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MANN Chat: An Activist by Any Other Name
posted by Steve on Wednesday July 30, @11:53AM
from the Censorship dept.
Censorship I will host this week's MANN chat on Wednesday night (7/30), starting at 9:30 PM Eastern Time, at the usual location.  The topic will be "An Activist by Any Other Name."  As activists, we work in a world of words.  Therefore, we have to be careful about the words we use to advance men's issues.  But what are the right words?  If we use some words, we will alienate men--and women--who could be allies.  On the other hand, if we try to be too "nice" and please everyone, we'll drive ourselves mad.  Where is a workable balance?  What are the words that "push people's buttons"?  How can we use them, or avoid using them, to communicate most effectively?  Join us to talk about the role of language in men's activism.

30 Reasons Why Feminists Really Are 'Feminazis' | American Women should be Outraged!  >

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Speak your mind (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Wednesday July 30, @06:09PM EST (#1)

I believe a man can do no harm if he sincerely speaks the truth as he believes it to be. He should listen to others and be prepared to change his mind if he's wrong.

If you've got something to say, then say it. Don't worry about how people will take it and for goodness sake, don't start modifying content to make it more palatable for the unconverted. There's too much of that bullsh' all ready out there.

Isn't that the very thing we're fighting against?

Speak your mind, be a man, and believe in your message.
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