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Woman makes false accusations as blackmail
posted by Adam on Sunday May 04, @11:37AM
from the False-Accusations dept.
False Accusations AFG writes "According to this story in the Sacramento Bee, a women who had falsely accused 8 men of rape -- in a blackmail effort to get $500,000 from them -- received a maximum of only one year in jail, due to a plea bargain. Now, if that doesn't get your blood boiling, this will: Her boyfriend, who had a lesser role in the crime, received a maximum of 2 years in jail. Even if he was the motivating factor behind her rape claims, she was still guilty of more crimes than he was. And wasn't she the one who made the accusation after all? http://www.sacbee.com/content/news/story/6497918p- 7448998c.html"

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