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Paternity Fraud Battle in CA
posted by Hombre on 12:51 PM August 21st, 2004
Reproductive Rights Marc writes "Here is a Washington Times article about the turmoil in California over the Navarro case. Manuel Navarro got his paternity fraud case overturned in a heroic decision by the 2nd District Court of Appeal. But Child Support Services is asking the CA Supreme Court to depublish Navarro, saying it is causing confusion in the courts (which is really nonsense). Both sides are submitting amicus letters to the California Supreme Court."

Eerily Familiar? | Deadbeat Dad Hypocrite  >

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Paternity Fraud in Ca. (Score:1)
by Masculiste on 01:56 PM August 21st, 2004 EST (#1)
(User #1840 Info)
This is a fucking disgrace. When an appelate or higher state court returns a ruling, it becomes "Black Letter Law." That's it. But these fucking govt. sponsored agencies who profit from calling compliant fathers 'deadbeats' now want to create their own set of rules to usurp law.
Sorry Hombre, if my writing here is poor but I posted this story as well and everytime I think about it, I'm livid.
We're talking about THE most insidious type of fraud there is...and it IS fraud...and the fucking system rewards it AND themselves on the backs of men by holding children up as objects to be used to commit the crime.
To my mind, if the CA. Court approves depublishing this ruling, then this is the most fucked up example of court corruption in the history of jurisprudence. Period! If the courts can do this...then what the hell do we have against the mafia?

Sorry again for the profanity. You run a great site.
Re:Paternity Fraud in Ca. (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 03:42 PM August 21st, 2004 EST (#2)
I agree that this is totally gross. Men should speak out for justice NOW!

Re:Paternity Fraud in Ca. (Score:2)
by TLE on 03:45 PM August 21st, 2004 EST (#3)
(User #1376 Info)
I think paternity fraud may be the issue that finally galvanizes men to stand up for their rights. The child support services bitches should be locked up for conspiracy to commit fraud. They are truly criminal and pathological. Their reasoning is indefensible, and before long the whole scheme to defraud random men will collapse. Thank God for DNA.
Re:Paternity Fraud in Ca. (Score:1)
by Gang-banged on 08:15 PM August 21st, 2004 EST (#4)
(User #1714 Info)
Far be it for me to offer a solution, however, the nations men are dying in Iraq to bring Freedom to the people and defend a Democratic and enlightened way of life back home.

Perhaps Saddam is not the only leader that needs removing or indeed putting on Trial - dare I say . . . for his life !
Re:Paternity Fraud in Ca. (Score:1)
by gondo on 03:36 AM September 26th, 2004 EST (#16)
(User #1886 Info)
I agree with you on this one! I could never be more proud to be serving my country, especially when it comes to putting an end to global terrorism. I am also a victim of "Paternity Fraud" here in California. I have tried to get help through my Military Legal Offices but as I have learned they can't help and I was forced to hire an attorney, which by the way is doing an outstanding job representing me. It is almost a year that I am trying to fight this injustice and it has already cost me approximately close to $10,000.00 in attorney fees and not including my ex-wife’s attorney fees, which she is requesting for me to cover ($4,000.00). I do have DNA evidence that I am not the Biological father (0% possibility) and also know who the real biological father is (99.9% possibility). An ex-boyfriend of my ex-wife confessed to him that she got pregnant on her bacheloret party, weeks prior of us getting married and that I was stupid enough to be paying for a son that is not mine. The ex-boyfriend notified me of the situation was the main factor that motivated me to take the DNA test in the first place. My attorney has made me aware that this is not such an easy case and that in fact things don't look too good at this time for me, due to the California laws which supports woman who lie. I have already paid close to $30,000 dollars in child support since the child's birth from March 2000 to present September 2004. He is only 4 years old and I am still forced to support him for 14 more years. Not to mention his last name has already been change from my original last name to his real Biological father's last name. This is not fair and has put a big burden to my family and me. I re-married and have an 18-month-old daughter, which by the way it doesn’t make any sense when the law states "for the best interest of the child". I can't offer my real family what they deserve because the government won’t do a thing to stop such crime. I have not bonded with the child due to my military status and being deployed several times to the Persian Gulf. In fact the child has called a couple of men (ex-wife's former boyfriends) DADDY and have spent more time with the child than I have! So you tell me what is "the best interest for the child"? Should all three of us be financial obligated to him just because the mother tolled the child to call us DADDY?
Oh! I forgot to mention, my ex-wife is only 26 years old and has 5 children from 5 different men and collecting support from all five of us. She doesn't work because the government has made her lazy by giving her welfare and supporting her in all this injustices.
Like I said it before I am very proud of serving my country and plan on doing it till I retire. But all that might change on October of 2004 when the Judge will make the final decision on whether I should be obligated to support another man's child for the next 14 years! I won't be able to afford to support my family with just my military pay. Almost halve of my pay is gone on every paycheck, which puts my family in a very limited budget. In fact, if it weren’t for my father that has been supporting my family and me financially, I would have probably been discharged from the military for financial burden. I feel very bad about taking my fathers money to support my family especially knowing that the source of that money comes from his retiring savings. I pray to god that the court can have mercy on my family and those who are struggling because of paternity fraud.
I have learned three things in the military that have actually made the man that I am right now, which are Courage, Honor, and Commitment. The more I try to figure out why women do this to children and men, the more I get confused! This is a flat out crime that needs to stop! It is only obvious that there is no "HONOR" in paternity fraud and those who support it!

Military Paternity Fraud Victim

Re:Paternity Fraud in Ca. (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 10:01 AM August 23rd, 2004 EST (#14)
The child support services bitches should be locked up for conspiracy to commit fraud.

Actually it is Marxist-Feminist males that are at the head of this massive conspiracy. The females are in the background using the males as a front. Thus it is the males that should be put away first, and secondly the females should be locked-up for their role as co-conspirators.


Re:Paternity Fraud in Ca. (Score:2)
by HombreVIII on 01:23 PM August 22nd, 2004 EST (#9)
(User #160 Info)
Masculiste, I'm not much for swearing, but if cursing has any use at all than I see nothing wrong with calling the paternity fraud schemes a fucking disgrace. Legally accepted fraud in order to allow corrupt, selfish women to collect legalized theft at severe expense to their own children, their children's fathers, and other innocent men who aren't their fathers. And the problem isn't just the degree of evil involved, it's also how incredibly widespread it is. Most all familial courts in the US are this corrupt! So while you might apologize for your word choice, I think the more profane are those who are unbothered by, or worse, support this kind of activity.

*PS - Just so there's no confusion, Scott is the one who runs this site. I'm glad you like it. :)
Re:Paternity Fraud in Ca. (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 09:58 AM August 23rd, 2004 EST (#13)
We're talking about THE most insidious type of fraud there is...and it IS fraud...and the fucking system rewards it AND themselves on the backs of men by holding children up as objects to be used to commit the crime.

Ironic. I've personally spoken to the director and many of the other male directors of the DCSS. Not one of them would acknowledge that the DCSS is participating in paternity fraud or that paternity fraud is wrong.

In fact the director of the DCSS who is Mr Curtis L. Child has labeled the term "paternity fraud" to be little more than "inflamatory" language. In my opinion, it is this man that is at the head of the feminist opposition to recognizing that paternity fraud is real and that it is a criminal activity.

Thus, in my opinion, Mr Curtis L. Child who is the Executive Director of the DCSS, promotes paternity fraud and seeks to oppress innocent males. I will only change that opinion if he admits that paternity fraud is a criminal activity which he supports and enables as directory of the DCSS.


by Anonymous User on 11:41 PM August 21st, 2004 EST (#5)
Notice that the only time feminists (e.g., Paula Roberts) care about fatherlessness is when it is time to sack one man for child support of another man's child.

Until the paternity fraud movement is united, funded, and publicized, this nonsense will continue. The time for internet discussion is over. We must make paternity fraud an issue for the 2008 Presidential Election, starting now (it's too late for 2004). If you watch Fox News, e-mail Bill O'Reilly, Cal Thomas, Sean Hannity and all other conservatives and tell them to STOP IGNORING THIS ISSUE!! Paternity fraud must become a household term like affirmative action, gun control, and gay marriage.

Adam Perrotta

Paranoia Is A Virtue
by Anonymous User on 03:29 AM August 22nd, 2004 EST (#6)
"Until the paternity fraud movement is united, funded, and publicized, this nonsense will continue."

The least men can do is join a men's rights organization like NCFM or Vets Fighting Paternity Fraud, or some other fine men's rights organization, then join some protests. It really gets noticed by the public and the news media when you have a good demonstration. Neither Republican or Democrat, Democrat or Repulican adiministration is going to pay any attention until men make enough protest to draw attention to these plights.

News publication of these events may be dependent on men protesting and filming there own protests, but usually not.

When you've got 150 signs for hand carry (many huge), over a dozen that go on a truck, bull horn, give away 25 T-shirts and you still get only about a dozen or so men together in protest (at one time), the issue isn't organization, it's individual male apathy (the biggest problem). Still, I have to take my hat off to Glenn Sacks for getting those 2000 letters, even if it should have been 20,000.

Maybe the next rally we have we'll put up a big sign advertising "Lot's of Women will be there" for the guys who can't think for themselves, and can only be led around through the ring in their nose by a woman.

Sorry to be so insulting, but there are some sheep (men) out there who need a wake up call. The guys who are doing something are certainly deserving of praise for all their hard work.

by HombreVIII on 01:01 PM August 22nd, 2004 EST (#8)
(User #160 Info)
You make a good point about individual male apathy, Ray, and I think part of the issue may be that many men are afraid of the social repercussions of associating themselves with men's issues. With younger men, who are more likely to base their self-esteem on how favorably women treat them, this problem seems even greater. Perhaps it might help to put more emphasis on making men more consciously aware of this. Whenever someone or a group seems to be trying to "punish" you for objecting to men being treated unfairly, you might try pointing it out to them, (and others). In some cases after this happens a few times you can even predict it aloud "Ok, I suggested men should be treated as fairly as women, now start calling me names and tell me how clueless I am in spite of the fact that I've studied the issue in far more depth than you." I'm guessing this might be a way to make headway on these issues with people who just react to your arguments instead of actually analyzing them.
by Masculiste on 11:14 AM August 22nd, 2004 EST (#7)
(User #1840 Info)
Groups Are Great Adam...

I like groups. But right now we have many, many groups that are speaking LOUDLY on the issue of paternity fraud and father's rights as a whole.

But the governmental and judicial departments and the lobbies that exist to help support them (and they DO exist) have taken an adverserial stance against working men.

They have done the inpardonable. The law says that the courts shall remain nuetral in position, regarding legal actions that come across the bench. But the family courts, who benefit from increased federal tax revenue everytime a duped or otherwise compliant man's name is included in their list of 'so-called' deadbeat dads, are realing in ALL divorced fathers names onto this list WHOLESALE! They are INFLATING THE LIST. And in turn, inflating future statistics to justify their ever-inflating budget. They are cooking the books.

And they profit HUGE. Just look at how many brand new family courts were constructed in the last several years, across the nation, which are state-of-the-art, and come with all the support staffing bells and whistles.

The truth is that TRUE deadbeat dads are few and far between. The only thing that feeds this new system IS compliant men. Many of whom are DUPED into marriage for the "express purpose" of being duped out of our children, our money and our dreams.

To make criminals where no criminal exists, is criminal unto itself. They are CREATING cases against us. Manufacturing fraudulent cases through the court system. Manufacturing fraudulent evidence by burdoning us with the high cost of going to court JUST for the simple purpose of knowing who our children are, and wanting to be involved with their lives as parents when they are ours. And for the ones who aren't...giving us the 'right' to decide what we can and can't do.

To proceed with actions that harm men for the purpose of pure profit is to engage in FRAUD ON THE COURT. And to use our own children as the means to effectuate this type of fraud is beneath contempt. By ALL those involved. Look up the definition of the above term as well as all other definitions of fraud in BLACK'S LAW DICTIONARY. See if you don't start having flashbacks...

The point of this Adam, is that there are groups that already have the ear of media and government. They really need to do a full court press RIGHT NOW! This instant. Because my vote this year, as always, will or will not go to whoever is father-friendly. And even if we can't affect legislation right this second, we should be BARRAGING the news with the stories that we see everyday. They're out there.

And as individuals, we should be reasearching the laws. Research, research, research. Because the laws are already there on the books. Any lawyer who tells you that they aren't is lying to you.
And aren't lawyers part of the problem anyway?

I apologize if you get the impression that I'm invalidating what you said. I don't mean it that way...I just think we should go even further right now. I sincerely believe the time is right.
by Masculiste on 03:24 PM August 22nd, 2004 EST (#11)
(User #1840 Info)
A Big Fat OOOPS to Ray,

Sorry I wrote 'Adam'...I wsa recalling a previous debate with a guy I work with.
by Anonymous User on 05:32 PM August 22nd, 2004 EST (#12)
"To make criminals where no criminal exists, is criminal unto itself. They are CREATING cases against us. Manufacturing fraudulent cases through the court system."
"To proceed with actions that harm men for the purpose of pure profit is to engage in FRAUD ON THE COURT. And to use our own children as the means to effectuate this type of fraud is beneath contempt."

Absolutely, 100% true. These aren't the most fashionable, but I think we're saying similar things.

Click Deadbeat Government

Click What's in the Best Interest of Men

Click Debtor Prison

Please do not scroll up the page of each linked item. All the info I'm trying to convey is as the page initially comes up.
by Anonymous User on 10:23 AM August 23rd, 2004 EST (#15)
But the governmental and judicial departments and the lobbies that exist to help support them (and they DO exist) have taken an adverserial stance against working men.

This assessment is quite correct. What is even more shocking is that last year, during the California paternity workgroup meetings, there were more men's issues groups that appeared than feminist groups at the meetings. The feminist groups were out voted EVERY TIME.

Yet, because the CA-DCSS was hosting the workgroup, they were able to control the content of the discussions, and they were able to reinterpret the language of the agreements that were made to suit the Marxist-Feminist agenda. In this way, the Marxist-Feminists were able to control the actual language that got into AB252.

Only a few words actually represent what the men's issues groups were demanding. Bear in mind of course, that the Marxist-Feminist do not want any bill at all. They are 100% opposed to AB252. They hate men because they've organized and pushed this bill.

Further, AB252 was dead. It was dying in the finance committee. Then this ruling by the Appellate court came out. Well to make a long story short, it has moved with lightning speed. Gees. Go figure. They bill is dead and not it is almost law.

This of course means that AB252 is an artificial construction of the feminists and (in my opinion) Communist-Feminist like Curtis L. Child who in affect advocate naming any man as the father of a child and trapping him into a lifetime of servitude. Naturally, Mr. Child is motivated by his six-figure income to keep this fraud going.

Bottom line. It is literally men that are doing this to other men. The Marxist-Feminist are on the sidelines laughing at the men whom they get to do their bidding. As Arnold would say, Mr. Child is a girlyman. The Marxist-Feminists know that Mr. Child will do any bidding of theirs for the money. And so he continues the conspiracy of fraud in the name of "the best interest of the children."


P.S. Just because Mr. Child's last name is Child doesn't mean he cares about children.

Re: "De-publish" the 19th Amendment! (Score:2)
by Roy on 01:59 PM August 22nd, 2004 EST (#10)
(User #1393 Info)
It's revealing that when feminist bureaucrats (in this case the California Child Support feminazis dining at the public trough...) are faced with a defeat in the courts, they seek to "de-publish" the decision!

This is not one iota different from the predicted "Thought Control" that Orwell and Huxley wrote about decades ago.

Erase history! Censor speech! Ban argument!

Eliminate opposition by eradicating their legal references and precidents!

Feminists want to make a world where only they decide what is permissable to express, discuss, even recall...

If you are finding that your very mind is being assaulted by this hate movement, then it's beyond time to mobilize!

It only takes 20% of any given oppressed population to create a successful revolution.

Oh, BTW... the 19th gave women the right to vote!


"It's a terrible thing ... living in fear." - Roy: hunted replicant, Blade Runner
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