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Angry Harry had this to say about this article:
""""'Justice' Nicholson - like all his corrupt colleagues in the family courts - does what he does and says what he says because he knows that if he upsets the feminist viragos who monitor the judiciary then his self-satisfied arse is in deep trouble.
That man does what he is told!
Readers have to understand that the western legal profession is purposefully constructed in such a way that the only way to make progress within it is to keep licking the bottom of the person above you.
Stop licking, and you fall off the career ladder.""""""
It couldn't have been said better! Thanks Harry1
by Anonymous User on Friday December 05, @06:40PM EST (#2)
When judges are misandric, and thereby have no integrity, they deserve no respect.
Who is this judge to be upset, look what the decent men who have been going through his scam court have been going through. Many judges are misandrist bigots, and are only missing the white, pointed hat to honestly complete their outfits (Femi Kluck Klanners).
Sincerely, Ray
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