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by Anonymous User on Friday June 06, @03:07PM EST (#1)
"Patriarchal auto industry gendercide, what is to be done?"
by Anonymous User on Friday June 06, @03:21PM EST (#2)
Actually without the last line, I would get that men are more capable of driving faster than women or the elderly. This might be because of the male fight/flight response or that men are more capable of making split decisions when needed.
The mere fact that more men are killed probably shows that men are the most likely to be the main highway driver in most families.
Yes, that's true. Men do most of the driving on family outings. Men drive more miles than women and men are more likely to drive vehicles like long-haul trucks and buses. Accidents with those vehicles may be more likely to involve fatalities.
Regardung CJ's point about the double standard in journalism, this double standard extends into academia, government and other areas of society.
I see example after example in which female vulnerability gets the sympathetic attention even when males are more at risk.
Although the great majority of HIV infected people in the US are male, the higher female infection rate gets the focus of sympathetic attenetion.
Males commit suicide at four times the rate of females, yet the spotlight is on females' greater "attempt" rate.
Males are most likely to be the victims of violent crime, especially homicide, but it's females' fear of being victimized that gets the most attention from the media and government.
Men die sooner than women and are more at risk when it comes to the leading causes of death, but the government spends more on women's medical research and health awareness.
And on and on. Reverse the genders and think about the public response. No matter the situation, females get more sympathy, attention, and protection.
by Anonymous User on Sunday June 08, @01:30AM EST (#6)
"And on and on. Reverse the genders and think about the public response. No matter the situation, females get more sympathy, attention, and protection."
Thats because they vote more.
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