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Mr T Pities Mensactivism!
posted by Adam on Tuesday May 27, @04:24PM
from the Crazy-Fool! dept.
Humor You ever wondered what would happen if an certain 80's pop culture icon came across us, and decided to do what we do his way? well, here's a look at would happen if he got his way. He also showed us what he could do to Angryharry and the Ifems as well. Whew, that was something else :-) I'm posting this mainly for keeping our morale up, as it hasn't always got to be doom and gloom in our line of work.

Women Who Murder Their Children | Wed Night Chat: Big Sister is Watching  >

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keeping morale up... (Score:1)
by starzabuv on Wednesday May 28, @05:10AM EST (#1)
(User #721 Info)
Well, that's a good thing to keep up, especially when there is no "inspiration" to keep anything else up, if ya know what I mean. Even though this is a fight for our very lives, and the lives of our future sons (and daughters, since what we're fighting destroys them equally), it would be a difficult fight to maintain, or to even increase in intensity, were it not for the ability to share a few chuckles amongst ourselves.
Disclaimer: Everything I post is of course my own opinion. If it seems harsh, Feminazis just piss me off!
Re:keeping morale up... (Score:1)
by DaveK67 on Wednesday May 28, @11:05AM EST (#2)
(User #1111 Info)
I thought Angry Harry's site worked better... that was some funny stuff... FOO!
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