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Women Lie About Sexual History
posted by D on Wednesday October 01, @06:44PM
from the sex-lies-and-videotaps dept.
Inequality Grant Hayes writes "The New Scientist is running a piece about how men and women lie about their sex lives. Of course, the more likely it was that the women believed she would be caught, the more she lied. The much maligned male, however, proved to tell the truth more often. Conclusions, anyone?"

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Conclusion? (Score:2)
by Dittohd on Wednesday October 01, @09:00PM EST (#1)
(User #1075 Info)

These researchers couldn't find anything more productive to do with their time?


Re:Conclusion? (Score:2)
by Dan Lynch on Wednesday October 01, @11:23PM EST (#2)
(User #722 Info) http://www.fathersforlife.org/fv/Dan_Lynch_on_EP.htm
"These researchers couldn't find anything more productive to do with their time?"

Ya, like making porn, then lying about it.
It's useful... (Score:2)
by frank h on Thursday October 02, @07:38AM EST (#3)
(User #141 Info)
I actually think this is useful. It documents what men have known all along: that women lie FAR more than they admit. The next time some femogogue (I REALLY like that word) starts off on how much men lie, just quietly write down the bibliographical reference to this report, slide it across the table, and tell he she's full of s--t.
lies (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Thursday October 02, @08:24AM EST (#4)
my own personal account of female lies was when I caight my ex cheating on me, as a defense mechanism she fabricated DV abuse stories to shut me up and have the cops arrest me.

Women lie when the heat is on...

Re:lies (Score:1)
by addenuff on Thursday October 02, @11:02AM EST (#5)
(User #286 Info)
Yes me too bud! I was lied too that much I even started to question my own grasp on reality.

I then by chance discovered a book titled "emotional Blackmail" boy did that clarify things (painfully)I might add.
I don't need a study (Score:1)
by LSBeene on Thursday October 02, @02:11PM EST (#6)
(User #1387 Info)
Look guys, I don't need a study. Let me put down my opinion, but I am going to be as fair and honest as I can be, based on years of dating experience.
          If a woman hooks up she doesn't go home and tell her friends: "wow, did I do x,y,&z sex acts! I made his ears smoke" Often she will express that "something" happened and then see the reaction of the person to guage what she will say next. If the person she is telling is sexually experienced and nonjudgemental she will probably give a pretty graphic account. If the person is more sexually conservative she may say something like: "well, it just 'happened'" or "I was drunk" or "he just did it, I wouldn't 'NORMALLY' do this" or some such. The core problem is women (this is a generalization, lets not male nor female bash on this, I am TRYING TO HELP) tailor their answers to their sexual adventures to the listeners expected response. Women by their late 20's - early 30's are a little less likely to do this, as they have solidified their friendships to others who accept them. So, what you get, and this relates a lot to college age women, is tailored answers that allow a lack responsibility for the female. This woman may have had the time of her life, but she is loathe to look like a "slut" to her friends. So it was "the alcohol" "it just happened" "I didn't want it to go that far" etc. Often this is where false allegations of sexual assault come from. The woman says something and her story is "stuck". Now if her boyfriend finds out, she could lose him. In her mind, it's better one guy gets screwed than she have to be embarressed.
        Many "feminists" blame men for a woman 'having' to lie about her sexual past. I say look at the social dynamics of how women communicate. Often how a story is told is subjective, tailored to the audience, and, these days, lacks any 'culpability' for the woman who did the mutual act.
      This is written in a short blurb, and not well written I must add. But I think you get my point.
Guerilla Gender Warfare is just Hate Speech in polite text
Re:I don't need a study (Score:1)
by Grant Hayes on Friday October 03, @09:10AM EST (#7)
(User #1392 Info)
So in other words, women don't take responsibility. News at 11.
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