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NH Men's Commission Now Ready for Action!
posted by Scott on Sunday October 05, @05:45AM
from the news dept.
News Foster's Daily Democrat printed an excellent front page news story on Saturday about the NH Commission on the Status of Men. The article objectively mentioned many of the injustices and problems we had getting the commission established and included some great quotes about men's issues. My favorite, from Rep. David Bickford, was: "For so long, it was politically incorrect to examine whether there was anything wrong with the way men are treated in society. To not even consider where men fell in the mix, I think, has had a negative effect on society...This will give people a chance to hear from the other side. Until now, information about gender issues has been very tainted and one-sided." Right on, David!

So what has feminism to be proud of? | The pill for men  >

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Great news. (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Sunday October 05, @07:54AM EST (#1)
Great news and many thanks to those who laboured to achieve this. Definitely a milestone in the struggle for mens rights. The accompanying article mentioned that the suicide in males is 10 times that of females. This is, I believe, a more accurate statistic than those which say that the ratio is 4:1.
Do men dare to have hope? (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Sunday October 05, @02:21PM EST (#2)
"For so long, it was politically incorrect to examine whether there was anything wrong with the way men are treated in society. To not even consider where men fell in the mix, I think, has had a negative effect on society...This will give people a chance to hear from the other side. Until now, information about gender issues has been very tainted and one-sided."

My heart felt lighter reading this. If this keeps up my whole outlook on life could change. It would be nice for things to be going so well for men that we could talk about all the good things in our lives, and how the government is working to serve all people - INCLUDING MEN!.

Way to go New Hampshire Men's Commission, and way to go Rep Bickford.

We are still struggling to get 1 Men's Commission in California, although there are 31 Women's Commissions and many more sub comm's. or related groups. There are over 270 Women's Commissions in the United States and the 1st one was begun under John F. Kennedy.

With that kind of history, and entrenched, virulently misandric opposition we have a long way to go before men will have equal rights with over privileged women in Femicraticaly mired American society and American law.

Sincerely, Ray

Re:Do men dare to have hope? (Score:1)
by TLE on Tuesday October 07, @09:07AM EST (#12)
(User #1376 Info)
Could you share your source on the number of women's commissions in the US? Is there a breakdown for each state as well?



Support not wringing hands (Score:1)
by LSBeene on Sunday October 05, @04:26PM EST (#3)
(User #1387 Info)
Hey fellas (and kind female supporters!!),
    Just a thought or two.
1) Lets find out (HELLO SOMEONE E-mail me!!) if we can funnel some support to the commision. I may not live in NH, but the group is just starting out and obviously needs support. I am writing this part to openly ask if we can support by PAYPAL or E-Pay. Folks, being of good cheer is all well and good, but lets put our money (hey, I aint rich either!) where are interests lie. This commision is unfunded. It's wrong, but that's the way it is. For now.
2) E-mail that Bickford fellow and all the other congressmen/women and senators in NH and let em know we care. Who gives a dang if we don't live there. This is going to be scrutinized to death and attacked at every turn. If we just wring our hands and whine and vent and write stuff here, we are getting our just deserts. Even our UK members or our buddies in Stalinist Canada (your men have it rough too!) need to chime in with E-mails to the politicos. Also, write to your OWN state congress/senators and at the national level lobbying for a similar commision.
          Fellas and our WWS (wonderful women supporters), we need not to just wring our hands or pat ourselves on the back. We need to get behind this. If you don't send an E-mail or letter (more like 10 to 10 people in power) today then it will never be a good time to do it.
        I joined this movement after being falsely accused of rape almost a decade ago. I know many men are in the same boat with DV charges, alleged molestation during divorce, and a laundry list of other nasty and EMBARRESSING/BELITTLING charges. But, we are the ones who need to speak up.
        I also ask if someone who is less "gramatically challenged" as me would POST an example letter. All of us could copy it, hell, we could add our own thoughts. This is a golden egg laid by a goose who's got many an axe aimed at it. Let's not let it die by apathy.
        Hope what I said might add a little. Gotta go, got a letter to draft.

Guerilla Gender Warfare is just Hate Speech in polite text
Re:Support not wringing hands (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Sunday October 05, @07:09PM EST (#5)
"I joined this movement after being falsely accused of rape almost a decade ago. I know many men are in the same boat with DV charges, alleged molestation during divorce, and a laundry list of other nasty and EMBARRESSING/BELITTLING charges. But, we are the ones who need to speak up."



I'm with you and agree that we do need to tell the N.H Men's Commission that we are with them in tangible ways. I live in CA, but have contributed to this cause before and will do so again.

I hope that this Commission can get on line in some way and pick up support "from the world," through that.

I'm not talking about people "calling in" and whinning, saying, "I'm a male victim too. Can you help me?" I'm talking about guys who have been hammered saying, "I'm a victim too and know that you are trying to help men in N.H. and thereby you will be helping men everywhere by your precedents." "Let me, help you, help us."

Sincerely, Ray
Re:Support not wringing hands (Score:1)
by Tom on Monday October 06, @07:21AM EST (#7)
(User #192 Info) http://www.standyourground.com
This is a great idea! I am going to send them a donation as soon as I can figure out who to send it to. I really appreciate the work that NH is doing. A donation from a bunch of us would send a strong message to them that this is not just a local issue.

The fact is that their efforts are making our job a great deal easier in establishing men's commissions in other locations. I am trying to get one going in maryland and it is simple to point to NH and even quote some of their literature. They have broken the seal. Now we need to do the work. Anyone interested in helping get one going in maryland email me. tom@NOstandyourgroundSPAM.com (Drop the caps)

Sign this online letter about domestic violence
Duh, forgot my E-mail (Score:1)
by LSBeene on Sunday October 05, @04:29PM EST (#4)
(User #1387 Info)
Ok, when it comes to being blond. Ditsy stereotypical women aint got nothin on me. A brunette standing between me and another blond dude is more than likely called and interpretor and I am still wiping the white out off my computer screen after my last post. I forgot to leave my E-mail after ASKING anyone to E-mail me.


Ok, that's fixed, now I gotta humbly go and write a letter like I encouraged others to do. Forgive a man in a hurry, k?

Guerilla Gender Warfare is just Hate Speech in polite text
About time (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Sunday October 05, @08:13PM EST (#6)
I glad that a commission like this has been established,finally. I also hear that the NCFMLA is trying to establish one in L.A. County but is having trouble due to resistence by the the county board of supervisors. I wish NCFMLA well as they take on this issue.

Governor? (Score:2)
by Luek on Monday October 06, @08:22AM EST (#8)
(User #358 Info)
Rep. David Bickford for Governor!

Here is an Email I sent to Rep. Bickford (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Monday October 06, @12:44PM EST (#9)
Honorable Representative Bickford:

I live in California, but I am interested in tangibly supporting the New Hampshire Men's Commission through direct financial contributions, letter writing, or however else I am able to. I know that you are a supporter of the N.H. Men's Commission so I hope that you can help me.

The success of this commission is vital to those of us trying to get Men's Commissions going in other places like California, where there are 31 Women's Commissions, but no Men's Commissions. The precedents you are making in New Hampshire will be vital to the rest of us in our efforts.

If someone could send me an address, or better yet name and address of someone I can write to about this I would be greatly appreciate it.

Sincerely, Ray
Contacting Rep. Bickford and donations. (Score:1)
by Scott (scott@mensactivism.org) on Monday October 06, @02:55PM EST (#10)
(User #3 Info)
Rep. David Bickford can be reached at david1@worldpath.net. I'm sure he'd love to hear from any of you.

Donations to the men's commission can be made out to the "NH Commission on the Status of Men" and sent to:

Dept. of Administrative Services
c/o Rosemary Faretra
25 Capital St.
Concord, NH 03301

I don't think they can accept PayPal at this time.

Howdy Folks (Score:1)
by LSBeene on Monday October 06, @05:04PM EST (#11)
(User #1387 Info)
Hey, not an opinion but a suggestion.
Does anyone here know anyone ON the commison or how we can contact em. The power of the internet is great and PAYPAL is a currency we can use. The reason I post this is that I will, or if someone could, contact em and set up a NHMC account for PAYPAL. I will contribute with my credit card, but would prefer not to do it that way. I appreciate the SAMPLE letter. I will copy and modify it. Nice work on the E-mail address too. Good work folks. If someone wants to E-mail me with the specifics I asked about my E-mail is: steven.beene@us.army.mil

Guerilla Gender Warfare is just Hate Speech in polite text
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