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Why Aren't Males Watching TV? DUH!!
posted by D on Wednesday October 22, @02:27PM
from the Media dept.
The Media CPM writes "Why oh why won't men watch our shows? Because they're fucking pissed that's why! I love how one theory is that most of their Nielson samplers(men) have been deployed to Iraq. That's funny, I always hear that it is "men and women" who are serving as if to get equal billing. If this is so, then it is also "men and women" Nielson people who are not home to watch TV. Crappy misandrist programming/advertising has nothing to do with it...! Few Viewers and Network Execs Scratch Their Heads"

Anyone else tired of this crap?! | THE POLITICS OF MANHOOD  >

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TV... (Score:1)
by Dave K on Wednesday October 22, @04:34PM EST (#1)
(User #1101 Info)
I've talked to a number of younger guys on the subject, and while the studio execs seem to think they're stupid... they're not. Without prompting the first thing out of a nephew's mouth was "all the guys on TV are morons". What draws someone into a show is finding characters he can relate to, but who relates to the pathetic fools that populate TV today? Not I... and I'm hearing that sentiment more and more.
Re:TV... (Score:1)
by khankrumthebulgar on Wednesday October 22, @09:44PM EST (#2)
(User #1200 Info)
I personally hope that the Social Engineers who are promoting this "New Male" lose their jobs, homes, pensions and end up homeless. These bastards are promoting Misandry and hatred of Men. We should stop doing business with their Advertisers also. If they get a major financial hit maybe these assholes will realize that their BS being shoveled our way is unacceptable. Serves the scum bags right.
Re:TV... (Score:1)
by Dave K on Thursday October 23, @08:22AM EST (#4)
(User #1101 Info)
Well the article about falling viewership from males is a good sign... when it hits them in the wallet they'll start paying attention. If they create programming for women they shouldn't be surprised when only women watch it.
Sent an e-mail to Neilsen Media Research (Score:1)
by Kirran on Wednesday October 22, @11:50PM EST (#3)
(User #1338 Info)

Dear Sir / Madam,

Recently the New York Times published an article "Few Viewers and Network Executives Scratch Their Heads".

People are wondering why males from the 18-24 age bracket are no longer watching television much any longer.

Talking to people who are still in that age group, they have given the following comments, "all the guys on TV are morons". "All shows on TV are stupid". With programming like this, it is not difficult to see why people of this demographic are losing interest..

Most men portrayed on television today are considered morons. Most men are either portrayed as dumb, loud, and obnoxious (Homer Simpson), or always bad (Bart Simpson / Malcom in the Middle).

Commericals portrayed on television are also noticably anti-male, they also portray most men in a negative light. Most men are getting tired of being degraded, and unfairly depicted in media.

Thank you for reading my comments,
(Removed Personal Information)
Modern media is the plague of all men. (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Thursday October 23, @08:27AM EST (#5)

The execs of these networks are idiots if they think they can market nighttime soap-operas during sporting events and expect men to watch these crappy misandric shows.

After reading the lame excuses the execs gave for the lack of male interest, it is clear that they will not be taking any action to make adult shows that are appealing to young men. Younger males do not like the shit that the networks have for them, obviously...

Instead of finding ways to attract young males, these execs blame young guys or say that the young men are away fighting a war(?). What bullshit, Yet the sporting events had huge numbers of male viewers, so their dumb logic is wrong again.

Sporting events are just about the only way men can enjoy network TV today. There still are many ads that depict men as stupid, slovenly or inept during these vents though. Also, just about every beer company markets aggressively to men exclusively. I bet if a potentially harmful substance were to get marketed to aggressively and only to women, there would be advocacy, media campaigns and perhaps legislation that would regulate it. Not for men though... we sit around and let popular culture via the TV abuse us.

You Get What You Pay For? (Score:2)
by Luek on Friday October 24, @12:54PM EST (#6)
(User #358 Info)
These TV execs get 6 and even 7 figure salaries to come up with answers like why young men are abandoning TV in droves.

And the best they can come up with is "maybe they are all in Iraq?" Duh!

They should look up the word MISANDRY!
Re:You Get What You Pay For? (Score:1)
by Kirran on Monday October 27, @01:34PM EST (#7)
(User #1338 Info)
TV commercials: Are they biased against women?


One person set out to watch advertisments and commercials watching what kind of commercials were out there, and looked at anti-male programming. It is a good article to read with more information
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