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75% of suicide victims are male (Japan)
posted by Adam on 04:52 PM July 24th, 2004
News alphamale writes "While I do not know the population of Japan offhand, 34,000 suicides in a year seems to be a catastrophe no matter what the population is. This is a shocking loss of life in epidemic proportions. 75% of the suicides were committed by men. Yet nothing is done. You can bet if 75% of the suicides were of women, there would be a beating of breasts, tearing of robes with billions of yen being thrown at the problem. Japan is not an aberration, the percentage of suicide participants who are male is similar the world over, yet society continues to ignore these lost, neglected and forgotten souls. Check out the story here"

Wearing a dress to work to protest | Woman kills man in DV dispute, 3 articles vary greatly  >

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Suicide statistics always LEAVE OUT..... (Score:1)
by jname967 on 08:25 PM July 24th, 2004 EST (#1)
(User #1804 Info)
..... one important FACT: Women attempt suicide at least as much as men, maybe even MORE, it's just that men succeed at it because of their more substantial efforts. YOU NEVER HEAR THIS, EVER! It's not that men cave into pressure more, or dislike their lives more. It always bothers me that this side of the statistic is never pointed out in regards to gender differences in suicide.
Re:Suicide statistics always LEAVE OUT..... (Score:2)
by HombreVIII on 09:41 PM July 24th, 2004 EST (#2)
(User #160 Info)
I've heard it dozens of times, and I'll reply to you the same way I've replied many times to it in the past. Everyone is smart enough to successfully kill themselves if that's what they are actually trying to do. "Attempted suicide" is a cry for help, not a genuine attempt at suicide. Serious yes, but different altogether. Men skip the "cry for help" part, perhaps because of the disdain we show men who even need help, yet alone try to make us care enough to help them.

Re:Suicide statistics always LEAVE OUT..... (Score:1)
by canaryguy (nospam.canaryguy@nospam.stealthfool.com) on 09:42 PM July 24th, 2004 EST (#3)
(User #1641 Info)
I checked the CDC web site on this. Women in general attempt suicide more. Men succeed at suicide more.

We don't fool around with half of a bottle of pills, we go for the single-barreled shotgun and wonder if two barrels would be more certain.

Feminists don't care how many men kill themselves -- that is what they want. To them, we're evil and do not matter. The only thing that matters to feminists are women and women only.
Re:Suicide statistics always LEAVE OUT..... (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 09:03 AM July 25th, 2004 EST (#6)
"Women in general attempt suicide more"
      This is false. It is a myth widely disseminated by feminists. "Parasuicide" is a phenomenon which is virtually exclusive to the female gender. It involves taking a couple of paracetamols or aspirins and then going to the Emergency department claiming that she tried to kill herself. Sometimes it involves scratching herself on the wrist a few times. It is not attempted suicide which ,like suicide, is far commoner in men. Parasuicide constitutes a major portion of the workload of Emergency departments. Feminists have been reclassifying parasuicide as "attempted suicide" in an attempt to distort suicide statistics.
Re:Suicide statistics always LEAVE OUT..... (Score:1)
by canaryguy (nospam.canaryguy@nospam.stealthfool.com) on 11:10 AM July 25th, 2004 EST (#8)
(User #1641 Info)
'Women in general attempt suicide more'
"This is false. It is a myth widely disseminated by feminists. 'Parasuicide' is a phenomenon which is virtually exclusive to the female gender."

I'm pretty much in agreement. I'm quite curious as to what constitutes a "suicide attempt". I wonder if the CDC's definition of a suicide attempt has been monkeyed with by feminists.
Re:Suicide statistics always LEAVE OUT..... (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 01:02 PM July 25th, 2004 EST (#10)
Feminists ARE monkeys!
Re:Suicide statistics always LEAVE OUT..... (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 10:34 PM July 24th, 2004 EST (#4)
"It always bothers me that this side of the statistic is never pointed out"

yeah I know...I've persoanlly never heard this pointed out before. It seems as if this goes along with another poster's comment on another thread on Chomsky's critique of media's "worthy victims" reporting...
p. george
Re:Suicide statistics always LEAVE OUT..... (Score:1)
by stupid cupid on 07:16 AM July 25th, 2004 EST (#5)
(User #1720 Info)
Well, a lot of people "attempt" to cure cancer but you don't hear them getting recognition in the media either...I don't want to sound cynical, but a lot of people "try" things and that doesn't mean they should be perceived on the same level as someone actually completing something...and I will not apologise for having more sympathy for parents of kids who kill themselves than parents of kids who tried to kill themselves...

"When slaves gave up their seats for whites, we called it subservience; when men give up their seats for women, we call
Re:Suicide statistics always LEAVE OUT..Hogwash (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 09:49 AM July 25th, 2004 EST (#7)
"It's not that men cave into pressure more, or dislike their lives more."

The reason men are successful is because they dislike their lives more, have as much or more pressure with far less outlets, and are more abused, more desperate, more in need, have less societal resources to turn to, and are just more sick and tired of living in a world of man hating bigots.

Look at the 80% of homeless that are men.
Look at the lack of men's domestic violence shelters.
Look at the unfair court rulings in cases of child custody, child support, paternity fraud etc.
Look at all the move away Moms
Look at the false accusations of domestic violence, child abuse, sexual harassment, etc.
Look at the women's studies programs spewing hate men, hate men, hate men on over 700 college campuses in America.
Look at all the women's commission (over 270 in America alone) - 1 for men in N.H. & it's struggling to survive
Look at the hate men, hate men, hate men spewed in commercials, movies, television, newspapers, etc., etc.
Look at the sex of those who have been sent to combat in Iraq
Look at the sex of those who have been killed in Iraq.
Look at all the shelters for men who have been battered in Iraq (a lot worse than domestic violence) zero, (0), nadda, zilch, nothing)
Look at the death by disease rate (of the top ten leading causes of death by disease, men lead in all categories)
Look at all the domestic violence shelters for men in society (835,000 men battered by an intimate in one year) minimal if any shelters for men in most locations compared to services for women
Look at Offices of Health for women, compared to those for men. Men again are overlooked.
Look at the industrial accident death rate (94% male) - injury rate similar
Look at the homicide rate (76% male)
Look at the disparate sentencing rates between men and women for committing the same crime. You guessed it. Men do the long time.
Look at the prison population 93% male (highest prison population in the world)
Look at the prison rape epidemic targeting men (The guy who killed and drug poor James Bird in Texas was raped in prison)
Look at the faces of the falsely convicted men at project innocence and see the reflection of the man hating bigotry that typifies American society.
Look at the reproductive choices women have compared to men.
Look at the violence committed against little male babies in America, etc. through genital mutilation (circumcision)

It always bothers me that these statistics are never pointed out in regards to gender differences in suicide.

In some primitive tribes it was a form of capitol punishment for the rest of the tribe to shun the convicted person, never speak to him/her and it worked. That person died from that abuse. Did I say primitive? Include America on that list when it comes to this countries treatment of all men.


click Prison and the Grave

click The Covered Up Epidemic

click Reproductive Choices

click Choice For Men

click Hate Crime Target of the Politically Correct

click Fathers Are More Than Wallets

Please do not scroll up the page of the linked items. All the info I'm trying to convey is as it initially comes up.

Re:Suicide statistics always LEAVE OUT..Hogwash (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 12:33 PM July 25th, 2004 EST (#9)
You're so right, Ray. But the answer isn't despair and whining (although both are very understandable in these circumstances). The answer is to BE A MAN AND DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT, JUST LIKE RAY IS!!!!

Re:Suicide statistics always LEAVE OUT..Hogwash (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 07:40 PM July 25th, 2004 EST (#11)
"The answer is to BE A MAN..."

click The Model For Men

Please do not scroll up the page. All the info I'm trying to convey is as the page initially comes up.

Being proactive is good, but I'm really rethinking a lot things these days, about what it is to be a MAN. On the one hand I'm outraged that some bigoted feminists are trying to dictate to us "How to be a MAN." On the other hand, in light of what I've learned about the hazards of being a MAN from mensactivists, I sure don't want to embrace all the pitfalls that go along with having been born male.

Proactive is good. We certainly need to change a lot of things that are oppressing MEN. ...and no, unlike women's studies (which blames men for all the problems in the world) we are not going to blame women for all our problems. There's certainly no denying that men oppress men too, just like women sometimes oppress women. You need look no further than the teaching methodology and curiculum of women's studies to irufuteably prove that's going on.

Re:Suicide statistics always LEAVE OUT..Hogwash (Score:2)
by jenk on 09:43 AM July 27th, 2004 EST (#12)
(User #1176 Info)
Hey Ray, I would really like to order a Prison and the Grave T-shirt, but would you consider putting on the other side something like "support DV shelters for men" with a link to a dv web site? I think it would have more impact (keeping to one subject specifically) and also give people a way to look up more info. I was not sure if you make them one at a time or if you have a large print press now.
Keep up the excellent work, Ray, we all appreciate it.

Thanks, The Biscuit Queen
Re:Suicide statistics always LEAVE OUT..Hogwash (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 06:38 PM July 27th, 2004 EST (#13)

Personally, I think it's a great idea, and I emailed the idea to Jan at Battered Men's Helpline, to see if it was something they might be interested in.

click Battered Men's Helpline

I know a lot of places have to watch their politics so I'm not sure she'll go for the idea, but again it's a good idea and worth a try in my opinion.

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