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by Anonymous User on Friday May 09, @02:44PM EST (#1)
It's the same old, un-written law that says; If women do it, it's perfectly acceptable, but if MEN do the EXACT SAME THING, it's WRONG, simply because it is men doing it. or in this case buying the magazine.
When I'm in the check-out line at the supermarket, I see TONS of, what might be considered "risque", "kinky" or "indecent" images of women on the covers of WOMEN'S magazines. No one bats an eye!
But put it on a MEN'S magazine cover and it's EEEEEVVVVIIILLLL!!!
It could be the EXACT same picture from a woman's mag, placed on a men's mag, and it would still be "frowned upon", simply because it is a MEN'S magazine, PIRIOD!
That's the way the "under-system" works.
Now, Thundercloud, we must realize that when women enjoy sexy articles and photographs, they are erotic. When men enjoy them, they are pornographic.
(sarcasm off)
by Anonymous User on Friday May 09, @04:57PM EST (#3)
Women dressing sexy and showing off their half-naked bodies is empowering. When men notice, they are exploiting those women.
Can't you people understand this?
I wish I could at least pretend to be surprised by this silliness.
Move along, nothing to see here. Men's magazine showing how to get the best out of your stero, and fix up your body with a few alluring pictures not allowable. Woman's mags about how to give good oral sex and how to drive a man wild in bed quite alright. Nothing to see here...move along.
by Anonymous User on Saturday May 10, @07:41AM EST (#5)
Feminists are not to happy about "mens magazines". Currently, they are often edited by women and deal with such highly relevant topics as souping up your motor bike/ improving your golf swing etc. etc. However, sooner or later, feminists know that they could become a forum for discussion of real mens issues. The "womens magazines" of the 1950's metamorphosised from knitting/cooking manuals into valuable feminazi tools in the 1960's and 70's. This is probably the real reason for banning these magazines. I don't ofte read these magazines but occasionally you will see an article about custody issues/false allegations etc- and this has obviously alarmed the feminists.
by Anonymous User on Saturday May 10, @05:35PM EST (#6)
"However, sooner or later, feminists know that they could become a forum for discussion of real mens issues."
I personally would love to see this but I think something like half the staff at Maxim is female and I bet FHM and Stuff are the same. I think men should be more offended by these mags than women. The basic premise seems to be "dude, we know you are a lazy, farting neandrathal but if you follow these 29 steps hot chicks will talk to you."
I do, however, think that a "real" men's issues magazine will come about within the next couple of years and will eventually do well. I am not sure what the cost is for a start-up magazine but I'm sure alot of men like myself would be willing to invest early on.
I tell you what the problem is, or at least what it is in my eyes: I walk into my student shop, for example. There are special interest mags, loads of womens mags, and an increasing number of mens mags (this is a good thing). However, I get instantly offended by pictures of naked women with little bits of whatever covering their breasts and sexual organs.
And I mean little bits - it's like they're pushing each month/whatever to cover up less, and they're doing pretty well. I don't care about this, or at least I wouldn't if it were on the top shelf. Womens magazines show women dressing prettily, occasionally a little spicily - but they would never show as much flesh as e.g. Front or FHM. They have sex advice - inside. They don't have naked men on the cover with only their bits covered up, in various exciting outfits.
I'm blaming the industry, though. They are insulting men by putting this rubbish on the cover - which to my knowledge attracts an audience of teenage boys, who can't get real porn. This makes them a dumbed down read for grown men. There are speciality mags like motor ones, but they tend to include sexy poses too - which don't tend to be so bad. PC and games mags are usually ok, I get them myself.
I think, as I said before - there is an increasing number of men's mags, and as a result, you should start to see genuinely useful publications eventually. But I admit Jordan's breasts in my face every time I walk into a newsagents, maybe with a chain linked outfit to cover her up (only just her nipples and down below of course - dignified then) makes me feel queasy, especially when I don't even have to crane my neck to look. Hey, slap naked men all over women's mags and I'd understand the anger. Then it would truly be a valid argument.
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