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Sacks Condemns CA Senate Assault on Fathers
posted by Adam on 10:09 AM April 7th, 2004
News Anon User writes "In the LaMusga move-away case, the California Supreme Court is currently debating how to best preserve the bonds between children and their parents after a divorce. By contrast, Senate President Pro Tem John Burton (D-San Francisco) is trying to slip a bill through the legislature to make it easier for custodial parents to sever these bonds by slipping out of town." See Glenn's article on the bill here"

Domestic violence propaganda in California | Again With The "Strange News"  >

This discussion has been archived. No new comments can be posted.
Letters to the Editor (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 01:41 PM April 7th, 2004 EST (#1)
Great article, Glenn.

Letters to the editor can be sent to letters@dailybreeze.com

Solution not discussed. (Score:1)
by Lorianne on 02:23 PM April 7th, 2004 EST (#2)
(User #349 Info)
Going to a default Joint Physical Custody system would solve this problem as neither parent would be allowed to "move away".
Re:Solution not discussed. (Score:1)
by Gregory on 03:57 PM April 7th, 2004 EST (#6)
(User #1218 Info)
I agree that presumed joint physical custody seems the way to go (with the exception being clear evidence that one parent is unfit).
Re:Solution not discussed. (Score:1)
by Xamot on 02:59 PM April 8th, 2004 EST (#23)
(User #1655 Info)
I agree.
Re:Solution not discussed. (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 10:56 AM April 10th, 2004 EST (#30)
You would.
Ignore the Trolls (Score:1)
by VinceJS on 03:56 PM April 7th, 2004 EST (#5)
(User #1290 Info)
We seem to attracting an inordinate number of trolls lately. As advised, let's not feed them.

Re:Ignore the Trolls (Score:2)
by jenk on 04:31 PM April 7th, 2004 EST (#7)
(User #1176 Info)
Isn't it ironic that when a troll posts such hate, the feminists are quick to grab those posts and site them as proof the men's movement is evil.

Things that make you go hmmm.

The Biscuit Queen
Re:Ignore the Trolls (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 05:05 PM April 7th, 2004 EST (#9)
Maybe it is the feminists who are posting those things so they will have stuff to point to and say "See, the men's rights guy are bigots." sort of a verbal form of dressing up in the opponents uniform and committing atrosities that will be blamed on the good guys.
Re:Ignore the Trolls (Score:1)
by DeepThought on 07:04 PM April 7th, 2004 EST (#17)
(User #1487 Info)
...which was hinted at by Jen's post. However, that was a wonderful analogy. So far the men's movement has been sane, fair, and balanced, and that seems to piss a large number of (or, more likely, ONE) feminists (feminist). It just seems to annoy them (the one troll) that we're not claiming women should be killed/have body parts cut off/banished/lobotomized (as I have seen feminists do), so they have to... get this... MAKE UP a situation, and FALSELY ACCUSE the movement of sexism. Notice any trends?

And here's something I put together based on the Secret deoderant slogan change (and to our female members such as Jen, and anyone else out there, this is merely a joke, and I'm poking fun at the irony of the commercial, not at women).

"Brought to you by Secret deoderant: Strong enough for a woman. Because WOMEN STINK."
Re:Ignore the Trolls (Score:1)
by MAUS on 03:20 PM April 10th, 2004 EST (#32)
(User #1582 Info)
Fellas, I have risked much to participate here...including my house, my livelyhood, and even my freedom. I am Canadian. And as such I am subject to feminazi mandarine extrodinaire Heddy-up-her-assy Fry's "Hate Laws".

I have even been taken so far as to have a crown prosecutor review wether or not their was grounds to charge me...and there was not.

Prohibitions against hate apply to races, religions, identifyable and recogizable ethnic groups, and genders...but get this straight and let the trolls remark well.

Feminism is not a race. Feminism is not a religion. Feminism is not an identifyable group in any way shape or form (if it is please tell me how they are identifyed so that I can avoid them at all times). Feminism most importantly IS NOT A GENDER.

If feminists want to make the claim that they speak for women collectively they should register as a political party and run in elections and suffer the consequences of pissing off voters just like everyone else and stop being a barnicle on the hull of our democracy.


Now guys, do not fall into the spell of their retoric...refrain from making collective put downs of women just because feminazis arrogantly pretend to speak for them collectively...There are indeed some participants in this forum who are mysogynists..I am not one.


Re:Ignore the Trolls (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 05:54 PM April 10th, 2004 EST (#35)
"Fellas, I have risked much to participate here...including my house, my livelyhood, and even my freedom. I am Canadian.

I'm an american. I often spell it with a small "a," because I'm just a man who doesn't have the full privileges of citizenship that a woman does (even though the bigot government sent me to war).

I have never been to canada, and now it looks like I will never fulfill that pipe dream of driving up to Alaska when I retire, because of the feminazi hate monger bigots war on men in canada. It's to bad that the legal system in canada doesn't prosecute every aspect of itself that has ever had anything to do with feminism, because they are truly the hate criminals.

Re:Ignore the Trolls (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 05:07 PM April 7th, 2004 EST (#10)
Good point. Which is why those posts should be deleted. Indeed, all feminist posts should be deleted as mensactivism should not be polluted by feminist venom.
Re:Ignore the Trolls (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 05:09 PM April 7th, 2004 EST (#11)
"...troll posts such hate, the feminists are quick to grab those posts and site them as proof the men's movement is evil." "...hmmm."

Very tricky creatures, those trolls, but you make a good point. I would sooner juggle rattlesnakes, than trust anything one of those lying gender feminists say.


Re:Ignore the Trolls (Score:1)
by jimmyd on 05:52 PM April 7th, 2004 EST (#14)
(User #1260 Info)
sorry i got the message kinda late, i already returned fire. but i couldn't really resist.

however, it comes to mind that maybe we should respond. as mentioned hate that is expressed on this site can be used to attack the entire movement. and if we remain silent to some it may seem that we express aproval.

so i say roast'em and make sure everyone knows what this site is REALLY about!!!
Re:Ignore the Trolls (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 06:07 PM April 7th, 2004 EST (#16)
It seems that the most prudent and least distracting way of dealing with persistent trolls is to simply mod them out. No sense in arguing with them, and, like jimmyd says, silence might be construed as approval.

Re:Ignore the Trolls (Score:2)
by jenk on 08:35 AM April 8th, 2004 EST (#18)
(User #1176 Info)
I think that posting that they are a troll and please take their hate somewhere else, then ignoring them, is a good way to both show our disapproval and to ignore the message and not inflame the situation. I agree that silence is taken as approval.
The Bisciut Queen
Send them to me (Score:1)
by MAUS on 03:38 PM April 10th, 2004 EST (#33)
(User #1582 Info)
Send them to me...by my fourth year at Mount Saint Vincent I had developed a verbal Kung-fu that I call MENDO...man eating white shark feminazis would bite into me and spit me out in a shower of broken teeth and unbearable bitter taste.

I have a zinger come back for any and all of their bullshit rhetoric.

Please guys...let me show you how Elija rebuked the Baalim...believe me passive ignoring of their taunts is not effective.

Reply to their taunts with a verbal kick in the groin and show no mercy.

They will leave us be when sniping at us ceases to be fun.
Re:Ignore the Trolls (Score:1)
by Dave K on 11:05 AM April 8th, 2004 EST (#20)
(User #1101 Info)
The problem with not nukeing these posts is that if the intention is to create posts that can be grabbed to show how "evil" the mens movement is... they're certainly not going to also grab the reasoned or outraged responses. They'll grab their little sound bite and ignore the fact that noone agrees with it.

I think the moderate capabilities built into the board should be expanded. When a moderator marks a thread as "flamebait" it's entire thread should be automaticlly blocked from the view of all but the admin. If someone is inproperly blocking valid content the admin can deal with it... otherwise it gets the garbage INTO the garbage... where it belongs.

If you guys would set your browsers to not display anything rated less than a 0, you wouldn't even see that crap. Usually the only time I realize a troll is about is when I see that "x messages are below your threshold", I rarely bother to read them.
Dave K - A Radical Moderate
Re:Ignore the Trolls (Score:1)
by JackSpratt on 09:03 AM April 8th, 2004 EST (#19)
(User #1372 Info)
Sadly enough, these trolls are not necessarily gender feminists. In fact, they're likely merely bored losers with poor social skills (note the copious use of insults) and too much time on their hands (note the responses to a large proportion of posts) out to stir things up for their own amusement. To them its amusing to make people angry and upset as it gives them a small sense of power over other people, a sense sadly lacking in their day to day life. Pretty pathetic actually.
Hey JackSpratt (Score:2, Insightful)
by LSBeene on 04:04 AM April 9th, 2004 EST (#29)
(User #1387 Info)
I would, respectfully, disagree. If they were merely losers (or loser) who stumbled onto the site then there would not be a common theme. But there is. This person (and I believe it is either 1 or 2 people who are communicating) is using the same info in many posts. And, going on and on with Gender Feminist hot button issues. The constant "women are whores", "repeal the 19th Amendment" (average folks don't know which amendment is which) and the "women shouldn't be allowed to [some normal function] is a theme. And, not surpisingly, I have seen "quotes" from this board after trolls post stuff here.

Probably some first year "women studies" (aint that a laugh) were told by their professor (another joke) during a break in their lesbian affair that this would be a great way to blow off steam.

(ok ok - the last paragraph was blatant troll bait)

Guerilla Gender Warfare is just Hate Speech in polite text
Another nice article (Score:1)
by Michael_NC on 11:37 AM April 8th, 2004 EST (#21)
(User #1656 Info)
A thought here, and one that may help stem the tide of move aways, is that if a custodial parent wants to move away, then that parent moves away WITHOUT the child(ren). Custody is handed over to the parent who remains.
Michael "Today's mighty oak is just yesterday's nut that held its ground."
Re:Another nice article (Score:1)
by Xamot on 03:06 PM April 8th, 2004 EST (#25)
(User #1655 Info)
That ain't a bad idea. Makes sense to me.
Is it hard to clean up this board? (Score:1)
by Sidor's Goat on 12:14 PM April 8th, 2004 EST (#22)
(User #1574 Info)
It is sad that we have to deal with invasion of trolls -- both that pretend to be men and post misogynist stuff to discredit us. And the misandrists who are here to attack those who support men's eqal rights. Is it hard to ban them/delete their garbage? It should not take more then 15 minutes per day.

          Or are we tolerating them from misguided sense of fairness? It does not work. The main reason why we are accused of unfairness is due to us being TOO fair. Can I post some stuff on Ms Boards?
Re:Is it hard to clean up this board? (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 02:00 AM April 9th, 2004 EST (#28)
I am a long time reader of this site but almost never post, so I have not bothered to register, commenting anonymously if I do have something to say; but I for one am willing to give up this privilege if it will stop the sort of trolling that has been attacking this site lately.

If people were forced to register, and had a post count next to their name it would be easy to spot the trolls and would probably discourage them from the start. I understand that this site doesn't like to censor opposing views and that is greatly to its credit; this way there would be no need to censor, yet it would still be obvious who the trolls were.

Whether it was a series of trolls under different monikers with one post each, or one troll with many posts, it would become obvious that the troll posts don't represent the views of the regular posters here.

Just a suggestion.
Women should have equal rights too (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 04:58 PM April 7th, 2004 EST (#8)
"WOMEN should have no rightd"

I disagree, women should have equal rights too. I find that good friends are where you find them, and I need all the friends I can get, women included. It is gender feminists who have exacerbated the natural gender conflicts that have existed between men and women throughout history. They have done much harm to women and men alike with their man hating agenda.


(click) Women of All Ages

Estimated age of woman today, if she were alive, 145 to 195 years old.

(Please do not scroll up the page of the linked items. All the info I am trying to convey is only as the page comes up initially.)

Re:Women should have equal rights too (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 05:44 PM April 7th, 2004 EST (#12)
Ray, I wouldn't bother. These sound like either freaks or feminists, or both, who are trying to sabotage the site. They can later say, "look, here's the types of things they're saying at the men's rights websites."

Re:Women should have equal rights too (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 05:54 PM April 7th, 2004 EST (#15)
methinks that "they" are the same person.

Re:Women should have equal rights too (Score:1)
by Xamot on 03:02 PM April 8th, 2004 EST (#24)
(User #1655 Info)
I'm not a feminist. You're just paranoid.
Re:Women should have equal rights too (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 05:39 PM April 8th, 2004 EST (#26)
I was referring to those who are saying women shouldn't have the right to vote. I have not called you, Xamot, a feminist. Nor am I paranoid.

Re:Women should have equal rights too (Score:1)
by Xamot on 06:19 PM April 8th, 2004 EST (#27)
(User #1655 Info)
Then I guess I'm paranoid.
Re:Women should have equal rights too (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 10:57 AM April 10th, 2004 EST (#31)
I guess you are.
Some historical facts (Score:1)
by MAUS on 04:07 PM April 10th, 2004 EST (#34)
(User #1582 Info)
I remember watching the movie "The Life and Times of Judge Roy Bean" with Paul Newman. In the part that bridges the gap between World War 1 and the Great Depression, the narrator in a heavy Texas accent says "While the boys was over fightin Kaiser Bill...the women naaaaged the govermint inta givin them the vote...straightaway they made drinkin' whorein'and gamblin'..THE THREE THINGS THAT MEN MOST DEARLY LUUUV TA DO..illegal...and then the country went right ta Hell"

This is hillarious. And I do not agree with this view because I have read Kontratiev's work on the cycles of economic depressions, but it IS interesting to note that the original opposition to women's franchise was opposition to what they were determined to vote for collectively. It is also interesting to note that in spite of what feminists would have you believe, women have not voted collectively on anything since then.

The last democracy to enfranchise women was Switzerland (which is a much older democracy than the United States). Franchise in a democracy has always been in part seen as a privilage associated with property ownership and military conscription. The part about property has not really changed...the homeless do not have the right to vote...and most of them are men. If the homeless had the right to vote they would not be homeless for very long.
Re:Same old same old (Score:1)
by jimmyd on 05:47 PM April 7th, 2004 EST (#13)
(User #1260 Info)
You again!!! first of all as much as I hate communism ( or any other totalitrian based government) if we don't allow every one to wote then guess what boys and girls!!! We're not a true republic!!! But I guess you, senior facist himself, wouldn't really mind that, would you.

and on another note don't refer to unwed fathers as "sugga daddays"

by the way where is your handle, troll
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