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How and why women kill
posted by Adam on Sunday July 13, @09:13AM
from the What-took-them-so-long? dept.
Inequality zenpriest writes "Here is a perfect example of how women kill - covertly and indirectly - and why they kill - because they don't like the way they are being treated. Notice also that it took almost 5 months for the authorities to file charges against her."

NCFM-DC member does radio interview airing 7/12 | Guys have to work at reclaiming masculinity  >

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We need to show some sympathy here (Score:2)
by Mark on Sunday July 13, @12:53PM EST (#1)
(User #181 Info)
I'm sure the grandmother never meant to hurt the baby and was merely attempting to fight some sort of age or gender based discrimination. By the way, I'm sure the baby's father can be found guilty in this somehow. He most likely abused his mother, molested the child, beat his wife and probably burned a few crosses in his day as well.
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