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The National Post enables men to stand up
posted by Adam on Sunday June 01, @09:57AM
from the Worth-considering dept.
The Media rage writes "Check the following link out, How about writing letters to this newspaper to defend the masculist cause and explain we're not woman-haters ? Articles released on the National Post up to now about the federally-funded feminist report have shown some kind of criticism against feminists'behaviour concerning this event. They seem to want to let men express their point of views, so why not trying ? But in my opinion, we must write to them as individuals and not as "mensactivism" members, we must not give the link of our site, else it could be viewed as inopportune lobbying...."

Girls Rule! | Feminist bigotry parading as progressivism  >

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Great Paper (Score:1)
by AFG (afg2112@yahoo.ca) on Sunday June 01, @06:37PM EST (#1)
(User #355 Info)
I've always been a big fan of the National Post. It is the only paper that I will buy. As opposed to that leftist/feminist rag, The Toronto Star, the Post -- while sometimes a bit too conservative -- is not afraid to tackle feminist bull and stick up for men.

Unfortunately, it is a dying newspaper. Last time I heard, it was still losing money. I think a lot of people did not like its founder, Conrad Black.
I program my home computer; beam myself into the future.
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