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I don't see where the author gets off saying that all gay people are NAMBLA supporters. He also talks about anal sex as though there were no straight people doing it, which I think we all know is ridiculous. Some good points were made about Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton, however.
I don't see where the author gets off saying that all gay people are NAMBLA supporters. He also talks about anal sex as though there were no straight people doing it, which I think we all know is ridiculous.
Rowles likes to go off the anti-gay, radical, right-wing Christian deep end.
I think the problem, then, is associating a group of people with lobbyists. Kind of like if you associated a group (say, white people) with lobbyists and other political organizations (say, the KKK).
by Anonymous User on Wednesday May 14, @08:27AM EST (#5)
What a wonderful correlation on how the "victim mentality" societal collective consciousness has eroded the fundamental sanctities of traditional values and the family unit.
The only common denominator for all "victim groups" is that the white male is the villain and that traditional western value systems need replacement.
This article clearly outlined the abuses the system has brought into the lives of men, in college, the home and the workplace. It also notes how these issues are going unnoticed in the media.
The media is the unifying agent that has enabled many of the issues men face today. Constantly feminist and sodomist friendly, while maintaining a slightly denigrated concept for heterosexual males in the news and in programs. There is barely a show that doesn't depict the patriarchal figure in work or a home as being somewhat dependant on a woman or as a fool who is only a figurehead and nothing more.
The impact feminism has had on the family unit is profound. Anyone who has been through a divorce or has had bogus DV charges alleged against them knows that simply by virtue of being a man, a women can imprison you on her word alone and get the upper hand in all divorce and asset issues (VAWA). I know this personally…
As this article points out, the sodomists are in league with the feminists as the destruction of the nuclear family is central in order to maintain their deviant behavior and to establish more power within society. Contemporary activist groups HAVE been hijacked by bigoted haters of decency and traditional values…and they are united in their contempt of masculinity. Sit back and watch as the media renders men and decent women into passive supplicants to the value structures of sodimists and patriarchal hating lesbians.
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