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Check List for Violence
posted by D on Friday October 17, @12:18AM
from the Men-Helping-Men dept.
False Accusations Increasingly the system doesn't hear the "man's" version of things. We here know that. Unfortunately to many of us know it first hand. I wrote this article to give us a start at learning how to defend ourselves from abusers and false accusers. It doesn't have to end here either, but it's a good start. Enjoy. Read Here. You also have my permission to pass it around to those you think it might help.

Check List for Violence

A self defence approach to weeding out women that are potentially violent or who will use the justice system to extort, blackmail or to commit indirect forms of violence against you.

Here is a story for ya. I used to date a young woman, we'll call her Michelle. Michelle was a liar. A big fat liar, who used to tell the most amazing stories to garner your sympathy. Not only was Michelle a liar, she was an actress. Involved in various amature plays performed at a local theatre. A deadly combination for sure.,

Here is my hell with Michelle, which in reality is not nearly as bad as some men have gone through, but, there is a bit of smart advice at the end.

Dating Michelle was interesting, she was a cross between a redhead and a blonde with a body made for porn. However, Michelle's psyche was made for psycho thrillers. This woman lied about everything and anything. She lied about having cancer, which I drove up to see her in the hospital two towns over to be with her. She lied about being pregnant, she lied about a cist being removed from her overies as being something much more serious. She lied to the police about me breaking into her house, when in fact she broke into my house and stole my stuff. She put on quite a performance, and played the little helpless victim for the heroic and chivilrous cops to eat up and I had to higher a lawyer. This little lovely also virtually blackmailed me. She knew that I was going to Europe and that I was going without her so she told me that I would go to jail based on her report to the police if I did not take her. What was worse, she could do it and the police would believe it. Welcome to Ontario.

Did I also tell you about her stalking me even after we had broke up? This little honey made friends with my current girlfriend in order to get close to me. She is a devious woman.

I went to Europe without her and face the music when I got back because she was so pissed she did file a report. It was obvious the charge was fallacious and it was thrown out. But the hell and anxiety I went through was aweful and nobody gave a darn about me simply because I was a man and they were trained otherwise about these situations.

My feelings now is that the system is all about process and politics. Not truth and justice as I was raised to believe.

Now get this, even after we broke up, and after the court b.s. in which I had a restraining order agaisnt me to see her she kept harassing me. It was me who was trying to get rid of her but the system gave her the leverage to play me and try to control me to do her whim. After all the lies about cancer and such I dumped her, she made friends with my girlfriend and got back into my house even after I told her and everyone else that I never wanted her around again. She stole a number of my things, which I wish I just had of let go, and kept them. She moved right into an apartment down the road from me and was doing her laundry at my house weekly. Gawd. Now back to the story.

So Michelle, after about a year or two, calls me right out of the blue. She asks me what I'm doing, how things are going etc... I'm fine, things are good, so what? But of course I'm playing nice. She then is making a date with me. And during all this nice time extending over a couple of calls she goes over the list. The list is very simple, do I have a house, do I own my own car, how much money am I making, how much is in my bank account, how big is my house, of course you get the idea. It seems meaningless and typical questions for a girl looking for a status guy but it gets worse, let me tell you. The conversation moves along and she starts to tell me about her life. About her life with her latest boyfriend. Guess what, they lived together and well, he beat her up.

Automatically I don't care. I don't care if she lied, or if he did. My assumption is she probably threw a large pair of cutting shears at him like she did me, but unlike me he wailed off and hit her. Whatever. It turns out my little sweetheart has been to a shelter and this woman, who by every definition of the word a freeloader, was not trying to be with me as a longterm commitment. She was trying to be with me for a short term commitment. One just long enough to allow her to make an allegation about me to the police which under the new law bill c 117 which was passed recently, gives her all of my stuff. That's right. She by court order would have my house, car, bank account and probably my wages signed right over to her on the spot. Think I'm kidding. I don't even have to hit her. She just has to have some sort of intuition about it. It could be the furtherest thing from my mind and a sunny beautiful day and that's what she can claim in Ontario.

Does it work both ways? I doubt it, no one really talks about men as victims. However I am hearing more and more about men using this tactic. But there are no shelters for men, and no stats pounded on billboards that show men as victims. No pamplets or social workers ready to speak to men on the subject and inform them of their rights.

I hear it is increasingly like this in several states as well. Colorado? California?

There is a high motivation to make allegations here. In Australia they are now looking at the possibility of male suicides related to court decisions. I think they should also look into the possibility that the courts decisions and politicians panderings are also contributing to homocides as well. The unjust laws are creating crime. Quite frankley the system is already in dispute, they are just unwilling to either accept it or acknowledge it because in my opinion they are cowards who are only to happy to ride that gravy chain of in-justice.

Honestly, if someone took away everything you have and worked so hard for, even in my case for possibly only a one night stand, you might be tempted to kill someone and or yourself. Feminists can have all the vigils they want, their brain-washing tactics are wearing thin on the rest of us and not just men, but mothers, daughters, sons, sisters, brothers and all relatives of the victims the system creates because of political insentive and dishonesty about the facts.

Like I said, Welcome to Ontario, and if you hear that check list being recited, you know what to do.

By Dan Lynch.

Dan Lynch is a Fellow Mann administrator, has studied Self-Defence for over 23 years and he is a trained mediator.

Domestic Violence in the Workplace | NBC4.TV Quotes Ray of NCFM re: Shelter Lawsuits  >

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great article Dan (Score:1)
by Tom on Friday October 17, @06:03AM EST (#1)
(User #192 Info) http://www.standyourground.com
Great article Dan. The more we can see things coming and be prepared the better.

Standyourground Forums
Re:great article Dan (Score:2)
by Dan Lynch on Friday October 17, @01:08PM EST (#5)
(User #722 Info) http://www.fathersforlife.org/fv/Dan_Lynch_on_EP.htm
Thanks Tom. Perhaps would could prepare a "red flag" list. ie

#1. She has had dealings with either a shelter or assault centre and has made an accusation before.
#2. She knows friends who have been in those situations and repeats said feminist propaganda.
#3. Your province or state has a zero tolerance kick and lays heavyhanded unfair and constitutionally void laws.

You see, putting men in prison is big money. And all that propaganda you see in regards to feminists is really just "advertising" for the industry.

This doesn't mean their aren't nice girls out there. It does mean that when the chips are down in the relationship all that will be used against you in a vindictive fashion. There are people who study social science that give their research findings to law enforcement agencies. This reportive state isn't just because women are fighting for "justice", it's because they've on some scale have also been induced too.
Dan Lynch's Self-Defence (519) 774-2121
I got charged with a false accusation... (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Monday November 03, @02:19PM EST (#7)
I was accused of rape 14 years ago. I had been having sex with the girl at the time. However, she made the accusation because her boyfriend found out she had been cheating on him. She claimed that I had raped her to save herself. He made her press charges and then I was arrested. I got my name in the paper and many people in my small town condemed me. A few months later she quietly admitted to the police that it didn't happen, charges were dropped, and the paper put a tiny blurb on the back page that still made it sound like I had been guilty. She should have gone to jail and been punished. She basically ruined me. I have recovered. However, I went through years of depression, drinking, and drug use, to cope with the humiliation that I experianced. She got off with a slap on the wrist. How is that fair?
My hell (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Friday October 17, @07:00AM EST (#2)

Same deal. Met a hot girl. She was in high tech sales. When her company fired her just before I met her she had a big story about harassment and abuse that she "went through" that was enabled by her employer. She won a $100k lawsuit against the company (she sued for $2million). I believed her story as I was previously programmed to view women as potential victims. We got engaged. I came home one night and I found her in bed with someone. We had a serious argument which involved some mutual light pushing. That was all. Seriously. I left for good with no harm done except for the fortune I invested into a new house and the relationship - and well...my life... and my intentions..

The cops called me the next day. I drive to see them assuming I was going to get served a restraining order. I walk into the police station and they jump me and read me my rights. I end up going directly to the county jail and got stripped, de-loused, body searched and locked up and held without bail and was eating lunch with convicted felons the very same day. During this process the cops compared me to a murderer from the town years earlier and state "it's not going to happen again" (?)!

She fabricated a story that I "stalked her" in my own house (?) and that I had planned to beat her and her "friend" who she claimed was over just for work, she fabricated an odd and inconsistent story of a vicious assault on her and that she was afraid for her life... Her whole story was a huge lie. Trust me when I say that she knew (having just been through a lawsuit with a high powered attorney) just how to use the system to terrorize me. Her "friend" gave a completely different account of what supposedly happened too and did not state any account of an assault (until a week later, when this person - a woman mind you - modified her story into an odd account that worked with my ex's).

I spent 10 days in 24 hour lockup. I was allowed one phone call this whole time and as soon as I stated where I was on the phone the police hung up the phone on me. My life, my job, everything was in jeopardy.

The ridiculous part: The courthouse.

The judge would not even look at me. The asshole in the robe would not listen to me. The asshole in the robe said "despite conflict in (her) testimony and inconsistent evidence (she supplied out of focus under-exposed pictures of her legs as evidence) yet she claimed I assaulted her elsewhere, the judge still considered me a danger to society. He and the DA and the victims advocates were hell bent on keeping me in jail despite the ridiculous case made against me. They intended to use the full force of the system lock me up on several charges relating to domestic assault and battery.

To make a long story short. I spent 10 days in jail. Had to fight to the superior court level to get out of lockup. Had a picture of me in cuffs in the local paper (done by a female journalist who "mainstreams" anything "domestic").

I accepted guilt in the court only as a means to have the nightmare stop, it was costing me a fortune to fight, and my life was in shambles as I missed many important meetings with my clients while locked up. Once my probation is up, everything gets dropped from my record, this I did fight for.

My story sucks. I know. But it is true. I often wonder how many men go through a similar ordeal? Was what happened to me typical, or did I get a heavy handed treatment by the system?

Why did I go through this? I suspect it was because my ex decided to vilify me and turn me into a monster instead of facing the reality that she is a terrible person who cheats, lies, extorts and damages peoples lives without regard, yet maintains an honest and credible facade to the other "social" people in our rich small town.

I know from experience what it means to be a second class citizen. And I blame feminism for what I went through. Feminists have corrupted due process and evidentiary procedures. My ex knew how the system worked, and she used it as a weapon to ruin me... and not as a shield for protection.

Re:My hell (Score:1)
by Kirran on Friday October 17, @11:49AM EST (#3)
(User #1338 Info)
This is getting scary

Soon the only way to protect yourself is to basically carry a Camera / Video Camera / Tape recorder etc with you at all times, basically you need to record every interaction you have with anyone of the opposite gender. Having irrefutable proof will be the only way someone will hear your side of the story. (plus you need to do it covertly)
Re:My hell (Score:2)
by Dan Lynch on Friday October 17, @01:01PM EST (#4)
(User #722 Info) http://www.fathersforlife.org/fv/Dan_Lynch_on_EP.htm
Yes we are all "programmed" to view things in that way. And no you are not the only one, your case is *very* typical.

AS far as getting cameras for every interaction you make, I would suggest a civil war long before that. Buy a gun, if things don't start changing soon for the better we're all going to be in prison.
Dan Lynch's Self-Defence (519) 774-2121
Re: DV "Hell" is a Profit Engine for Feminazis (Score:1)
by Roy on Friday October 17, @05:00PM EST (#6)
(User #1393 Info)
Tragically, your DV Hell tale is only too typical of what's going on here in FemAmerica.

Tens of thousands of federal and state-funded parasites are using the DV Industry to enjoy lucrative careers based on a systemic assault on men.

$3.2 billion in VAWA money (your tax dollars) fuel the DV gestapo regime.

Feminazi DV "advocates," corrupt lawyers, sycophant judges, batterer's "treatment" counselors, local cop goons, the list of pariahs feeding at the DV trough goes on and on...

Then there's the untold millions being leached from men who are paying for their legal defense in a system that presumes them guilty until proven innocent. (The same system denies them their Constitutional rights of due process and protection against seizure of their property.)

Add to that the further millions extorted from men who are court-ordered to attend six to twelve months of DV "education/counseling" -- the going rate being about $60 per session or
$1,440 to $2,880 for the privilege of being psychologally abused by the feminist mind-control reprogrammers who run the DV "treatment" enterprise.

By any reasonable definition, this DV racket is at least state-sanctioned extortion, at may arguably be seen as an all-out WAR being waged against the newly defined 24 x 7 criminal class, i.e. individuals with a particular set of chromosomes.

Gentlemen, this is tyranny by any name.

How's it going, ducking and covering like animal prey in the DV Gulag we allowed to happen to us?

"It's a terrible thing ... living in fear." - Roy: hunted replicant, Blade Runner
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