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NH Men's Commission Gets New Member
posted by Scott on 08:10 AM August 24th, 2004
News I'm honored to announce that I have been recently appointed to serve on the NH Commission on the Status of Men. Commissioner Tony Raymond, a Police Chief from Plymouth, NH, resigned from the Commission earlier this summer due to family and time constraints. Governor Craig Benson then nominated me on July 28 and the Executive Council unanimously approved the nomination on August 18. I am excited to be able to serve on the Commission as an official member, and look forward to the challenges that lie ahead. Please see the Read More section for more info, and a request for assistance.

The Commission on the Status of Men in NH has three main areas which it was assigned to study by the legislature: Men's health needs, the effects of fatherlessness on society, and the educational needs of boys and young men in the state. To date the Commission and the public have given quite a bit of attention to the first two mandates. So while I intend to help the Commission on all of its work, I plan to make my particular focus on the educational status of our state's boys and young men.

Young people are literally the future of our society. I am aware of many national trends which show that males are, on average, doing quite poorly compared to females in our educational institutions. From dropout rates to learning disabilities to college enrollment and academic performance, a substantial percentage of our nation's young male population is not laying the groundwork for a successful future. This is a gender issue that does not receive the attention it deserves, and there is still a lot of misinformation and stereotypes out there that have blinded the public and educational administrators from paying proper attention to this issue.

I intend to help quantify the educational needs that boys and young men have in NH, and identify areas where their needs are the strongest. Not only do the education administrators and teachers need this information, but the media and public need to be educated about it as well. In recent years, I've seen at least a half-dozen front page news articles about a local school district's alarming dropout rate, but never is it framed as a gender issue, nor are the statistics reported on even broken down by gender.

There's no way I can do this work in a vacuum, and I would like to request the help of anyone with a background in education, statistics, or young male advocacy. You don't have to be local to New Hampshire if you'd like to offer help - I need to obtain data about national trends to compare them with what's going on in NH. Please drop me an e-mail if you'd like to help out and I will start a mailing list where discussion of this work will be held. I want to see this Men's Commission succeed, and become an example that others can follow. Any assistance, either financial or in time, is greatly appreciated.


Scott Garman

scott at mensactivism dot org

Male homosexuality 3 1/2 times more damaging to Zanzibar than female homosexuality | Teflon Military Women  >

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Recommended books? (Score:1)
by Scott (scott@mensactivism.org) on 08:53 AM August 24th, 2004 EST (#1)
(User #3 Info)
One thing I'd like to do is some book research on these issues. I'm very familiar with Real Boys by William Pollack and The War Against Boys by Christina Hoff-Sommers, but those books are becoming somewhat dated. Is there any more recent material which has come into print on these topics I should know about?


Re:Recommended books? (Score:1)
by Gregory on 03:32 PM August 24th, 2004 EST (#6)
(User #1218 Info)
Good going, Scott! A well-deserved honor for you.

I haven't yet come across any other book titles pertaining to educational disparities affecting boys and young men in the US.

In one of her recent columns, Wendy McElroy refers to a 2003 study conducted by Andrew Sum titled "The Growing Gender Gaps in College Enrollment and Degree Attainment in the U.S. and Their Potential Economic and Social Consequences."

I'll let you know if I come across any recently published books about the education gender gap in the US.
Re:Recommended books? (Score:1)
by Gang-banged on 06:45 PM August 24th, 2004 EST (#8)
(User #1714 Info)
Hi Scott,

Just this evening, I featured in a BBC TV piece on male victims of DV. The journalist doing the piece quoted from the National Crime Survey, which sets out to demolish that men are victims. Thus I directed them to speak with professor John Archer at Lancaster University. The prof has done exhaustive studies of studies, looking at their methodology and possible bias, and, concludes the fact there are more male victims than generally accepted. Whilst a number of his papers have been published, and are quoted around the world, they are not in Book form. However, they may be downloadable ? Further, he is truly approachable and would assist with any specific query.

Doubtless you are aware the Canadian Government are they only body to have done a comprehensive study on Parental Ailienation Syndrome (PAS) and find: children brought up by single fathers have none of the pathological traits displayed from single mother households. From the later 26% of children run away from home before the age of 16yrs.
I'm not sure if it helps... (Score:2)
by Rand T. on 01:02 AM August 26th, 2004 EST (#15)
(User #333 Info)
I couldn't figure out which country you're from, what with the BBC TV (Britain), the National Crime Survey (US) and Canadian Government...

But here's the the report "Domestic Violence: Findings from a new British Crime Survey self-completion questionnaire":

British Crime Survey - Domestic Violence
Re:I'm not sure if it helps... (Score:1)
by Gang-banged on 08:36 PM August 26th, 2004 EST (#18)
(User #1714 Info)
Thank you for your direction, however, sadly I have to advise that "The British Crime Survey" you refer to - is simply not worth the paper it is written on, that is unless you possess a nail on the back of your Loo door on which it could be hung.

You may have noticed that I refer to professor John Archer, who has studied studies and surveys. In the case of the survey you focus on, the methodology of its compilation leaves rather a lot to be desired. Consequently, it results are not simply questionable - they are blatantly misleading, or WRONG. This probably accounts for why the feminist led Women's Aid, push these figures.

Incidently, I live in England, but have made an extensive study of these matters myself.
Re:I'm not sure if it helps... (Score:2)
by Rand T. on 12:39 AM August 30th, 2004 EST (#19)
(User #333 Info)
I don't understand. The findings of the BCS bear out most of the claims made by advocates of male victims of DV. What's the problem?
Re:Recommended books? (Score:1)
by Tom on 08:22 PM August 24th, 2004 EST (#9)
(User #192 Info) http://www.standyourground.com
Two books I would recommend on boys are "Raising Boys" by Steve Biddulph and "The Wonder of Boys" by Michael Gurian. Both are excellent and I think an improvement over the Pollack book which tends to fall more in line with the pc ideas.
Do we have True Equality?
Way to Go, Scott! (Score:2)
by Thomas on 09:02 AM August 24th, 2004 EST (#2)
(User #280 Info)
This is fantastic news.

-- Creating hostile environments for feminazis since the 1970s.

Re:Way to Go, Scott! (Score:1)
by Masculiste on 11:36 AM August 24th, 2004 EST (#3)
(User #1840 Info)
Congratulations Scott...

It's time for a 'full court press' on the issues of fairness to men. Please keep us posted.

Michael Capanzzi aka

Congratulations! (Score:1)
by Sidor's Goat on 01:49 PM August 24th, 2004 EST (#4)
(User #1574 Info)

          Congratulations, Scott! I applaud your activism and will do some activism on my own!
Re:Congratulations! (Score:1)
by Gang-banged on 07:40 PM August 26th, 2004 EST (#17)
(User #1714 Info)
After giving the matter some thought, and looking at todays Headline News ! I have a feeling we should perhaps recruit Mark Thatcher to look into solving the problems we have with varied governments ? ? ?
Excellent (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 03:14 PM August 24th, 2004 EST (#5)
That's just wonderful news, Scott. You've stuck it out for so long. Big congrats!

Congrats! (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 04:06 PM August 24th, 2004 EST (#7)

Nice to see some forward motion among all the rhetoric here.

Good luck - work hard to restore men's rights, and set a good example for other states to follow.

Something to check out (Score:1)
by Hunchback on 08:23 PM August 24th, 2004 EST (#10)
(User #1505 Info)
One gender educational problem is the declining number of boys graduating from high school or going on to college. This reflects a 30-year commitment to improving the education of girls while ignoring boys, the result of which has been a spate of girl-only initiatives and programs. Someone on the Kerry Forum mentioned that the disparity is especially pronounced for families earning 30K or less. This is something to look into. It stands to reason that the gender impact would be greater on a poor family. If students are deprived, at-risk and on the edge, a supplementary program--or the lack of one--can mean the difference between success and failure.
Great Scott! (Score:1)
by Tom on 08:24 PM August 24th, 2004 EST (#11)
(User #192 Info) http://www.standyourground.com
Fanstastic Scott! This is great news. Having you on board the commission will help in many ways I am sure.
Do we have True Equality?
Very appropriate (Score:1)
by Ragtime on 09:34 PM August 24th, 2004 EST (#12)
(User #288 Info)
Way to go, Scott!

A big 'congratulations' to you. Knowing how hard you've worked towards the commission, I can think of no one who deserves this more.

I tip my hat.


The Uppity Wallet

The opinions expressed above are my own, but you're welcome to adopt them.

Way To Go Scott!!! (Score:2)
by Luek on 10:24 PM August 24th, 2004 EST (#13)
(User #358 Info)
It will be a better commission with you on it Scott.

Because the economy is really sucking right now, I don't know if I will still have a job next month so your request for $$$$ will have to be put on hold until further notice. However, I will support you in any other way I can. Let me know.

Congratulations anyway.
by mcc99 on 09:38 AM August 25th, 2004 EST (#14)
(User #907 Info)
Scott, this is great news!! Congratulations!!
Taking Sides (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 06:59 AM August 26th, 2004 EST (#16)
Taking Sides is a series of books covering today's issues that uses a venue where "knowledgable" people argue both sides of the arguement, in other words a pro and con are written about the subject.

Here's one on education Click Taking Sides, Educational Issues

here's another,

Click Taking Sides, Early Childhood Education

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