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We have bigger lawyer problems than ACLU
posted by Hombre on 12:03 AM April 15th, 2004
The Media MAUS writes "Look at what was submitted to Dear Abby as advice on how to deal with unwanted flirting. If this group of lawyers is anything like their counterpart in Canada they are composed of lesbians with marine sergeant haircuts, little round Leon Trotsky glasses and snears that would intimidate a rottweiller. And they are bent upon making heterosexuality as illegal as possible. I know this will make a great forum discussion and I think it might be a nice gesture if we gleaned the best of that discussion and sent it as a reply both to Abby and this "ERA" group of lawyers."

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This is bad (Score:1)
by buck25 on 01:53 AM April 15th, 2004 EST (#1)
(User #1576 Info)
In looking at all this and living through situations clearly sexist against males. And in reading about it and talking to people about it. And in knowing these things exist even before I was on the net I have to say this. I do not have very much faith that people are really gonna care about men's problems as such not just any time soon but any time at all. Yes it is very sad for me to think this way but it seems like the cold hard truth to me.

As men we are the expendable sex and we are always testing each other and trying to make each other stronger because we know we are the one's on the edge. We are the one's who will face the beast. No women will be thier to protect us. Women on the other hand have men to protect them.

What I am saying is that for society to care about men as a group flies in the face of thousands of years of human evolution.

I have no faith that anyone will care, and liest of all women.
Re:This is bad (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 05:37 PM April 15th, 2004 EST (#3)
Don't underestimate men. When they finally understand, men can be brave, resourceful, caring, and hard-working. Most men eventually will fight to be treated like human beings, and a lot of good women will support them.
Re:This is bad (Score:1)
by Gregory on 10:29 PM April 15th, 2004 EST (#4)
(User #1218 Info)
"Most men eventually will fight to be treated like human beings, and a lot of good women will support them."--Anon

Right on! We've made some progress over the last ten years and we'll continue to. Slow but steady.
Re:This is bad (Score:1)
by buck25 on 01:14 AM April 16th, 2004 EST (#5)
(User #1576 Info)
I have talked to people about the subjects of the men's movement time and time again.

Most of the time I get a responce like " Yeah right poor men have it so hard give me a break"

The second most popular responce is to just ignore it and move on to some other topic.

The third most popular responce is "So what, why are you even worried about stuff like this?"
Re:This is bad (Score:2)
by Dan Lynch on 07:13 AM April 17th, 2004 EST (#7)
(User #722 Info) http://www.fathersforlife.org/fv/Dan_Lynch_on_EP.htm
"Most of the time I get a responce like " Yeah right poor men have it so hard give me a break"

The second most popular responce is to just ignore it and move on to some other topic.

The third most popular responce is "So what, why are you even worried about stuff like this?""

That's wwhy you have to develope good comebacks that are sharp and right to the point that prove your point.
Dan Lynch's Self-Defence (519) 774-2121
Re:This is bad (Score:1)
by VinceJS on 09:53 AM April 16th, 2004 EST (#6)
(User #1290 Info)
You're not understanding the problem (and taking a stereotypically feminine approach) if you think that the solution is for society to "care". Women don't "care" about men. They're not supposed to. They're supposed to care about children. We infantilize ourselves if we imagine that the solution is all of a sudden for women and society to start "caring". Nor is the answer predicated upon some preposterous notion of sexual "equality". Men are always going to be the ones "facing the beast"; that's the way things are.

So, women are simply going to have to learn the hard way that if they expect us to "face the beast" they must concede the predominant role in society. If they don't we simply refuse to sacrifice anything for society and women are left to fend for themselves. This is, in fact, what's happening already. Of course women are whining about it now and blaming men for being so "individualistic" and "selfish", etc., but that's just the way it's going to be as long as they continue to demand "equality" and we should tell them "tough luck". By doing so we hasten the fall of the rotten tree known as feminism.

Some rights are more equal than others! (Score:1)
by Hunsvotti on 05:52 AM April 15th, 2004 EST (#2)
(User #573 Info)
From http://www.equalrights.org/:

Headline - "equal rights and economic opportunities for women and girls"

Paragraph header, a little ways down - "Until equality is secured for all"

How about equal rights for men. How about that movement that was undertaken in the Denver city government in the 1980s on behalf of secretaries who thought they should be paid the same as civil engineers and draftsmen who went to college for five years and more to get their degrees? They showed us a video about this a couple quarters back when I was taking a course in business statistics.

Here are the main bullets on their front page:
  • Paid less than men for the same or comparable work
    Some of this is because they have a tendency to take sick days to deal with personal issues, and expect to walk out of the office for six months to a year to have a baby and still have the same job waiting when they get back. Some of this is because of discrimination, and that IS a valid issue, but I don't know what the proportion is. The rest can be explained by differences in amount of time worked, education level, and performance.

  • Denied promotions and training opportunities
    Same as above.

  • Shut out of high paying jobs and occupations
    By their own actions, a lot of the time. See first bullet.

  • Subjected to sexual harassment
    Today in class I caught this girl staring at my crotch. If anyone saw me staring at some girl's crotch I'd be ostracized or worse. How about that now? Yeah, let's pretend our gender is clean and pure in all ways!

  • Penalized for taking time off to care for their families
    This is back to the first bullet. A business is supposed to do business, not subsidize people to take multiple days off work in the same month to look after family affairs, much less walk out for months at a time to have a baby. I saw this in action at my own company. We had to hire a replacement or distribute that person's workload to others or simply put projects on the backburner for later. It's outrageous. YOU GOTTA CHOOSE, LADIES. CAREER OR FAMILY. CAN'T HAVE IT BOTH WAYS. Naturally, no one gives a crap that men have to spend the day away from home as a matter of course.

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