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by Anonymous User on Monday May 12, @04:11PM EST (#1)
When I caught my ex cheating on me and after I left her life for good (without hurting her or anything), the cops show up at my door the next day and arrest me for aggrivated domestic assault.
I got locked up for over a week for having done nothing more than catching my ex cheating, and the DV system came down on me. This was done to satisfy my ex's guilt or something where she HAD to be the victim in the eyes of our friends/family, society at any cost...even at the expense of my innocence and freedom.
Although my story is a bit different compared to the story here, the bottom line is women can use the "victim card" under any circumstance and the media, friends, everyone just take her word for it and the whole status of any transgression is changed.
There has to be equal punishment for people that fake crimes. In otherwords, if you allege it, and it is later found out to be malicious and fabricated, that person should do the time the original crime carried with it. When is a precedent going to get set for this!?!?!!
It is only fair.
An alderman is a city counselor.
I submitted this link after the first one that is on the front page stopped working. You can take off the second submission. 030510.cowent10/BNStory/International/
This is a really sick article it was put out on mother's day. To sum the article up it defends Dar's behaviour by saying if it wasn't for that horrible guilt feeling and the chance of getting caught almost every mother would do the same thing Dar did. We all know how hard the life of a successful alderman with a great husband can be. All women should rise up and have multiple affairs to make up for the difficult life of being a mother.
My favourite sentence in this article is "Unfortunately, in the heat of the moment, Ms. Heatherington forgot about the cops.", oh how unfortunate that she got caught having an affair and lying to the people of her city and the police. If she had only got away with it.
This is just a sick justification for the immoral behaviour of a public official. I had my wife read it and she beat me in the rush to email the author of the article it pissed her off so much.
You might have to put the site address in twice for some reason the first time I put it in there is no article but the second time the article shows up.
Go to, type dar heatherington in the search this site area. The article is named Flight is a Motherhood Issue. You can even read a comment from a women that is surrounded by "family who loves me and colleagues who respect me" yet still wants to slut around the world.
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