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by Anonymous User on Saturday May 17, @05:22PM EST (#1)
That publication is revolting. Just an excerpt:
"Men use violence to establish or maintain power and control, and women use violence either in self-defense, in anticipation of violence, or in retaliation for violence perpetrated against them."
In other words, men are evil, women are good. If you believe that, join NOW, the KKK, or some other like organization. The rest of us have to figure out how to challenge this deeply institutionalized, vicious anti-male hate that has turned men into second-class citizens.
Quite the lack of evidence here. But ya, Nazi's said if you say something enough times people will believe it.
They know studies are coming out, and that men's rights movements are stepping forward. All this trite is is propaganda to counter the movement.
Unfortunately this shit works. As we have seen in the past. It is not the Patriarchy that uses rape to control women, it is Feminism, that uses rape to control women.
Is anything being done about this. I suggest we get in touch with the justice department and let them know the truth about DV. For those living in Sydney, it would be good to get in touch with a local men's organization and see what can be done.
Actually, though I'm from Toronto, Canada, I'm in Sydney at the moment. While in both Australia and New Zealand over the past 6 months, I've had the opportunity to research local gender biases, and the news, in some instances is good, while in others, is bad. I program my home computer; beam myself into the future.
"First, those who work with batterers know that men who batter deny, minimize, and blame their use of violence on others. Thus, if these men are asked if they use violence in a relationship, there is a high probability they will say they do not. By comparison, a female victim of abuse is likely to feel responsible for the abuse and thus say she does use violence, even when in self-defense, in anticipation of violence or in retaliation for abuse against her. "
What a total load of shit. Gender stereotype much?!?
Of course we can rewrite this if we want to play their game of "Nazism Propaganda".
"First, those who work with batterers know that women who batter deny, minimize, and blame their use of violence on others. Thus, if these women are asked if they use violence in a relationship, there is a high probability they will say they do not. By comparison, a male victim of abuse is likely to feel responsible for the abuse and thus say he does use violence, even when in self-defense, in anticipation of violence or in retaliation for abuse against him. "
Can anyone say "Feminist Totalitarian Party"?
God reading that was like watching 1984 with Winston throwing "history" into the fire ie 'research and study on dv' and replacing it with what the party feels to be "Correct". It is not the Patriarchy that uses rape to control women, it is Feminism, that uses rape to control women.
by Anonymous User on Sunday May 18, @04:28AM EST (#5)
The domestic violence industry is the biggest Pyramid scam/Ponzi scam in town. They tell more lies, to make more batterers and victims, to get more money, then do it again, and again, and again, and again, ad infinitum, ad nauseum.
There's nothing more crooked than a cop on the take, getting money from the d.v. scam (funding for police d.v. programs), unless it's a judge who KNOWS she's breaking higher laws (U.S. constitution) by following d.v. law, or a legislator who knows she's making a law (d.v.) based on lies and corruption. The Mafia are amateurs. The d.v. industry are the professional mobsters (organized crime).
Very Truly Yours,
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This report is a crock. Even so, it can work for us. The report claims that:
"During 1998, women were the victims of intimate partner violence about five times more often than males. There were 767 female victims of intimate partner violence per 100,000 women that year, compared to 146 male victims (Ibid.)."
I'm going to try not to get caught up in their lying numbers game. Attack them based on their own numbers. The question to ask, and what I will be emailing to them is, "If men are nearly 20% of the victims what treatment is available? Is it comparable to what is available for females and if not, why not?"
Let their own numbers collapse on them. They are a house of cards and if good people stand up and challange them they will fall.
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