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Destiny Hunter tells men to put down remote control
posted by Adam on 04:02 PM June 25th, 2004
News Dr. Dan writes "In this Savannah Morning News article Destiny Hunter says she sought to know "why [men] struggle to say they're sorry." She concludes with apology instructions summarized with: "this means you are going to have to put down the remote and talk to your sweetheart." Stereotype alert! And guys are supposed to accept this misandrist drivel. Are women really better than men at apologizing? Do only guys have to say "I'm sorry"? I don't buy it."

Nothing "odd" about female violence! | T-shirts that mocked violence aganist women pulled  >

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Top-notch ability (Score:1)
by VinceJS on 04:45 PM June 25th, 2004 EST (#1)
(User #1290 Info)
Top-notch ability to verbalize our emotions...

No mention about the need for any objective analysis of the situation. Nope, if Destiny feels you need to apologize, that's all that counts. Now, time to grab that remote and change channels...

Contact Information (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 04:52 PM June 25th, 2004 EST (#2)
Destiny Hunter covers dating and relationships for the Savannah Morning News. You can give feedback on this story by e-mailing her at destiny.hunter@savannahnow.com.


Anyone know the page for the editor? She is speaking as if she is an authority on the subject yet she provides no references. Email them like I did to say this misandry is justification to encourage a boycott of their paper on your part.
to mail the newspaper: (Score:1)
by Boy Genteel on 05:42 PM June 25th, 2004 EST (#4)
(User #1161 Info)

Re:to mail the newspaper: (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 11:35 AM June 27th, 2004 EST (#8)
I may just tell dear Destiny I won't put down the remote and to kiss my ass. And no, I am not sorry in the least!
tune out Destiny Hunter (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 05:35 PM June 25th, 2004 EST (#3)
Men tune out women who treat them with contempt. So she better issue her apology on prime-time, or I'll miss it.
Re:tune out Destiny Hunter (Score:1)
by MAUS on 05:12 PM June 28th, 2004 EST (#13)
(User #1582 Info)
Touche!!! Bro you handle that remote like a Tolledo-Salemenka rapier!!!
letter (Score:1)
by Boy Genteel on 06:24 PM June 25th, 2004 EST (#5)
(User #1161 Info)
Men and women are much more the same than they are different, but, unfortunately, I guess that doesn't make as good a story as suggesting otherwise does, as in the case of Destiny Hunter's May 19 column on apologizing. If there's anyone who needs to apologize, it's Hunter for inflicting her sexist filth on every man in America.

Re:letter (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 01:29 PM June 26th, 2004 EST (#6)
Okay, I can say; "I'm sorry", So here goes...,

I'm sorry Hunter is an idiot...!

  "Hoka hey!"
Sorry we have to listen to people like her. (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 08:45 PM June 26th, 2004 EST (#7)
The real tragedy in all this is that if Destiny Hunter is waiting for an apology, I fear it will just be her destiny to wait and wait. Not much of a destiny, and if this is what she feels is vitally important to modern women, not much of a Hunter either.

I suggest Destiny put down her women's studies "boob book" and apologize for her abusive insults to men. The TV and remote control will still be in most men's lives long after mindlessly prattling femi-babblers have worn their welcome out.

More on apologies and couch-potatoism (Score:1)
by Dr. Dan on 10:51 AM June 28th, 2004 EST (#9)
(User #1412 Info)
Anyone clicking on the link to Destiny Hunter's article will see her "portrait" as a modified version of the Wonder Woman character. I suspect her image of "man" would equal the stereotype couch potato complete with remote, beer, and potato chips.

Has anyone else seen these in advertising-land? In a TV spot for Microsoft’s MSN internet service, the guy in the butterfly suit shows a man how to use MSN to send an "I'm sorry" to his wife (girlfriend?). Meanwhile, Toyota is advertising the new Tundra Double Cab truck in a two-page spread (seen in a home-improvement magazine) that reads, "Nothing says you're sorry like flowers, 1500 pounds of Texas flagstone, and enough lumber to build a gazebo."

Do only guys have to say "I'm sorry" in ad-land? Don’t women ever need to apologize to their men? Is the doghouse a men's-only club? That’s the world I see on TV and in print. In any case, it seems like men are expected to give more apologies than we receive.

Sometimes I wonder why God created (or why evolution favored) separate sexes. I sure don't want society to revert to pre-WWII patriarchy, but we don't have equality.

Re:More on apologies and couch-potatoism (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 11:10 AM June 28th, 2004 EST (#10)
Toyota was obviously too smart to say, "...and enough lumber to build your own doghouse."
Re:More on apologies and couch-potatoism (Score:1)
by Adam H (adam@mensactivism.org) on 02:44 PM June 28th, 2004 EST (#11)
(User #362 Info)
Sometimes I wonder why God created (or why evolution favored) separate sexes. I sure don't want society to revert to pre-WWII patriarchy,

What, you mean the patriarchy that put women on a pedastal, and on the titanic sinking insisted on a women and children first policy? That's one hell of a weird patriarchy if you ask me.
Re:More on apologies and couch-potatoism (Score:1)
by Ragtime on 05:02 PM June 28th, 2004 EST (#12)
(User #288 Info)
"I sure don't want society to revert to pre-WWII patriarchy"

The patriarchy myth is *the* feminist big lie.

The bizarre 'theory' that women have been oppressed through-out history by a gender-wide conspiracy of evil men who have keep them repressed and under control through violence and rape is the central tenet of feminism.

It is utter twaddle, of course, but it helps maintain a culture of victimisation -- which makes it easier for 'victims' to claim all manner of preferential treatment and special privileges.


The Uppity Wallet

The opinions expressed above are my own, but you're welcome to adopt them.

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