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Trident commercial revisited
posted by Adam on 02:17 PM April 29th, 2004
The Media mens_issues writes "Sometime last year someone posted here about a Trident ad called “The Fifth Dentist” featuring a squirrel biting the testicles of a man. To view (and rate) the commercial online), please go to: here You can now go to the Trident website to email your contempt for their advertising practices at this link Select the "Contact Us" option at the top of the page to do so. Note: Last year Trident's "Contact Us" feature did not work. Steve"

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""Contact us" didn't work." (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 03:28 PM April 29th, 2004 EST (#1)
I wonder if that was a coincidence...?

  "Hoka hey!"
humor - Comic relief or mean spirited? (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 07:01 PM April 29th, 2004 EST (#2)
Humor is always at someone's expense, and therefore is insensitive and disprespectful to the person suffering the injury.

I found this commercial from Super Bowl Sunday, and thought it was disrespectful of women
(click) Rocket Sleigh

George Santyana once said, "If I laugh at any human thing it is that I may not cry." Laughter has been deemed to be a sort of a release mechanism to relieve us of the harmful effects of too much tragedy. Indeed, Shakespeare always injected "comic relief" into his tragic plays to relieve the heaviness of his tragedies. I once was attending a showing of Macbeth at the Ahmanson theater in Los Angeles with Charlton Heston playing Macbeth. In one tragic scence that was to be taken seriously, a soldier walked out on to stage with the head of Macbeth (a prop) on a pike. Everyone in the expensive seats, down front, broke out in laughter at the sight.

Would that we all could always be filled with joy so that we did not need laughter to release us from our tragedies, but such is not the case. It appears we are stuck with humor as much as we are stuck with the imperfect state of our beings. Still, some humor that repeatedly targets blacks, gays, men or women is just downright mean spirited (especially when it depicts violent injury against a certain part of the anatomy (the manhood) as it so often does. The question one must ask is, "Where does one draw the line between comic relief or mean spirited abuse?" The answer to that requires a certain degree of wisdom indeed.

Re:humor - Comic relief or mean spirited? (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 07:26 PM April 29th, 2004 EST (#3)
"There's no exucuse for violence against women."

"What can men do to stop there violence against women."

Undoubtably the man fed the horse beans before their date, and premeditated the whole attack against the female. The horse too was a victim of the man.

Take the pledge, "I will not use horse f_rts to batter women."

It is no coincidence that this commerical ran Super Bowl Sunday, and now adds fuel (no pun intended) to the myth that domestic violence against women goes up on Super Bowl Sunday.

I fear to think what Sheila Kuhel could do with this commercial in another attack by her on Super Bowl Sunday.
Transcript of Trident commercial (Score:2)
by mens_issues on 10:04 PM April 30th, 2004 EST (#4)
(User #267 Info)
Trident has an ad called “The Fifth Dentist” which features a squirrel biting the testicles of a man. The commercial unfolds as follows:

Narrator: “Four out of five dentists surveyed would recommend Trident for their patients who chew gum, but what about the fifth dentist?”

Five dentists are shown sitting at a table. The first four dentists say ‘yes’ in sequence. A squirrel runs up the leg of the fifth dentist, and a loud “munch” can be heard — presumably the sound of the squirrel biting the testicles of this man. The fifth dentist then screams “NOOOOO!!!!!” in agony.

Narrator: “One thing’s for sure, long lasting Trident is good for teeth.”

My email to Trident (Score:2)
by mens_issues on 05:39 PM May 1st, 2004 EST (#5)
(User #267 Info)
I am writing in regard to your commercial for Trident Gum called “The Fifth Dentist.” This commercial features a squirrel biting the testicles of one of the dentists.

I don't think it is very funny or appropriate for a "family-friendly" company to show a commercial that makes light of the sexual mutilation of a man. I will not buy your product in the future. Please discontinue this sick commercial at once.

[Note: I originally tried to email a much longer "form email" that I created, but kept getting a "Windows Explorer must close" error message. The shorter version above was accepted.


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