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2-Day Challenge to catch up for Farrell
posted by Hombre on Saturday September 13, @10:30AM
from the grassroots-campaign dept.
News 09-13 & 09-14: This 2-day Daily Activist Challenge is to catch up on helping Farrell! I know its not always convenient to do a small bit of activism every day, so lets all take advantage of the extra time on the weekends to catch up. The challenge is to pick 10 challenges from the archives which you haven't yet done and do them over the weekend. The reward will be knowing you've put some real effort out in helping the movement and Farrell's campaign. Good luck!

Mainstream Discourse on the Nonexistent Wage Gap | Photos of Fathers' Rally in L.A. with Warren Farrel  >

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Discussion threads for California message boards (Score:1)
by mens_issues on Saturday September 13, @10:54PM EST (#1)
(User #267 Info)
I have gotten three discussion threads going in California newspapers so far:

Here is one for the San Diego Union-Tribune:

http://www.signonsandiego.com/forums/upload/forumd isplay.php?s=&forumid=32

And one for the Orange County Register:

http://talk.myoc.com/forumdisplay.php?s=&forumid=1 49

Also, one for the San Jose Mercury News:


So far these are the three newspapers that I have been able to locate that have discussion boards. The main newspapers for the biggest cities of Los Angeles and San Francisco didn't appear to have discussion boards, so I had to go to the "second tier" newspapers in the major suburbs. Orange County and San Jose "Silicon Valley" are pretty major suburbs, so hopefully these messages will get some exposure. My thread in the San Diego discussion board has had 48 page views so far, and the Orange County thread had had 9 page views in just a couple of hours.

Feel free to join in these discussions. You will need to register, but that just takes a few minutes.


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