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Misandry at askmen.com
posted by Adam on Sunday June 08, @09:55AM
from the I-heard-they-pull--stunts-like-this-too-often dept.
Inequality hurkle writes "askmen.com's current newsletter features a joke about a mood ring that revolves around accepting female-on-male violence as funny. Feel free to let them know how you feel about it at newsletter@askmen.com"

Child Tax Credit | Global women flood local dating market?  >

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Sad really... (Score:1)
by DaveK67 on Sunday June 08, @10:06AM EST (#1)
(User #1111 Info)
My first instinct on reading that joke was to laugh, if you take it as innocent it's pretty funny.

As with all gender based jokes, I then turned it around and asked the same joke with the genders reversed.

My girlfriend, not happy with my mood swings, bought me a mood ring the other day so that she can monitor my moods.

When I'm in a good mood... it turns green.
When I'm in a bad mood... it leaves a big red mark next to her black eye.

Maybe next time she'll buy me a sports car.

How much laughter would you get out of women for this joke eh?

Re:Sad really... (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Sunday June 08, @10:39AM EST (#2)
Very true. I noticed that the two "senior editors" are both women (surprise surprise!). Clearly, a feminist controlled website encouraging men to retain the shackles of "traditional male conduct".
Re:Sad really... (Score:1)
by CPM on Monday June 09, @08:30AM EST (#7)
(User #769 Info)
With the exception of Doc Love, AskMen is nothing but Cosmo disguised(not so cleverly) as a men's mag. The message boards are loaded with radical feminists who also appear to be the same people who write the articles. A typical article title would be something like "How To Tie A Shoe".

I read AskMen the same as I read the rantings of NOW, Cosmo, MS, etc...
That's why I canceled 10 months ago... (Score:1)
by starzabuv on Sunday June 08, @05:17PM EST (#3)
(User #721 Info)
after sending them one of shortest email responses to misandry I've ever sent. Why any guy reads their crap is beyond me, other than for research into the subtle (and sometimes not subtle) viciousness of mysandrists marketing to men. They suck as emags go.
Disclaimer: Everything I post is of course my own opinion. If it seems harsh, Feminazis just piss me off!
Re:That's why I canceled 10 months ago... (Score:1)
by scudsucker on Sunday June 08, @07:37PM EST (#5)
(User #700 Info)
The Doc love dating articles are pretty good though. Gives guys some much needed advice on dealing with women.
Re:That's why I canceled 10 months ago... (Score:1)
by tparker on Monday June 09, @12:08AM EST (#6)
(User #65 Info)
For some guys, the best advice for dealing with women is .... don't. About the same advice one would give on petting an alligator.
Re:That's why I canceled 10 months ago... (Score:1)
by starzabuv on Monday June 09, @11:48AM EST (#8)
(User #721 Info)
Yeah, unfortunately for the small minority of decent women out there, a lot of guys have taken this very approach and are shouting it from rooftops. It's not worth the effort anymore to wade through the swamp of feminazi-dom to find "The One" in that minority. Just not worth the effort.
Disclaimer: Everything I post is of course my own opinion. If it seems harsh, Feminazis just piss me off!
MiSaNdr;y (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Sunday June 08, @06:00PM EST (#4)
I am not surprised AskMen sucks now. They are now affiliated with MSN.com. MSN.com regularly links to them and probably indirectly (or directly) drives their content now. Score another one for MiSaNdry.com.

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