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Good Brit Essay on Anti-male Court System
posted by Hombre on Wednesday November 05, @05:46PM
from the Getting-Noticed dept.
The Media Roy writes " Excellent essay by Melanie Phillips in London’s Daily Mail (linked from MND site) following the “Spiderman” incident of civil disobedience to bring attention to legal injustices against men and fathers. While the context is the U.K., the same tyranny in the courts is evident here in the Land o’ the Free.

(Excerpts) -

“The whole justice system is institutionally biased against men and marriage. It is driven by an extreme feminist agenda, which stretches from the humblest family lawyer through the politically correct Law Commission to reach all the way up to government and the senior reaches of the judiciary.

How else can one explain the extraordinary proposal by the Law Commission -- which is expected to be backed by the government -- that women who commit premeditated murder of their menfolk may be charged merely with manslaughter if they have been abused?

…through a combination of moral cowardice and extreme feminism, family lawyers have been writing personal responsibility out of the script for decades. First, they removed the idea that behaviour mattered, so that eventually divorce law became so meaningless that fault was removed from it altogether. And now, they actually reward bad behaviour. Despite the fact that women have been becoming increasingly unfaithful and predatory, they are now mainly awarded the lion’s share of divorce settlements.”"

Spiderman goes global | Mother who abducted kids denied access  >

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Talking Out of Both Sides of Her Mouth? (Score:2)
by Dittohd on Wednesday November 05, @08:12PM EST (#1)
(User #1075 Info)
>So men increasingly find they lose their homes and their children, even if their behaviour has been blameless. Their reckless public protests are inexcusable. But so, too, are the manifold injustices which are increasingly driving them over the edge.

First she says we are justified in our complaints, but our compaints are not of her approval?

Well, Sorrrrrry! NOT! Nothing else seems to work, except for a few exceptions to the rule here and there! Long live Spiderman! Go get 'em!


Re:Talking Out of Both Sides of Her Mouth? (Score:1)
by SacredNaCl on Thursday November 06, @03:22PM EST (#2)
(User #1339 Info)
This tactic seems to be working. Spiderman made a good PR hit, so did Batman and Robin.

Perhaps Americans need to import it? (Just don't climb the arch, they crucified the last guy who tried that.)

Freedom Is Merely Privilege Extended Unless Enjoyed By One & All.
Re:Talking Out of Both Sides of Her Mouth? (Score:1)
by westcoast2 on Thursday November 06, @05:11PM EST (#3)
(User #1409 Info)
>So men increasingly find they lose their homes and their children, even if their behaviour has been blameless. Their reckless public protests are inexcusable. But so, too, are the manifold injustices which are increasingly driving them over the edge.

I believe Melanie was refering to the nature of the public protests.

First she says we are justified in our complaints, but our compaints are not of her approval?

She does say the complaints are justified. What she does not approve of is the methods (in some cases) used to complain.

Spiderman was potrayed, in some of the media, as reckless. According to the police, he was putting lives in danger. This was the behaviour, as presented in the media, she objected to and not the legitimate complaint spiderman had.

An alternative alternative to alternative views and just an opinion from the keyboard.

This is my Post on Melanie's site (Score:1)
by LSBeene on Saturday November 08, @05:02AM EST (#4)
(User #1387 Info)
I agree with Terence. I was reading this and going to add the same thing. Many Feminazi writers wax eloquently about the fierce determination of women Suffergettes and how they were "forced" to resort to violence to get their rights, but then when a man does the same actions he is painted in a different light. I think that bombs and threats are wrong, but we need an even handed approach to reporting it that the mainstream press singularly ignores.
          I was falsely accused of rape and that was got me into the men's movement. I realized that my battle would be one of the last won, so I took up the banner of father's rights because of the many injustices I see.
        Women in the U.S., where I am from, are regularly excused for violent behavior. If there is a man anywhere near the case, HE is to blame, and the media report this like it is a real reason and rarely point out the trend that encourages women to lie to reduce their culpability.
    Father's in the US are treated like human sperm banks with a wallet instead of human beings with a loving interest in their child's welfare. Even when there is paternity fraud there are no repercussions to the woman. When visitation is denied, no repercussions. When Domestic Violence is committed by a woman her children are often still given to her, divorce attorneys often TELL women to file DV charges (even for "glares" or "arguements") and, even if by some miracle the man PROVES his innocence, the woman is often allowed to keep custody of the child. Fathers are vilified in the mother's home and the courts don't consider THAT abuse, but if a man speaks ill TO his wife he can have a restraining order applied against him. I could go on, but I think I make my point.
        I am from the first generation (born in the '60's) of sons (and daughters) who were from broken families and I know that my father not being ALLOWED into my life caused me no end of pain as I took it as a lack of acceptance on his part. Years later when I got to know him, we found an instant bond. I love my mother very much, but she should have faced repercussions for her actions. This equality thing is full time. Feminazis just want to have rights and privlages (that women are better parents, DV laws that favor women, no selective service for females, affirmative action etc) but when the responsibility plate comes around they say: "none for me, I am on a diet from that".
Women who are doing evil in the name of "best interests of the child" are not fit to be parents.
Guerilla Gender Warfare is just Hate Speech in polite text
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