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Mousey Got No Daddy
posted by Thomas on 05:56 PM April 21st, 2004
Science Well, scientists have now done it with mammals. Two female mice have been used to reproduce without the need for a male parent. A lot of high-tech tricks had to be used to pull this off, but the implications for humans may ultimately be profound.


Actually, I have to say that this type of thing used to concern me, but it doesn't any more. For one thing, I'm convinced that men will become able to reproduce without women at about the same time that women will become able to reproduce without men. For another thing, I think that feminism and political correctness have already sent us reeling toward disaster to such an extent that these scientific wonders will soon be the least of the problems faced by male-female relations. It won't much matter if a few women and men have children without each other, when the vast majority of women and men are having no children at all.

Anyway, I do find this stuff fascinating.

Men for Justice Website | Denver's 9news.com promulgates wage gap myth  >

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It's just an experiment (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 09:44 PM April 21st, 2004 EST (#1)
The scientists involved stated that this procedure cannot be done with humans for ethical AND technical reasons. They also stated that this experiment supports the theory that male sperm ARE necessary for fertilization (they engineered one egg to act like sperm). This procedure may have agricultural and research applications (like a source of stem cells) but not human reproduction.
Re:It's just an experiment (Score:2)
by jenk on 06:28 AM April 22nd, 2004 EST (#3)
(User #1176 Info)
I am just saddened at the absolute glee the press showed at being able to say dads aren't needed. Like they have been chomping at the bit or something.
The Biscuit Queen
Re:It's just an experiment (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 01:04 PM April 22nd, 2004 EST (#4)
The media is definately in the feminists' back pockett.
The media is always wetting it's self with glee when ever they can disparage men.

  "Hoka hey!"
Since When Is This Is News? (Score:2)
by Luek on 01:02 AM April 22nd, 2004 EST (#2)
(User #358 Info)
Misandry crazed females have been creating mouse like creaturees for years. Look at all the self-loathing mousey men out there who support the rad fem political agenda. Especially the male rat like creatures in black robes!
"Men are Useless" (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 04:08 PM April 22nd, 2004 EST (#5)
"The Sun" - the UK's biggest selling tabloid piece of rot ran this story today with the simple headline "Men are Useless".

Unsurprisingly, the piece was penned by a female.

Still In The Dark Ages? (Score:2)
by Luek on 04:29 PM April 22nd, 2004 EST (#6)
(User #358 Info)
I thought England passed through the Dark Ages 600 years ago?

Unsurprisingly, the piece was penned by a female.

Not surprised at all!

Another excuse to bash men... (Score:1)
by jname96 on 08:28 PM April 22nd, 2004 EST (#8)
(User #1690 Info)
I'm not entirely focused on the actual experiment, but more on the societal, cultural aspect of it. The moment I heard the news, I knew men were in a for a whipping... Society is giving up on men. Even science is turning against us. When will we finally admit it, and fight back?? It said that you still can't make humans without a male's DNA, but that doesn't matter to the feminazi journalists out there--they saw a golden chance to bash men and went for it. Men are capable of having children with each other without a woman's DNA too... eventually that will happen, so maybe that means something.
Build Your Shelters Now (A Prediction) (Score:2)
by Thomas on 06:28 PM April 22nd, 2004 EST (#7)
(User #280 Info)
"The Sun" - the UK's biggest selling tabloid piece of rot ran this story today with the simple headline "Men are Useless".

Ho hum.

These nitwits have no idea what's coming down the pike at them.

It's possible, but extremely unlikely, that men will just continue to submit to this blatent evil. If most men do, then they will get precisely what they deserve -- a life of hell. Probability of this scenario: damn near zero. It would run contrary to the nature of any group of animals with a survival instinct to continue to submit the way men have for decades.

More likely, but barely, is that the well-intentioned men's movement will grow in numbers and power quickly enough to avert complete disaster. This would be the ideal solution, but the last 40 years have given little evidence for a thinking person to expect this outcome.

The most probable scenario is that men will revolt largely on an individual basis and for the most part without violence, though some individuals and groups will strike out in extreme fashions, especially if the US calls up the all-male draft-for-combat again. In general, though, men will individually refuse to play the game. Few men will get good educations. Men's incomes will generally be low, so women, through the government, won't be able to take large quantities of money from men to give to women who want to have children. Also, men will more and more simply turn away from females and the relentless hate-mongering. Fewer men will marry. Fewer men will allow women to become pregnant using their sperm. Population collapse will accelerate. And all advanced societies will crumble into a long depression brought on by population implosion and American debt (both public and private). Population collapse in advanced societies will, on its own, be enough throw the world into a major depression.

I've made two predictions in my life that I was quite confident of and both came true. The first was in 1970, when I told my father that vineyard land in Napa Valley would skyrocket in price and that he should invest heavily there. (Sadly, he completely ignored me.) The second was in the mid-70s, when I started telling people that feminism, which I pointed out was a hate movement at least since the mid-60s, would take over US society and make life a hell for men and possibly women as well. (No one, and I mean no one, that I knew would give the idea any credence.)

Well, here's the third major prediction of my life in which I have tremendous confidence. Advanced societies will be crushed by the weight of feminism. (Population collapse will be only part of this. Watch for the anger to express itself, once society has truly begun to crumble. It will accelerate the fall.) We've passed the point of no return. There is too much extreme discrimination against men, who, while they're being discriminated against, are told that they are oppressor pigs. And the discrimination is now too embedded into the very nature of society. There is far too much privilege for women, which spoils many of them while they are the ones getting the educations. Women in general already don't want to work as much as men are willing to, and that situation will probably remain unchanged or worsen. Finally, the collapse of indigenous populations in every advanced society already has too much momentum. If we started to turn it around now, we'd still crumble, but, in all likelyhood, rather than turning around it's going to become more extreme.

So, there ya are. I think that it's a good idea to still try to build the men's movement and try to minimize the disaster. But I'm also sure that it's time to start covering one's ass, for when the disaster arrives.

It's coming.

-- Creating hostile environments for feminazis since the 1970s.

The sadest thing about reproduction (Score:1)
by buck25 on 01:48 AM April 23rd, 2004 EST (#9)
(User #1576 Info)
I think the sadest thing is that now a days haveing children isn't even about the children anymore. Children are just one more choice a woman has to make her life more fulfilling. It's not about the children anymore it's about makeing women feel good. Just like everything else in this I, Me, Mine female driven society.
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