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Domestic Violence claims the life of California Cop
posted by Hombre on Thursday January 08, @08:25PM
from the Realities-we-are-brainwashed-to-ignore dept.
News Ray Blumhorst writes "Here is a blatant and brutal case of domestic violence, and against a Policeman! The story appears in the L.A. Daily News.
This egregious act of domestic violence appears to have just happened early yesterday, and there is also a story in the Los Angeles Times.

Neither paper ever mentions domestic violence, thereby showing an apparent bias against men being victims of domestic violence. How can a man ever get away from domestic violence, if the major medias can't even admit that a male victim exists in a blatant and brutal case such as this?"

Call for Action | How about this for disgusting...  >

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Nice how they showed sympathetic views of a killer (Score:1)
by LSBeene on Thursday January 08, @09:07PM EST (#1)
(User #1387 Info)
Isn't it nice how they showed sympathetic views of the killer? I mean the victim ... err killer was "distraught" that her man was "seeing someone eles". Lets see if I can't write this better than the newspaper:

"The stalking of a police officer culminated in a fatal domestic violence incident at his home just as this public servant was getting off of work. The police officer was ambushed in his garage by his on-again, off-again girl-friend. She had apparently had difficulty in letting the relationship end and was enraged that the man had decided to seek a more stable relationship from the chaos that seemed to surround her. She had threatened suicide in an attempt to get back at the officer and had openly boasted of intending to harm or kill the officer for his refusal to be involved in her world. Not being able to threaten him to get him back she decided to end his life at gunpoint as he got off work, and then in an apparent attempt to evade legal prosecution she took the cowards way out and turned her instrument of murder onto herself. This once again highlights the need for eqaul protection of men from domestic violence and spotlights the lack of education of the general public on this matter."

I think mine is a bit more on point... what about y'all?

Guerilla Gender Warfare is just Hate Speech in polite text
Re:Nice how they showed sympathetic views of a kil (Score:1)
by A.J. on Thursday January 08, @09:22PM EST (#2)
(User #134 Info)

How about submitting your version to the LA Times and the LA Daily News as LTE's? Remind them that you've used the typical approach to reporting a man-on-woman DV killing and just changed the pronouns.
Oh I am, but I was at work (Score:1)
by LSBeene on Thursday January 08, @10:14PM EST (#4)
(User #1387 Info)
Oh I AM gonna send my version to the Editors. I was at work when I posted my comment and I have to be very careful about my "anti-woman" mindset (PC speak for believing that equal justice isn't dependent on gender) and what I e-mail from work. The military is so sensitized these days that even pointing out BLATANT injustice is subject to an EO (Equal Opportunity) or sexual harrasment (creating a hostile atmosphere by not kow-towing to women's wants) is a real career landmine.

Guerilla Gender Warfare is just Hate Speech in polite text
Re:Nice how they showed sympathetic views of a kil (Score:1)
by Gregory on Thursday January 08, @10:21PM EST (#5)
(User #1218 Info)
In the reporting on Phil Hartman's murder the media didn't refer to the tragedy as "domestic violence." The media's bias is undeniable. Domestic violence happens only to women.
disgusting (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Thursday January 08, @09:45PM EST (#3)

How can they be so blind to men's suffering??????
This is what I wrote to the LA DAILY NEWS (Score:1)
by LSBeene on Thursday January 08, @10:39PM EST (#6)
(User #1387 Info)
This is in response to your article:

Girlfriend fatally shoots officer, self

This article shows the blatant bias that the media has in matters of domestic violence. This public servant, MARIO NELSON, was stalked, ambushed and murdered by his mentally unstable ex-girlfriend. You give print to "how she felt", WHO CARES how she felt?! She murdered a police officer after he tried to get a new start in dating. I am not a professional writer but here is how I would have reported this story:

"The stalking of a police officer, Mario Nelson, 31, culminated in a fatal domestic violence incident at his home just as this public servant was getting off of work. The police officer, a dog handler, was ambushed in his garage by his on-again, off-again girl-friend, Antoinette Smith, 19. She had apparently had difficulty in letting the relationship end and was enraged that the man had decided to seek a more stable relationship from the chaos that seemed to surround her. Her mental abuse of Officer Nelson even went so far as to threaten suicide in an attempt to get back at the victim. She had openly boasted of intending to harm or kill the officer for his refusal to be involved in her world. Her relatives, who heard the threats did nothing, and this paper must ask why not? Not being able to threaten him to get him back she decided to end his life at gunpoint as he got off work, and then in an apparent attempt to evade legal prosecution she took the cowards way out and turned her instrument of murder onto herself. This once again highlights the need for eqaul protection of men from domestic violence and spotlights the lack of education of the general public on this matter."

Why are you writing articles sympathetic to murderers who are cop killers and domestic abusers?! This public servant was stalked and murdered in an act of betrayal that does not get sympathetic press when the murdered victim is a woman.

L. Steven Beene II
Nome, Alaska
Guerilla Gender Warfare is just Hate Speech in polite text
Re:This is what I wrote to the LA DAILY NEWS (Score:2)
by Thomas on Thursday January 08, @10:53PM EST (#7)
(User #280 Info)
when the murdered victim is a woman.

Hello Steven (do you go by Steven?),

You might want to send them an errata or a complete new version that states "when the murdered victim is a man."

-- Creating a hostile environment for Nazis since the 1970s.

oops.... damn (Score:1)
by LSBeene on Thursday January 08, @11:00PM EST (#8)
(User #1387 Info)
and I DID reread it and preview it and such.... FUCK ... I am SO FUCKING BLOND sometimes.

Yes ... it's steven .... I wrote a GREAT counterpoint and ended it like an IDIOT!!!!

(looking sheepish as hell) Steven
Guerilla Gender Warfare is just Hate Speech in polite text
Re:oops.... damn (Score:2)
by Thomas on Thursday January 08, @11:10PM EST (#10)
(User #280 Info)
I wrote a GREAT counterpoint and ended it like an IDIOT!!!!

Try to shrug it off.

Writing has been at least part of my livelihood for years. I've been published in extremely prestigious journals. (That may sound like bragging, so take it as you will, but it's true.) And I've done at least at bad. Just send them a rewrite and apologize for the error.

-- Creating a hostile environment for Nazis since the 1970s.

Actually I think it's right the way it is. (Score:2)
by HombreVIII on Thursday January 08, @11:19PM EST (#12)
(User #160 Info)
"This public servant was stalked and murdered in an act of betrayal that does not get sympathetic press when the murdered victim is a woman."

I read that as saying it's the "act of betrayal" that doesn't get sympathetic press, which is true when the victim is a woman.

By the way, you spelled equal wrong. ;)
ok ... I fixed it (Score:1)
by LSBeene on Thursday January 08, @11:08PM EST (#9)
(User #1387 Info)
But damn do I feel like a loser ... oy vey

Guerilla Gender Warfare is just Hate Speech in polite text
I also sent one to LA Times (Score:1)
by LSBeene on Thursday January 08, @11:14PM EST (#11)
(User #1387 Info)
I modified my first letter for specifics but E-mailed a copy of my comments (with corrections) to the LA Times.

It'll never see the light of day, after it disappears behind the lace curtain.

Guerilla Gender Warfare is just Hate Speech in polite text
Re:I also sent one to LA Times (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Friday January 09, @12:14AM EST (#13)
well if it does get printed show us.

P. George
I got a reply from the paper! (Score:1)
by LSBeene on Thursday January 15, @04:27PM EST (#14)
(User #1387 Info)
Hey, I know that no one will probably read this as it is off the main board, but I am gonna post this anyways. I got a reply from the LA Times. I then wrote him back. Here is the exchange:

        Sure. It's what is NOT said. Where is the mention of Domestic Violence, the Stalking, the threats against his life, the mental abuse where she said she would commit suicide if he was not with her. I have read articles about DV and murder and you seemed to leave OUT a lot in this little story. I don't always like getting pulled over, or the way a police officer questions me (not a lot of experience with that, but, it's not a walk in the park from what I hear), but when you need a cop, they sure are appreciated. This public servant tried to leave an abusive and mentally unstable woman and for that she murdered him. It's called DOMESTIC VIOLENCE. Just because his reproductive organs have an exterior mounting does not discount what it's called. Shall we look in the archives of YOUR paper and find several stories of where DV of a woman is covered and compare the differences? I will take that challenge if you like. I can do a quick archive search using "DV" and find stories with more depth, sympathy for the victim, history of the perp, and how DV is a tradgedy. Sure, what you published coverd the points of who, what, where, when, and such ... in such drab NONdescription as to make it read in about 30 seconds, if I read slowly. Try some balanced reporting instead of flip comments, because people like me will answer you, and you may not like our answer. Domestic Voilence is not only men abusing women, it's about abuse and power and both genders perpetrate it. Feel free to E-mail me if you want me to do an archive search of you paper. I don't imagine I'll hear from you, but men's groups from around the country are watching. Don't believe me? Sir, I live in ALASKA. How do YOU think I found out about your biased reporting? One of our members brought it to our attention and the stories (from your newspaper and one other) were linked so we could read them. Men are not going to tolerate being beaten, shot, and abused in our homes anymore. Some just "vote" with their wallets and discount you, some, like me, write to you. To solve DV we need honest reporting of the issues, balanced education in how/why/where/who so as to end the problem, and for our police departments to be trained to recognize abuse by women. Our groups do not dislike women, not at all. Some of our strongest and most vocal supporters are women. Our mothers, second wives, sisters, co-workers, and friends see it happening and how little attention it gets and they are very supportive. We need the press to report DV as DV when women do it too.

Steven Beene
Nome, Alaska

----- Original Message -----
From: "Readers Rep"
Sent: Thursday, January 15, 2004 11:25 AM
Subject: RE: Regarding article on Domestic Violence murder of Police offic er

> Thanks for writing with your views. To help me better understand, however, can you tell me where you see blatant bias or comments showing sympathy to murderers in the report? I've pasted it below.
> Kent Zelas
> Assistant Readers' Representative

I didn't need to print the story again. Hope he replies, but I doubt it.

Guerilla Gender Warfare is just Hate Speech in polite text
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