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Custody Court Massacre
posted by Adam on Monday June 09, @03:44PM
from the I-won't-be-risking-marriage-anytime-soon dept.
News Anonymous User writes "I read this article on Strike The Root: Custody Court Massacre -- Bernard Chapin 'The thing I don't understand is how the guy in the story was persuaded into marriage in the first place. He went to the court thinking that his life would be changing for the better, but now he found that his life was over. “I’m going to jail” he told me on the phone. I argued with him and said that wasn’t possible, but after speaking with somebody who does testimony on the behalf of fathers, I discovered that jail time could well be a likelihood for his failure to pay. Robert summed up the proceedings: “The judge had heard this all before. American man takes advantage of innocent immigrant girl. He’ll have to pay and pay and pay.” Only you can’t get 60 grand from a man who’s down 40'. "

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