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Is there a DV fundraiser in your area?
posted by Adam on Tuesday April 15, @10:25AM
from the News dept.
News Trudy W. Schuett writes "This AM I wrote a letter to the editor for a friend in NoCal, in protest of a fundraiser for the local domestic violence shelter. Much to my surprise, I discovered there are similar events here in AZ on the same day. (April 26) So if you’ve got one of these going in your area, send me the e-mail contact info for whatever paper or TV station may be sponsoring the event, along with info for any corporate or government sponsors, and I’ll send them a copy of my letter (with the correct references plugged in, of course). I’ll need the title, location and date of whatever event they’ve got going. E-mails or the direct URL for any ‘contact us’ form, please! A lot of the corporate websites have their contact info buried, so please don’t make me work too hard! Otherwise I’m happy to do this. There’s still time to get a word in, so e-mail me direct at dsrtlite@mindspring.com with your info. I'll cc you if you like, so you can see what I said."

Women's violence against men...humorous? | MHA's Opposition To The UN's War Against Boys  >

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Question (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Tuesday April 15, @10:40AM EST (#1)
My question is: what is there to protest? Does the shelter only help women? Does it promote man hatred?

Re:Question (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Tuesday April 15, @11:23AM EST (#2)
In the case of the NoCal event, it's entitled, "Walk a Mile in HER Shoes," a 5k walk for men only, as a show of acceptance of responsibility for domestic violence. The shelter itself provides no services for men, and uses some of the oldest nonsense (such as --"every 15 seconds a woman is battered") in its brochure.

In the case of the PHX event--to date there is one shelter that accepts gay men, or men with children (on a limited basis)in AZ. There are no other services for men I'm aware of here.

We cannot begin to approach solutions to domestic violence until the entire problem is recognized. Sheltering and counseling half the victims while blaming the other half for the problem is ineffective and does nothing to serve the community.

Trudy W. Schuett
(who lost her password ;>)
Re:Question (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Tuesday April 15, @11:45AM EST (#3)
That is what I needed to know. I just wanted to make sure I was not protesting just to protest. :) Thank you.

Re:Question (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Tuesday April 15, @12:47PM EST (#5)
lost her password

Should fix that, so you can put your url in your sig and not have to worry about mispelling it. :P
Re:Question (Score:1)
by Tom on Tuesday April 15, @05:38PM EST (#6)
(User #192 Info) http://www.standyourground.com
Well said Trudy.

Must be something in the air. We are planning to go to hearings of The National Advisory Committee on Violence Against Women in Washington DC. on the 25th. Anyone want to join us? email me.

Stand Your Ground Forum
Re:Question (Score:1)
by Boy Genteel on Tuesday April 15, @10:15PM EST (#7)
(User #1161 Info)
Are you going to speak there, or just be a spectator?
Check here please (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Tuesday April 15, @12:17PM EST (#4)
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