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Girls Know The Rules Don't Apply To Them
posted by Adam on 09:28 AM July 2nd, 2004
News Benjamin Adam Studtmann writes "These two bits of news are a trifle old, but I didn't run across them when the initial debacles happened. To me, the key quote was "girls know the rules don't apply to them". Welcome to the happy place."

A critique of the modern world | Judge favours father over mother in custody dispute  >

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A Minor Highjacking (Score:1)
by Cain (bdebud@msn.com) on 05:17 PM July 2nd, 2004 EST (#1)
(User #1580 Info)
When i loaded up the first story link i also got the infamous Honda Pilot advertisement as well and it not only loaded that ad but two variations of it.Ive linked to screenshots of the ad for those that havent seen it,its the single most offensive and brazen in your face "we can do and say what ever the hell we want" ad i have ever seen.Why dont you send Honda a little message and let them know what you think of it and while your at it send one to ABC since it was found on their page.I wasnt able to find contact info for Honda on any of its pages but you can contact ABC through the story link at the bottom of the page.








Gentlemen the time has come for us to start working together on bringing some of these media outlets to their knees.The single most effective tool in the hands of the feminist movement is the media itself.But luckily for us it is also its weakest link.The feminist movement has acquired this vice grip like level of control over the media as a direct result of the fear they created in the minds of its advertisers and the media being the frightened little pimps they are simply bend in the direction of the most consistent pressure.We need to start applying some direct focused consistent organised pressure on our own.We need to get the media outlets and more importantly their advertisers used to the idea of listening to us again and the only way is some form of organization.Now i know there are many organized mens groups around but the one approach that has yet to be taken or at least the one im not familiar with is one whose focus is squarely on the media itself.And yet thats the single most important one since nothing politically can even begin to move forward unless the politicians feel comfortable that their is a consensus among the population that they can ride and the only way to build that consensus is through the media.

Gentlemen speak the hell up and give us some ideas or some feedback because im no organizer.But this thing has to be done so lets just find a way to do it now.

"All you fascists bound to lose" - Woody Guthrie
Fem-mean (Score:1)
by Hunchback on 05:39 PM July 2nd, 2004 EST (#2)
(User #1505 Info)
One thing I noticed was the hurry in which they developed programs to address female aggression. Then I realized why. The victims of this teenaged female onslaught were GIRLS. Had boys been the recipients of their attentions nothing would have been done; maybe they would have lauded the girls for "finally fighting back."

A good thing that came out of the article is that they finally recognized the way girls physically fight: away from the casual eye and in private. That way they can preserve the myth of their innocence. One main part of fem-mean that I hope is explored is their penchant for risk-aversive aggression, the kind of aggression where one doesn't expect reprisal. In most primitive warrior societies it was the women who did the torturing; they were extremely merciless when their opponent is tied down and helpless. Sound familiar?
Re:Fem-mean (Score:1)
by Peter on 06:49 PM July 2nd, 2004 EST (#3)
(User #1513 Info)
I have witnessed the mean side of women before and to be frank it frightens the hell out of me. For sure I would rather have men out to get me anytime as opposed to a group or even one female. The phrase "don't mess with girls" I take very seriously and I am no damm wimp.
Re:Fem-mean (Score:2)
by Raymond Cuttill on 08:07 PM July 2nd, 2004 EST (#4)
(User #266 Info)
I think you're making a mistake in assuming that feminists care for girls or women. By having a programme that helps girls this means they can dismiss it., excuse it and brush it under the carpet. They also become seen as an expert on the subject and get interviewed by the media every time something happens and can then suggest it is a minor problem, compared with those violent boys whom, of course, they want to "help". Any suggestion of female violence, like any suggestion of male victims, undermines the idea that all violence is male, and all victims female. Any idea that violence is not sex based could mean non-sexist programmes might start to emerge, not just for teenage violence but also for domestic violence and sexual abuse. This would mean less jobs-for-the-girls, more experts with a balanced view about violence and above all, as far as the feminists are concerned, regardless of how it affects females, get in the way of their promotion of the hatred of men.

Raymond Cuttill
Men's Hour Blog - http://men.typepad.com
Men's Books - http://www.cyberManbooks.com
Re:Fem-mean... female pathology starts young (Score:2)
by Roy on 11:30 AM July 3rd, 2004 EST (#5)
(User #1393 Info)
The best read on the pathology of female violence and how it gets started during adolescence is Rachel Simmon's book - ODD GIRL OUT: THE HIDDEN CULTURE OF AGGRESSION IN GIRLS.

It will scare you.

The primary forms of female aggression are psychological, emotional, and indirect.

Girls learn to use rumor-mongering, shunning, shaming, false accusations, denial of involvement, with-holding of friendship,slander of reputations, and third-party violence (getting others to do your dirty work) at a very early age.

All directed at other girls.

Want to speculate about why feminism in its current mode is a hate movement against men, disguised as a quest for "equality?"

Wonder how the feminazi legal gestapo system came into being?

The seeds were planted very early in girls' socialization.

Freud once said he spent his entire life trying to understand women, and failed.

Maybe because that territory is just too disturbing...

"It's a terrible thing ... living in fear." - Roy: hunted replicant, Blade Runner
Re:Fem-mean... female pathology starts young (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 01:17 PM July 3rd, 2004 EST (#6)
Understanding women is not hard.
It just takes long and careful observation and the ability to detect nuances.
For instance I was amazed at the people in BOTH articles that expressed "suprise" or "shock" at the level of violence perpitrated by the girls.
When these articles and news reports first came out, some months ago, I remember thinking to myself; "Well, they finally CAUGHT some girls doing what I have always KNOWN them to do, in the first place."
This is why I am often called a "sexist" when I say that; for the most part, I do NOT trust women.
And as far as "understanding women" I think most of us here DO understand them pretty well, other wise we wouldn't come to this web site.
We are just told again and again that; "Oh, you men just don't understand women. We're too complex!" We are told that again and again so there fore we begin to beleive it. THAT is PART of the STRATEGEY! That is part of what "They" do.
Think about it.
AND the closer you get to the truth about "Them" the more shrill they become.
This is what I have observed in my 30 years plus of observing women.
I love women, I just don't trust them. And for GOOD reason.

Always remember that men's greatest weakness is their facsade of strength.
Womens greatest strength is their facsade of weakness.

  "Hoka hey!"
Re:Fem-mean... female pathology starts young (Score:1)
by Hunchback on 04:46 PM July 3rd, 2004 EST (#7)
(User #1505 Info)
Fem-mean starts way before adolescence; it begins when pre-school girls realize that they can hit without being hit back...but only boys. And then when they get older they learn that they can hit, bully, or whatever, as long as they don't get caught. By the time the teens come around they have learned just how much damage they can do without getting physical--they can even provoke physical reactions. With this arsenal they have so many choices of aggression that they only choose the physical when it incurs little risk and they are sure to get away with it.
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