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Man arrested over domestic dispute
posted by Adam on Wednesday September 24, @02:41PM
from the Cops-as-political-enforcers dept.
False Accusations No nick yet writes "This story appeared in the newspaper where I work. I know the person in the story who is named as a friend of the man arrested. He was with the accused when he was arrested. They were returning to the guy's apartment, with slushies in hand, and found it surrounded by the Crisis Response Team. The guy goes up to a cop and asks what was going on and they tell him there is a guy in an apartment with a rifle - him! The cops had evacuated the building and blocked off the street and then held a four-hour stand-off with an empty apartment. Why? Someone phoned the police and told them he was holding a woman hostage with a rifle. Coincidentally, he had an argument with his girlfriend that morning. So even though the call was a false alarm and there was no victim they arrested him anyway and then went into his apartment and seized his rifle."

His Side: Father & Son Reunited | Men have no rights?  >

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I wonder, wonder, wonder... (Score:2)
by The Gonzo Kid (NibcpeteO@SyahPoo.AcomM) on Wednesday September 24, @04:41PM EST (#1)
(User #661 Info)

Wonder if the woman who issued the bogus call will be arrested, cited, and prosecuted for false reporting, like a man would be?

Never mind. Stupid question.

* Putting the SMACKDOWN on Feminazis since 1989! *
Re: 24 x 7 Peril (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Wednesday September 24, @07:58PM EST (#2)
This story further confirms the inescapable conclusion / reality that all men now inhabit a lethal environment where, regardless of their innocence, personal integrity, or honorable intentions... at any moment a woman's proclamation of abuse can steal your liberty.

Men have become chattel, indeed prey, in this toxic social climate.

Women, unlike men, are socialized in childhood and adolescence to use indirect and third party abuse as a primary mode of aggression. (See Rachel Simmon's excellent ODD GIRL OUT: The Hidden Culture of Aggression in Girls.)

Our government with its Gestapo DV must-arrest laws has become the hammer for third-party violence against men.

Feminism has never been about equality; rather, it has always been focused on subjugating men and creating a legal apparatus that advantages women through systematic discrimination against males.

We now enjoy a legal culture of ambient terror, in which any man's life may be "disappeared" in much the same way that dissidents the world over have been targeted for elimination.

Reforming the political/legal system that facilitates this "legal" terrorism is the only solution, and this will require a heads-on confrontation with the patent evils and desturctiveness that thirty years of gender feminism has wrought.

"It is a terrible thing .... living in fear."
      - Roy: Hunted Replicant in (Ridley Scott's film masterpiece) Blade Runner.
Re: 24 x 7 Peril (Score:1)
by Tom on Thursday September 25, @08:49AM EST (#5)
(User #192 Info) http://www.standyourground.com
Great post Anon. Get a screen name. Good stuff.

Sign this online letter about domestic violence
Re:I wonder, wonder, wonder... (Score:1)
by Tom on Thursday September 25, @08:45AM EST (#4)
(User #192 Info) http://www.standyourground.com
That's just what I was thinking Gonzo. We must prosecute false accusers and put them on the same lists as sexual predators. It's a similar crime just a different path.

Sign this online letter about domestic violence
So ? (Score:2)
by Dittohd on Wednesday September 24, @09:18PM EST (#3)
(User #1075 Info)
Did this guy do anything wrong by having the rifle in his apartment? Is having a rifle against the law in Nova Scotia?


feminism is sexism (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Thursday September 25, @12:15PM EST (#6)
"Man arrested over domestic dispute"

-join the club-
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