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Higher-Ed Gender Gap Article Sends Bad Message
posted by Adam on Monday September 08, @10:49AM
from the You-know-what-to-do dept.
Education Code Monkey writes "I found this article in the Portland, Maine Press-Herald to be similar to a lot on the topic of men's declining enrollment in higher education. The article acknowledges that women are getting degrees at a much higher rate than men, that this gender gap is continually increasing, but makes excuses for the disparity that tries to downlplay the significance of this issue. For example, claiming that "women need college degrees just to get jobs that pay as much as the jobs men get straight out of high school", and focusing on the oh-so-urgent issue that women won't be able to find enough "qualified" men to marry. The article even refers to Boston Globe's leading male-bashing columnist, Ellen Goodman. You can send respones to the editor at letters@pressherald.com."

Feminists haven't been complaining enough | Gender Stereotypes  >

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