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posted by Hombre on 03:39 PM September 4th, 2004
News Larry writes "THIS IS A TEST OF THE ACTIVIST'S BROADCAST SYSTEM The Rapid Response Team at menforjustice.com is dedicated to identifying new strategies against the men's movement as they appear and providing the MRA community with clean, efficient defenses against such tactics. Please read the following to inoculate yourself against the latest attack, then pass it on."

Vaccine found in the Read More section.

Larry continues "From the Detroit Free Press:
ASK SADIE: Bloviating hubby is a bore
August 30, 2004

Dear Sadie:My husband has always been opinionated, but now he's gone over the edge. He's joined a men's rights organization. Some years ago, he had problems with his first wife over alimony, which he's never resolved in his head. Anyway, he recently connected with some fellow he met on the train about this organization, and it's become his "cause." It's bad enough when he carries on with me, but he bores everyone with his new passion. Any ideas? -- Bored Wife

Sadie says: Quick, did you sign a prenup? (OK, kidding -- maybe.) Now if he were Mr. Sadie, I'd just scream, "Shut up already! People are wearing garlic around you!" and then don heavy-duty earmuffs. But that would be so tacky. Then again, so is preaching points over shrimp puffs.

Getting it: Your personal strategy
The sensible thing is to say simply: "Darling, I love seeing you passionate. But serving up too much public passion is like too much sushi. A bit tantalizes. But if your dessert is hand-rolled, your guests will fling rice at each other in a boredom-frenzy." Tell him his attempts at enlisting interest (or converts) are collapsing under the weight of his ponderous stump.

Follow the cues. Gently tell him that, if someone asks what he's up to, he may certainly intro his new org and follow with a tonally pleasing brief conversation. But when his audience yawns, darts, moves off, interrupts, changes the topic, flees for an exit -- or picks up a carving knife -- it's time to change the topic to something less emotional -- Michael Moore . . . the 9-11 report . . . WMD . . . anything but men's rights.

Signal the cues. If BM (Boring Mate) still finds himself blabbering to little children or the rumaki, agree to stand by him next time and signal when he needs to quit mouthing off and move off.

Let him write it! Nothing can quiet excess puffery faster than a pen. He has a position? Write a paper. It's easier on the ears and might be a nifty handout that piques interest without putting his public into a state of petrifaction. Finally, this passion with men's rights is quelling some old grudges. Time could be the best toner. Give it some. Oh, and go check on that prenup. Wouldn't hurt.

ASK SADIE appears in the Free Press Mondays and Wednesdays. E-mail asksadie@aol.com. Write her and other advice columnists at P.O. Box 828, Detroit 48231.


NOT from the Detroit Free Press:

ASK MRA GUY: Bored wife is a downer September 3, 2004

Dear MRA Guy: Some years ago, my first wife turned on me and put me through a devastating divorce in which I lost everything. I have since put my life back together and remarried. Anyway, I recently met a fellow on a train who connected me with a men's rights group. They've helped me understand what happened and how the courts were stacked against me. I have become an enthusiastic men's right activist (MRA) and talk to everyone I can about it. My wife says that I'm boring her and boring everone I meet. She thinks I'm just mad about having to pay alimony. How do I show her that it's not the money, that the alimony is just a constant, galling reminder of how I was betrayed, demonized and walked on by a woman I thought loved me? - Deflated in Detroit

MRA Guy says -Quick, did you get a prenup? (OK, kidding -- maybe) Your wife's reaction is not uncommon. When she says she's bored, what she really means is that she's uncomfortable. As you have no doubt experienced, talking about men's issues is NOT boring. It's emotional dynamite! As my sister advice columnist Sadie so aptly put it - "it's time to change the topic to something less emotional -- Michael Moore . . . the 9-11 report . . . WMD . . . anything but men's rights."

Your wife is uncomfortable with your new activity and wishes you would stop. Toward that end, she is feigning boredom in the hopes that you too will become bored, lose your enthusiasm and drop your activity. She is uncomfortable on two levels. On the surface, she is uncomfortable that you are not engaging in small talk, "If traffic is heavy on I-999, I like to switch onto Hubert Wicker Avenue in the mornings" but starting passionate debates. A no-no in her idea of polite society.

On a more serious level, she is uncomfortable with the possibility that you will succeed. Most states have a time period for marriages after which a woman becomes eligible for alimony. I don't know the time period in your state, but you can bet that your wife does. Under the current family law system, she knows that if she decides you aren't "fulfilling her needs," she can kick you out of her life. With some standard whining ("I sacrificed my career for him!"), she can count on a court forcing you to continue to support her financially. If MRA's are successful, she won't have that option. You say your sweetie wouldn't do that? Well, you thought that about your first wife, too.

It is doubtful you can ever convince her that you're not focussed on the money because she is focussed on the money.

Don't let her apparent indifference get you down. She'll either get over her discomfort or she won't. Oh, and go find that prenup and put it in a safe place. Wouldn't hurt.

MRA GUY is a Man for Justice."

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Differing approaches (Score:2)
by HombreVIII on 04:41 PM September 4th, 2004 EST (#1)
(User #160 Info)
This is an interesting article that's a bit different than the norm we get here. As passionate activists, I know a lot of us in here have faced these issues in our own lives. How much should we talk about the issues? How much is too much? To whom should we be speaking? And how do we deal with those who would rather these issues don't get any airplay at all?

When I first got involved in the movement I probably spoke about it too much. After reading Farrell's "Myth of Male Power" it was like I had been almost blind my whole life and was just seeing all these things I'd never noticed much before for the first time. It's difficult not to talk about that incessantly. Honestly after a while I actually started to bore myself talking about men's issues so much, and so I cut down the amount I talked about them greatly. By doing so, I noticed that while I fought far fewer battles, I was able to fight them more effectively. People were a lot more interested in what I was saying when I wasn't saying it constantly. Now I'm almost lazy about it, and I'll just sit on the sideline and let others argue the issues for me unless it looks like they need help or if nobody else has noticed the issue. This is not to suggest that my way of discussing these issues is the best way to handle it, I think the movement is made stronger by all of us taking a varied aproach. In the last few years, the movement has gained enough steam where there's usually someone besides myself who notices the discrimination when it comes up.

Re:Differing approaches (Score:1)
by Masculiste on 11:49 AM September 5th, 2004 EST (#5)
(User #1840 Info)
I have a question...is there any truth to an assertion put forth by man-hater Trish Wilson that Warren Farrell had written something about "positive incest?" It supposedly says that in some cases, he thinks incest is ok?!
I've never seen anything like this but I have read some of his stuff. I'd hate to espouse to the principles of a guy who thinks that ANY kind of incest is ok...help me out with this one fellas.
Re:Differing approaches (Score:1)
by Konovan on 12:51 PM September 5th, 2004 EST (#6)
(User #1754 Info)
I believe that is just a smear some feminists came up with after Warren Farrell stopped towing their line.
Re:Differing approaches (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 02:09 PM September 5th, 2004 EST (#7)

You can read the Official Statement from Warren Farrell on Pro-incest Accusations This is originally from Farrell himself.

See also this posting and this other posting.

Re:Differing approaches (Score:2)
by Luek on 05:59 PM September 5th, 2004 EST (#8)
(User #358 Info)
Letting some anti male skank like Trish Wilson get you into a state of anxiety over some second hand non cited accusation means that you still have some inner development to do.

These misandric feminists detractors are scum and should be regarded and treated like such.

Write this off as a good growth and knowledge gaining experience. You are doing GREAT! Keep it going.

Re:Differing approaches (Score:1)
by MAUS on 08:07 PM September 6th, 2004 EST (#11)
(User #1582 Info)
What people are really tired of is "the War" and what many of them (women included) have found to be an effective tactic for dealing with their local neighbourhood self appointed feminazi gauleiter who goes around evangelizing like a Jehovah's Witness is a yawning disinterest and a changing of the subject. Active combattants in "the War" have fallen off so drasticly that the current project of SOW Canada is actually called "where have all the women gone?" SOW would now no longer even have a choir to preach to if they did not give grants to the choirs.

If you do this sort of evangelizing yourself, you will encounter the same kind of wall...your new found enthusiasm is best saved for forums such as this one. If you are really keen for a fight there are numerous feminazi forums that you can troll and an endless number of official abusers of power and media outlets that you can climb in the face of....a much more effective use of the energy.

What our brother has put forward here is a tried and true technique for responding to the sort of narcisism that feminazi relationship coaches are so practiced at. The recipe is...take the feminazi's own words.....toss them into a sauce pot....add a generous portion of goose/gander sauce...serve cold.

I have also found that if you are trying to undermine the career of one of these "journalists" that sending your reply to her boss and to the advertisers who support that media is MUCH more effective than sending it to her....I DID manage to take down two in my home town and I have managed to make the CBC news service duck on a couple of occassions.
Re:Differing approaches (Score:2)
by HombreVIII on 12:03 AM September 7th, 2004 EST (#12)
(User #160 Info)
"I have also found that if you are trying to undermine the career of one of these "journalists" that sending your reply to her boss and to the advertisers who support that media is MUCH more effective than sending it to her....I DID manage to take down two in my home town and I have managed to make the CBC news service duck on a couple of occassions."

Well don't be shy, tell us more! :)
We need to hear our fellow activists victory stories, it's good for morale!
Re:Differing approaches (Score:1)
by MAUS on 06:36 PM September 10th, 2004 EST (#13)
(User #1582 Info)
hehehehehe!!! You flatter me....more to the point...you greatly underestimate your own power. The full transcriptions of the fight unfortunately were on the hard drive of an old Apple IIc which I decommissioned long ago but I will give you the highlights.

It was the early nineties when the feminazi tide was at it's high water mark. I had just graduated from Mount Saint Vincent University, Canada's foremost bastion of feminazi looneytoons ( the place that gave Hillary Clinton her honourary doctorate). I DID learn a few usefull things there...among them was how to effectively defend myself form man-eating white sharks and barracuda.

When I was back out on civy street I was absolutely astounded at the way people were caving in like kelp in the wake of the feminazi onslaught. What most men do not realize is that with the exception of a relative handfull of lawyers and academic philosophers VERY FEW feminazis have ever experienced being challanged in a debate at all....they just use the good ones as role models and coast on bravado.

There was a local paper that was struggleing for a niche in the market. Among it's editorial staff they hired a feminazi who was very strident but who couldn't find her ass with a map.At the time challanging feminazis was just not done. I had a friend who was a philosophy prof who was also one of the contributors to the editorial section. Letters to the editor which expressed outrage at what this bitch said were simply dismissed by the editor as being from "male chauvanists"and were not deemed worthy to print. I did not subscribe to this newspaper. One morning I found a sample copy of the paper in my mail slot along with a survey asking why I did not subscribe.

Now here is where my view of how to handle feminazis will differ greatly from many of the brothers who participate in this forum. Expressing yourself in a reasonable manner is simply too easy to ignore.

I WROTE THE MOST VITRIOLIC SARCASTIC RANT I COULD COMPOSE!!!! I trashed the paper for it's mysandrist policy and challanged Ms Ironbox and all of her feminazi collegues to meet me at the Public Commons and bring their deeds of property, jewellery, cash, retirement savings, everything they had of value and be prepared to divide it up like cake at a birthday party if they were going to pretend that they were egalitarians "ante up or shut up!" and I then went down her tiresome litany of anti-male complaints and in the most sarcastic terms I could find trashed them and ended with the challange "if you have read too much Ayn Rand to 'give me a break'would you consider leasing?"

This did not go to the editor....I sent it directly to the distribution manager and made damn sure that every advertiser in the copy of the paper I was given got a copy of my rant...I even hand delivered a couple of them.

My epistle was given prominent post on the editorial page and her career ended two issues later in the wake of support letters my words received.

In a similar manner I got a feminazi at a local radio station fired.

My rants to the CBC generally read like this:

"Notice:- You are reading a transcript of a formal complaint that has been sent to the Canadian Radio and Telecommunications Commission and all advertisers who had ad slots in a three hour period bracketing the transmission I am complaining about.

Your newscast of XXXXX featured a cub reporter submitting a "story"about women being accosted at bars and pubs and advocated a law similar to the workplace sexual harrassment policies that exist in many workplaces and cast shame on men for this behaviour. THIS IS NOT NEWS. THIS IS NOT JOURNALISM. This is socio-political indoctrination. I have been getting my nose rubbed in this dogshit (bitch shit to put a finer point on it)longer than that little mysandrist biggot has been alive and I am more than a little tired of it. As a tax-payer I am absolutely disgusted that a once world class news and documentary media has been commandeered and co-opted into becomming Political Corrections Canada. I will vote for any political party which has as part of it's platform the privatization of this travesty. Please stick to the knitting of your lawfull mandate or at least occassionally feature masculinists for a balanced view and stop being so blatantly partizan in promoting a culture of mysandry.

I have however taken this twit's message to heart and I will advise my two grandsons when they get to dating age and are out in public to conduct themselves as if they are being chaparoned by a feminazi divorce lawyer with a marine sargeant haircut, little round Leon Trotsky glasses and a snear that could boil water...oh and have fun.

Haven't seen THAT little feminazi gauleiter on the air since.

It's really not that hard guys...reach down into your pants....just below that tubular thing...in the sack...those two things that are like large lima beans....find them and get a grip on them or the feminazis will surely take them.
Ask Sadie -- typical silencing attempt (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 05:46 PM September 4th, 2004 EST (#2)
"You're boring me" is a new variant on "Why are you so hostile to women?". Both are pathetic, lying attempts to silence men talking about important aspects of their lives. These transparently false responses should be treated with the contempt that they deserve.

Of course, men should not become lifeless bores like fem-bots. A reason for talking about men's issues is that you want a real, full life. But don't just talk about, go for it. Ignore women who just want you to serve as their donkey or fashion accessory, and do things with persons (men and women) who appreciate you as a fully human person with rights and cares and joys and pains.

Detroit area!! Email me! (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 02:22 AM September 5th, 2004 EST (#3)


I'm also from the Detroit area and involved in DADSMI. Who is this guy?

I'm having many of the same problems with my wife. I have advice on how to handle this situation.

Plus, he sounds dedicated, and I'm looking for dedicated people.

If you're out there guy, give me an email at juliandroms -at- yahoo.com ..

(Substitute "@" for "-at-".)

Take care.
So Sadie Says....Who Cares? (Score:2)
by Luek on 09:53 AM September 5th, 2004 EST (#4)
(User #358 Info)

Excellent answer from MRA Guy! It is good that women feel discomfort about the men's liberation and rights movement. Something they will have to get used to. A poster below mentioned Dr. Farrell's book, "Myth Of Male Power." I just bought it and can't understand why I didn't buy it sooner! Highly recommend!

But what are preaching points over shrimp puffs???

Then again, so is preaching points over shrimp puffs.
MRA ains (Score:1)
by bharati on 03:08 AM September 6th, 2004 EST (#9)
(User #1817 Info)
Hey Julian ,
Maybe it is yor wife who is teh one who is complaining to SADIE. and Yes femisnists hate to confront MRAs because they have an answer to everything and every thing that Feminists hold dear and also because they are realising that MRAs have rapidly gained ground in the year 2003 and 2004 . Some of the gains in just one year
a. La Musga
b. withdrawal of that moveaway amendment
c. Fathers 4 Justice
d. Kobe bryants case for change there were a far more people advocating on the Kobe's side
e. Boys are Stupid
f. Marriage strike ( 22% is a huge minority )
g. California Judgement in DNA fraud

On the other hand women are actaully being confronted with their double standards and are being increasingly questioned on why they are ignoring the best interests of the child by removing the father from their lives as well as how is it that material payment from father is really important .
The media is also forced to ask these question because otherwise they lose this audience to internet . Men are increasingly getting knowledgable on Gender issues through internet and Media do not have a monoply on information Dissemination .Their gender bais is not sustainable because alternative sources are now available.
Can Anybody tell any other 12 month period where such impressive gains have been made ?

Thank you!!! (Score:1)
by MAUS on 08:23 AM September 6th, 2004 EST (#10)
(User #1582 Info)
This is absolutely delightfull!!! We have indeed come a long way from the days when you could not find a lawyer who would dare defy or challange a feminazi. If the current tactic is to ignore...I discovered a counter measure. I live in Canada. Canadians, as a culture, are very practiced at willfully ignoring anything they would rather not deal with. There is a saying on Parliment Hill "If you ignore a problem long enough...it WILL go away". My solution is to say things that CANNOT be ignored and to involve people who those who are ignoring you cannot afford to ignore...takes a little creative mischief and monkeyshines and a pair of balls.

What was that song Helen Reddy used to sing? Went something like:
"Feminazis are a bore...their bitching makes me doze off and snore"....something like that anyway...forgot the lyrics...been a while.
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