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Betty Lucas And D.V.
posted by Adam on Monday May 05, @07:36AM
from the Domestic-Violence dept.
Domestic Violence radikal writes "OHIO - In May 2001, Betty Lucas violated an order of protection by inviting her ex-husband to a party. Following a violent exchange, both were charged with domestic violence. Lucas also received an additional charge for her complicity in violating an order of protection. Now, Lucas wants her conviction overturned and the Ohio Supreme Court has the tough decision of establishing one's responsibility and culpability in violating an order of protection in domestic situations. http://www.cantonrep.com/index.php?ID=97688"

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Restraining orders (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Tuesday May 06, @08:58AM EST (#1)
The guy should not have gone to the party...laws are set up to punish any violation.

In MA, restraining orders are so facist that if a man were to accidently get hurt and go to the hospital, and she walks in after he was already there, the man would be in violation of the order and punished with arrest.

So, while a restraining order is placed on someone, he can't go anywhere without potential unintended violation...anywhere! Her word alone is the only evidence needed to prove violation, as everyman is thought to be a potential "stalker"

My ex used false DV claims to ruin my life, I had to live for two years like a wanted man concerned she might show up where I was at, and it would be my fault.

this is a free society?
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